11 Replies to “Finish Line Face: A runner’s grimace-smile as they head for home”

  1. Ha – I’m sitting at my desk and I dropped my shoulders when I got to that line.

    I have to humble brag that I am one of those people with some fast twitch in me – I can sprint at the end with the last tiny fragments of energy somehow getting me across the line.

    I have a nasty grimace, but usually I run alone, so no drama! When I’m tired I let my core go a bit. I get tummy pain (like a lot of runners!) and so I just want to relax those muscles. It’s always a fight with them to will them to hold me up until the end.

  2. I do make a face! 🙂 I really try hard to relax my upper body when I run, but it doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes, I notice that I clench my jaw and my shoulders. Why do I do this??!!
    Counting strides is a great idea!

    • aaahh, the tension jaw clencher!! it’s because you’re tired (uhhh, running usually does that…hehe) and people slip into different bad habits when they’re tired. next time you notice you’re clenching and your shoulders are raised, open your mouth wide, take a deep breath, and shake out those arms. 🙂

  3. When I am running a race I am usually in the zone which means blank face or pure agony depending on how fast I am pushing myself and then the moment that I see a cameraman I plaster a smile on my face, I try really hard to have good race pics! lol

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