9 Replies to “Running ‘No Fluff’ Zone: What the masses don’t want to read about”

  1. Per normal, you’ve hit the nail on the head! That crap makes me nuts!!!! Common sense has been thrown aside for an easy way out. I get asked what I do for tight arms or how I keep the mid section lean and when I say I eat as close to nature as I can and run or do yoga for an hour EVERY DAMN DAY (yes I just quoted a Nike t-shirt) they move on to find something easier. Or when I see 50 facebook friends liking and following the “tight ab challenge” page or the “squat your way to a Brazilian butt in 2 weeks” page it makes me want to puke. Wow, I didn’t realize I needed rant. PS I just requested Diet Cult from the library.

    • rant on, Sister, rant on!!! oh and add the Ab-Zapper to the list!! haha. seriously, have to ‘love’ those people that are just searching around for the answer they want. yay! can’t wait for you to read it when it’s available, i’m sure you’ll love it!

  2. I am definitely in the ‘low miler’ range there. I manage about 30 miles per week. I can’t really fit in anymore than that, and once I do go over that mark my knee and foot start breaking down 🙁
    However, I am starting to try and incorporate some more strength training and yoga to cross train and be actively restful in addition to running.
    I wish I had time to fit in 50 miles, but those brownies aren’t gonna bake themselves 🙂

      • hahaha…totally gotcha cuz I’m reading from the back end. 😉 xoxo you!…and you make the MOST of those miles you run of that I know.
        PS- ummm, if u weren’t baking me brownies then THAT would be the tragedy! 😉

  3. I was nodding my head the entire time reading this! I’m very tired of those articles “lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks!” and “5 weeks to your fastest 5K.” Unfortunately, I think it’s demand from consumers that drives those types of articles. The majority of America doesn’t want something that’s going to take a lot of work and months or even years. They want it quick, NOW!

    You want to know something crazy? The training plan I’m following for Marine Corps (courtesy of the Hansons) has more days of running and more mileage than I’ve ever done before. And I’m excited about it! I’m looking forward to pushing my body further than I have before and seeing what happens. 🙂

    • crazy awesome! 🙂 us runners always get excited about venturing into new territory…here’s to more mileage and ever reaching higher for those goals!! keep it up girl! 🙂
      PS- u’ll do great, add more gradually and strength will reward you

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