My New Love Affair With Stretching and How it’s Rocking My Running

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8 Replies to “My New Love Affair With Stretching and How it’s Rocking My Running”

  1. Hooray for touching your toes! I can touch mine although not like, immediately upon waking or anything… lol. Yoga really helped me a lot too. I’m glad you have a good therapist and didn’t realize that the car accident could leave you with that even this many years later, but best wishes in accomplishing even more with running now!

  2. 1) Do you stretch often? I am a yogi so I stretch at least 6 days a week.
    2) Do you actually LIKE to stretch? LOVE it. I’ve yet to decide where my passion lies – running or yoga. Yoga is my only method of cross training – I use it as strength and stretch and am never injured. (I’ve debated getting my yoga teacher certificate JUST to teach runners!)
    3) Are you on instgram?? Let me know!! nope,

    • yogi in the house!!! hehehe 🙂 you honestly should get your certificate because SOOOO many runners need that positive brainswashing..eeer, stretch sessions 😉

  3. I am on Instagram. I think my name is TheCookieChrunicles on there….I do believe in stretching although I am sure I don’t do it right. Massage is rather key as well, totally agree. Sometimes I feel like stretching helps my muscles warm up/recover better and sometimes I don’t feel the difference but I remember to stretch anyway.

  4. Pingback: 4 Crazy Important Stretches for Runners: Hamstrings, hips, glutes, and psoas |

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