12 Replies to “Oh You Twilight Peeps — What Would You Get Up Early For?”

  1. 1. No.

    2. over the years Ive learned to rise early. I never have trouble geting out of bed for a group ride with my training friends.

    3. Yes and they all involve public lap pools. The hardest part of triathlon training for me is geting quality swim workouts in at the pools around my house. Pool eitiquette is basically lost on everyone. I get mad, it gets weird.

  2. hahaha. ok so the summer after my senior year of HS, I was training for my first fall college xc season. one day, my family was going on a vacation, and our flight out of Philly was at 8am, so we had to be awake at about 4….and the night before, I’d gone to see my favorite band in concert. I didn’t get home until 1am, so instead of sleeping for two hours to get up at 3 to fit a run in, I just came home from the concert, downed some coffee, and went for a lil 8 miler…then came home, stretched, did corework, all in time to eat, shower, and look pretty before heading to the airport.

    Twilight fans are still crazier than us runners though. 😛

    • hahahaha…way to go and power thru that all-nighter with a run! 🙂 i give u credit tho, there is no way i’d have made ANY attempt to look pretty on the way to the airport, heck i mighta even opted for a 20 min nap in lieu of shower/dressing. hehe 😛

  3. I read two of the Twilight books and they were…meh. I’m not sold, that’s for sure. Maybe if it’s on TV in a year I’ll watch it? I’d get up early for runs, flights and family holidays – Christmas in our house sometimes starts at 4:30 when the youngest sibling is awake!

  4. I am not a big Twilight fan, and you definitely wouldn’t catch me camping outside a cinema all night for it! I’d much rather sleep 😛

    I get up crazy early for running, and that’s about it! Like today’s race I had to be up at 5-something, which for me is EARLY! Didn’t relish that one haha! I admire you endlessly for the 4am pre-flight run though! That is pure dedication 🙂

  5. I was so into Twilight when it first came out and I was completely Team whichever guy takes off his shirt first.
    Then, it fizzled out for me.
    I will still go and see the last films because my Mum really loves them and it will be a chance for us to do something together (which I love!).
    I get up crazy early nearly everyday (like 5:30 am) so to get up even earlier than that usually means that I have 1. a burning desire to go to the beach before it is inundated by families and teenagers, 2. a burning desire to spend as much time as humanly possible in the kitchen on a weekend thus completely destroying any need for sleep or 3. I have had way too much green tea the night before.
    My funny workout story: I went out for a run while on holidays in Rome last year, got lost because I left my map and sense of direction at the hotel, and so I had to ask the policemen to help me (they didn’t speak English, my Italian is beyond terrible and they kept asking me if I spoke Turkish — ah, no?!) and get a cab ride home at 7am on a Sunday morning. Now, I book hotels with treadmills 🙂 and spend my money on shoes, not cabs 🙂

    • awww, u poor thing all lost in Rome, can i just say that would TOTALLY be a cait story!! this girl has the worst sense of direction ever!!! okay, i still love u even after ur long-time ago twilight love past. 😉

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