16 Replies to “I Run For Bribes…Bribes and Blackmail too I Guess”

  1. It’s nice to know that sometimes you don’t want to do it either!

    I bribe my body with food too – the more you run, the more you can eat! The sense of accomplishment is worth more than money.
    ‘I ran a 10km’ sounds so much better than ‘someone gave me $100’

    For blackmail – failure. I do not fail. I do not want to admit to giving up!

  2. Bragging rights work as bribery for me! That and the promise of peanut butter or ice cream or a wonderful afternoon nap 🙂 I also use television shows as bribery, as in ‘I can watch x television show during my run’. Distraction and motivation!
    Runner guilt? I’m guilty too. Although I try not to beat myself up too much and just get back on target the next day.

  3. Food. Cold chocolate milk. Chocolate. Pizza. And I remind myself how great it will feel laying on the couch with all my muscles still firing but me just laying there with a pop (yes, a pop) in hand.

  4. The feeling of confidence is almost like a bribe for me. I know if I keep running, I’ll feel so much better for the rest of the day/week. If I stop running, it turns into intense runner’s guilt blackmail. Nooooot cool.

    P.S. I really like your wording throughout the post. It’s very unique and a nice change of pace from other blogs I like. 🙂

  5. bahahahahaha. omg. this just reminded me of the last 3 miles of my 50. literally i was talking out loud to my calves/quads/legs in general. Dear legs…i know you have been through so much. 50 miles is a really long way to go. I get it. It probably really sucks to do this. And you probably hate me. But we have come too far and are too close for you to give up on me now. I could get sub11 you see and that would be really cool. So maybe after this we could rest and not run long for a really long time. Or ice. Or not run at all.

    One week off. that was all the mind could handle. hopefully my legs forgot the bribe;)

    • oh my word, if there was ever a time to bribe those legs of your’s!! i LUV tho how quickly they recoup and are ready to be thrown back out to the land of runnerdom! 🙂

  6. You’re blog is great!
    I tell myself how skinny I’ll be. Or how if I wasn’t a runner I wouldn’t get to indulge the way that I do.
    Sometimes I resort to “I’ll get new shoes or etc. soon” or “I’ll get to drink beer tonight” if things get really bad.

    • thanks so much!! hahaha…u’re so funny, i do often think, “umm, how sucky would it be if i weren’t a runner and couldn’t eat like a total fat kid?!”

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