8 Replies to “Reach For Those Times – Setting Goals and Benchmarks Along the Way”

  1. resolutions are for people who need to MAKE themselves do something they don’t actually currently like to do (I resolve to lose weight…so I’ll eat healthy things when I’d rather have pizza and work out when I’d rather watch tv etc). GOALS are for people who want to get better at what they already love! (runners, dur).

    I know what you mean about having a coach set goals for you – sometime I never even considered trying my hand at an OT qualifying marathon until I became friends with a former Brooks-Hansons runner who told me that I not only could, but SHOULD. I never saw myself as capable of that level before, and still sort of doubt it – but its amazing what someone else’s opinion of you can inspire you to go after!

  2. I like what Kate said about resolutions and goals! I think that resolutions seem so negative, like you’ve done something wrong and need to force change. I think goals are definitely more positive and show that you have initiative and truly desire what you are going for!
    I love the idea of “owning it like a rapper” – my trainer noticed yesterday how I am so lacking in confidence. I struggle! I don’t set really high goals because I’m afraid of failing. This year, my goal is to have confidence and believe in myself, because even if I fail, I’ll probably get further than I would have if I wasn’t shooting for the stars!

    • i agree, i like kate’s distinction between goals and resolutions too!

      hehe…u work on that rapper strut of u’rs, okay?!?! built the self-confidence girl!!

  3. I have never really set myself running goals before, other than to just reach the finish line (and I am always surprised when I actually do), but this year I am aiming for two half marathons, a few 5K fun runs and some 10Ks as well. The best thing about these goals are that I get to share most of them with my little sister because we will be racing together. Now my only running goal is to cross the finish line with her by my side! Sweaty sisterly solidarity, that’s what it’s all about 🙂

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