18 Replies to “A Runner Needs to Be Confident…”

  1. love this because we all have to learn this the hard way, i know that i have. this was a wonderful post, and it was just what i needed for one of my clients that insists running every day is necessary for progress. they think i’m crazy telling them to take days off, and i’m glad i’m not the only one who finds it valuable 🙂

  2. I have never run a race, but I have learned so much with the running that I have done. This is such a great post! I am always wanting to just push through the pain and keep going. My body is nearly 37 years old and I know it has limits. What I have learned the most is to embrace my rest days. To actually “rest” and take the time to allow my body to heal and get stronger. 🙂 Thanks Cait!

    • glad u found the post helpful! rest is very important so keep on enjoying it…i always tell myself that it’s the ‘reward’ for yesterday’s hard work. 🙂

  3. Confidence in my running is definitely the largest factor that I struggle with. I think it stems from being a very un-athletic child and not having faith in my physical fitness. The challenge comes in re-framing my self image and seeing that now I am someone who is physically fit and capable of running distances I never dreamed possible, and of racing if I so choose. So for me building confidence is remembering my running journey so far and the goals that I have set and achieved for myself in this area. Of course it is possible Amy!
    Patience unfortunately is not a virtue that I have nurtured a lot over my lifespan thus far, and at this point when I am trying to work myself up to running longer distances it is hard to be patient with myself and remember that I can do it, it just might take a little while. This is where a plan comes in mighty handy for me. If I can see that I plan to progress I am able to be a little nicer to myself and just get out there and go 🙂

    • i think u’re right on the money with a plan. BUT i want u to also have the patience with urself, and nurturing spirit, that if u have to adjust the plan along the way that is okay too. confidence is something i think most of us struggle with, but we gain along the way. surrounding urself by positive reinforcements of ur worth helps…go back and look at the reminders of ALL u’ve done (racing, writing, and in life!!) u’ve got so much worth and remember to pat urself on the back. cuz u got only more in store for u baby! 🙂

  4. Oh Ryan Hall. took the words right outta my mouth! you’re right, resting is the HARDEST part of being a runner. it’s harder than training, and I’m one of those people that learned it the hard way. I’m the girl that never wanted to take a rest day, never wanted to do my easy runs at a pace slower than 7:30 miles, never wanted to cut my mileage before a half marathon, never wanted to decrease my training volume AFTER the race to recover etc etc….but that’s really what makes the difference between an exerciser and an athlete. Being injured definitely taught me to listen to and trust my body. Actually, what this all really comes down to for me is trust. Trust my training plan. Trust my coach. Trust the process. Trust my hard work. Trust my rest. Trust my body. It’s reeeeeeaaally hard, cuz sometimes I just wanna go go go go GO! And it’s hard for me to trust that resting when I’m on the verge of injury is OK for my fitness, hard to trust that injuries will heal, hard to trust that rest is part of the recipe for success….but that’s what you gotta do. Trust that if Ryan Hall says it, it must be so. 😛

  5. I love this!! You hit the nail on the head with this. When I first started running, I actually snuck out after practice because I didn’t want to taper. I think it definitely affected how I raced, and I wish I never did that! I’m still not the best at slowing down and letting myself recover, but I think with experience and age it is definitely coming, along with the confidence!

    • haha…oh man u remind me of myself! (we can laugh at some of the stupid things we did…but at least we KNOW it was stupid!) the thing is tho, thru all the mistakes we’ve learned and sometimes u have to fail first to succeed later. u’re doing great and inspiring others to follow suit!

  6. Great post! Sounds like a lot of what my current coach has taught me and things I’ve learned the long way, but there are no shortcuts, not even to learning patience and confidence! 🙂

    • thanks!! and u’ve got one smart coach if i do say so myself. 🙂
      PS- okay, i’ve got an email on the way to u because i’ve got way too much to say 😛

  7. Pingback: “I’m Better Than You” — Being confident in yourself doesn’t mean you have to be an ego-maniac |

  8. Pingback: When Forcing Yourself to Feel Like You Don’t Belong Works: Running and life goals achieved by feeling like a ‘poser’ |

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