12 Replies to “Summer’s Over and High Schools Need to Stop Messing Around With Our Sports Programs!”

  1. I am already well prepared for my future in an old age facility. I mean, I get excited by documentary re-runs (I have some weird thing for David Attenborough’s accent) and having rice bran cereal with soy milk is my favourite afternoon snack. Wanna be senior’s movie day buddies?
    In all seriousness I feel really old when I walk past the first year university students on the campus I work at. or when I see my high school aged cousin getting shy about boys.
    In Australia its expensive for kids to play sport outside of school, but being on the nerd side of the high school rather than the sport side when I was a teenager I actually don’t really know. In retrospect I wish I had played some sport, or taken up running (obviously the best choice) much earlier than I did.
    My little sister and I went to the same school from kindergarten all the way through to graduating from Grade 12. For 10 years we were at the same school! I loved it 🙂

    • hey, so long as you eventually find the sport/activity that gives you passion then that’s wonderful! 🙂 wow, you ARE lucky to have a sister BFF riding along for every single year…ummm, i wish my sis was closer in age so i could do that. oh, and seriously, the pictures of u and ur sis are way too cute! 🙂

      • Thanks sweetie 🙂
        Yeah, I might be the older one but she is definitely more mature. I swear she is the Vista to my Windows 3.0!
        The age difference gets less the older you get as well. Scary though, my lil sis is getting married in January!

        • married?!?!?! omg, i will flip the day my younger sis gets married, and i’m sure it will happen before me too! at least ur sis isn’t that much younger than you, i’m rocking 9 nears her senior. PS-Vista stinks so make her Windows (whatever the next upgrade is, i’m not techie cool). 😛

  2. I feel so old all the time–not least because I think 10pm is pretty late, even on a weekend! The high school I went to was really small, and had pretty limited sports programs, BUT everyone was required to play one sport! They had an option where if you really didn’t want to do anything, you could do “walking” once a week around the school with one of the teachers. But it was neat how everyone belonged to a team in some way. I would hate for students to miss out on that because of really high fees!
    All my siblings went to different schools since we moved around a lot–even I went to 3 different high schools in my life!

    • haha…okay, i’m gonna have to hold myself back from making any snarky comments about the ‘walking’ class…but i’m sure u can imagine what i’d be saying. 😉 oh man, i can’t imaging moving around so much like that! i would think it fun to see lots of other places but then again that’s a tough age to have to keep making new friends…u handled it so well!

  3. definitely feel old all the time. my little sister is finally in college…SO CRAZY. the money it takes to play youth sports these days is getting ridiculous and pretty sad really. i would HATE if they cut youth sports. sports played such a huge part of allowing me to become who I am today and really helped give me confidence as a kid…plus just kept me healthy. i couldn’t imagine my life without the sports i played back then! yay!!! for your sibs being all grown up. such an exciting time for them and a seriously sweet pic!

    • i know, i totally though of you when i was writing this….both ur little sibs are growing up and tacking the next life step too!! CAH-RAZY!!!

  4. I don’t think I act my age at all! I swing between granny and 5 year-old most of the time! 😛

    And WHY are they cutting those classes? Over here they’re trying to do MORE to get kids active to prevent childhood obesity and stuff! And $200 for it?! Man I would NEVER have been able to sports if you’d had to pay that for it!! That is craaaazy!!

    Oh, and your sister is SO pretty!! Just like her big sister then I guess 🙂

    • “swing between granny and 5 year old most of the time” <—- PERFECT description of the category i fall in too!! luv it! 🙂

  5. Okay. First off, what is your comment program??? Can I get it on blogger? I hate not being able to respond to people’s comments. I know you feel me. Urgh. Should I switch to wordpress? Did you lose anything when you switched?
    Our current Phys Ed program makes it mandatory for all to take it in grade 9. Some provinces (you yanks call them ‘states’) 🙂 have adopted it up until grade 10, and that’s pretty much all we can do. We have an AMAZING curriculum, one of the best in the world, but I feel like I have to try SO hard to get any kind of respect from parents or even kids as it’s often looked at as a joke. I’d love to get more technical- make it more of a course (which would suck, more marking, but it would be more professional). We have one university course in grade 12, called Exercise Science which is AWESOMEness. It is mandatory for anyone entering Kinesiology at ONE school in Ontario- hopefully more (so more of us folks get more Phys Ed courses instead of teaching science or whatever the hell else is thrown my way).
    The programs at my school are fantastic, but I believe highly underused. I also know I am very privileged to be where I am- we have a supportive principal and department that is happy to help out when needed. Now if we could just get paid to coach! 🙂

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