8 Replies to “Sandy Pants, Racing for Your Cookies, and Techie Apps”

  1. I love the beach and so I don’t really mind getting sand everywhere. Well, you know not everywhere 🙂
    I’ve never hit anything thank goodness, I think I would be in the same guilt boat as you Cait. I have seen a dog get hit before though by a car driving in front of me and I still get nightmares when I remember it. Poor thing.
    I haven’t used any of the apps or technologically advanced thingies for a few reasons:
    1. I don’t even wear a watch when I run, or own a Garmin thingy for that matter.
    2. I expressly avoid group exercise situations so that when I run mine is the only voice I’m listening to in my head (apart from tunes that is)
    3. I’m scared of Jillian Michaels 🙂

    • Haha…ya, not everywhere! as for the techie things, i’m with u almost all the way except that i do wear a watch, not a garmin though. and it’s interesting about the thing u say with groups, i’m sort of finiky in that for the most part i do enjoy running just me because of just wat u said, but there are times when i do like the company. not huge groups, but i have some friends that i do like to run with…but back when i did hard workouts i’d always like the company because they help w/pacing and pushing me. it’s not that i’m anti-social at all, cuz i LUV people, but i dunno, running is my me time sometimes…lol. and now i’m rambling. oh, and jillian is CAH-RAZY!

  2. Hahahaha that is hilarious about the birdie! Maybe she was smelling some good fried bird! (Too far?)
    I play beach vball every week and I find that you have to let the sand dry and then get it off with a towel. Much better to get off of you. As for your hair… outta luck! 🙂 One time I went to the dealer because my AC wasn’t working in my car- turns out a MASSIVE bug got caught in the AC thing inside the engine… yes, a BUG. EW. I’m so glad I didn’t see it!!!!
    I loooooove my Garmin, though admittedly I don’t download anything to my computer. Though I am loving Daily Mile right now but I wish they had a function that totals your cals even if you aren’t running (they calculate it based on your mileage… which I don’t get a lot of because of yoga, kickbox, volleyball, weight lifting).
    Um, wow. This is a novel. You rock my world.

    • Hahaha….um, i think by now u kno u can NEVER go too far with me…i actually held back on my own snarky quips for the sake of my vegan, animal loving friends. 😉 i’ll have to try the dry and towel thing, i usually get too annoyed to wait and try to get the grit right off…i need to learn the fine art of patience. lol. ummm, and now u’re frying up big ol’ bugs in ur AC unit…mmm mmmm, tasty. thanks for the dish on the daily mile, and that is bunko they don’t include all the other insane amount of workouts u do?!?! umm, so i’m gonna say they suck on that account…thank u, take note, DM. 😉

  3. Still loving the new pro site design!
    I think it’s hilarious there is a smiley face after that note! haha.

    I think I hit 10000 bugs when I live in TX, but nothing bigger than that, thank god.

    I still don’t have any apps and am considering your thoughts about garmins from that email forever ago! I will have to read these comments on this post to see what everyone else says ;).

    • haha…ummm, in my world there are prolly about a gazillion smiley faces, i use those and exclamation points maaaaybe a bit too freely….but oh well, me and elaine b can agree!!!!!!!!! bugs, dang, i forgot about that, i’ve def hit those while driving, i guess i’m just gonna blame it on them tho, keep my conscience clean. 😉 ya, we both are on the fence on this garmin debate, maybe if we talk about it enough diet coke will send us freebies…oh wait, only the really cool kids get free swank. 😉

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