6 Replies to “If You Loved Me You’d Make Me Run Faster”

  1. Okay, it’s rude to visit your very cool blog and not actually read it. Please forgive me. School just finished today and I’m super tired. I’m just looking at your pictures. Did you draw them? I can’t quite tell from the signatures. They’re beautiful!!

    My Running Shortz

    • say what?!?! my words aren’t as captivating as the pictures?!?! πŸ˜‰ jk…thanks on the kind words on the art…yup, yup all mine. πŸ™‚

  2. I love my long term non-runner man, but sometimes I think a runner would get it more! A non- runner just doesn’t get a bad tempo run or that you need to eat a certain way at a certain time, and they are less keen to come to your races. That said, it’s a refreshing reality check at the end of the day.

    • i would feel bad for the non-runner bf when i’d come back from a bad tempo ready to bite the head off of the poor soul who asks how it went. πŸ˜‰

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