13 Replies to “5 Running Flash-Factoids Part II: Spare your eye muscles and save your energy working your legs”

  1. I am learning the balance between treadmill training and outside running. After training for my first half marathon completely on the treadmill I am now learning the mental benefits of heading outdoors!
    I love my knee-length running tights. These legs are strong but the world isn’t ready for thighs this white to be seen in public….
    My squeaky wheel is definitely my feet. I am re-learning my body’s mileage threshold at the moment as I have just started training for my next half marathon. Plenty of time though because it isn’t until January!
    Thanks for the sweet tweet as well gorgeous lady 🙂

  2. I agree with Amy that there’s a balance between treadmill and the outdoors – which is exactly what you were getting at. I have a feeling that if you’re prone to injury, treadmill once or twice a week is beneficial for a softer surface and more even run. BUT nothing beats going outside!

    Shorts irritate me, I still haven’t found a pair that really feel comfortable. I’m going with leggings for now!

    How’s that foot treating you?

    • really?!?!? not one pair of shorts…well, don’t lose hope yet! have u ever tried one of the split styles, i really am mad they phased those out for women’s…i’ve actually bought some men’s splits shorts. 🙂

  3. Well, I’m still learning my body’s threshold because I don’t think I’ve really reached it yet.
    My left knee and somtimes my calves (ususally just sore).
    I love spandex shorts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I have not learned what type of mileage is best for my body. I would love to be one of those runners that run 100 miles a week but I just can’t find the time to see if that is actually possible for me. But it sounds like fun.
    As for shorts I really don’e have a favorite short type, I love running in running skirts.

  5. Running is still so new to me 🙂 I am learning to take interest in my mileage, learning to find what I am most comfortable in (the tighter, the better), learning that sports bras ARE important when it comes to running, learning that what my knees can take and what they can’t. So much! 🙂 Most of my running is done on the treadmill, mainly because I live kind of in the woods and it freaks me out to run early in the morning…. 🙂
    Great post Cait!

    • one of the most exciting parts of running is figuring these things out…and u’re doing amazing with it! i’m so stoked u just got a new treaddy…yea, running in the woods sans sun would freak me the heck out too!!

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