6 Replies to “Believing, Running, and Lies”

  1. Listening to your own lies about running and your body and learning to tell the difference between slacking off and needing a rest day is very important. I think sometimes as runners we get stuck in the training lock and I am guilty of this myself. I love having a training plan to stick to, but sometimes I can be too rigid and I need to learn to back off a little and allow some flexibility in because rest can be just as important as a run!

    • oh i know it! even when i can be ‘smart’ and tell other people they need to opt for the rest, it’s always more tricky taking/listening to our own advice, right?!!? but i too have learned that in the long haul flexibility always wins out. 🙂

  2. I’m wondering if I’m lying to myself when I say, “Yeah, I’ll be able to run after surgery…and it’ll be a good thing and not dangerous at all.”

    I probably am. But I might just listen to the lie.

    • ALWAYS listen to that lie…i’m proof that you can believe your way back to being a runner! stay strong and good luck…will be thinking of you!

  3. Oh so many of ’em…

    Good: Just one more interval (and then one more, one more, one more).
    Bad: But…(wah wah!) this might (wah wah!) hurrrrrt!!! (In the tired, sore, ‘painful’ 5K way)
    Dangerous: Who needs salt tabs? BWAHAHAHA!

    Also? I would *love* to see a running skeleton. I’d totally be on board with that shirt!

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