21 Replies to “The Leg That Looked Like a Fish: When muscle weaknesses cause inefficiencies in your running”

  1. Congratulations on the article! I am definitely going to try some of the hip exercises as they get really tight and sore after a long run and I think they might be my weak spot. I don’t run like a gazelle, oh how I wish! I run more like an old chimp: lots of bouncing around and arms swinging – oh and hooting and hollering too when I am listening to the right kind of music 🙂

  2. The article is great. And it’s a really important point. I’ve had my fair share of figuring out imbalances this year. Grr. It was glutes (and now I’ve let those slide again!) and then adductors, ad tight hips…

    Still working on it – it’s a continual work in progress that you know all too well! x

    • we are all works in progress…and if i may say so you are ROCKING the progress! i’m continually impressed by ur learning curve of the sport, u’re lightyears ahead of where i was!

  3. My biggest struggle is my R IT Band.. That stupid thing is SO cranky! I do A LOT of stretching after every run. I started doing a yoga class for stretching hips/back/hamstrings, & I started lifting weights – hoping all these things will let me survive a race season with out relying on KT tape.

  4. Weak glutes here! Yep apparently that has caused some of my previous woes (ITB, ITB, ITB).

    I do my corrective exercises on the Bosu once per week… I know its only a token effort but I figure its better than nothing and I seem to be on top of ITB.

    Super sad but I can do my exercises while singing “The Hokey Pokey” to keep the little guy entertained. One day he will realise the real Hokey Pokey doesn’t put your left leg in 20 Tim

  5. Weak glutes here! Yep apparently that has caused some of my previous woes (ITB, ITB and ITB again).

    I do my corrective exercises on the Bosu once per week… I know its only a token effort but I figure its better than nothing and I seem to be on top of ITB at moment.

    Super sad but I can do my exercises while singing “The Hokey Pokey” to keep the little guy entertained. One day he will realise the real Hokey Pokey doesn’t ” put your left leg in” 20 Times!!!!!!

    Love your equations… So true!!!

  6. I have weak hips. And imbalance like every body else. I have been to PT for 6 months to strengthen my hips and the imbalances (along with running outside. Treadmills = weak hamstrings from what I understand). I think the best thing I learned was ankle weights. Work all 4 sides of your leg with those bad boys. (Added bonus, you work your core the whole time).

    I would like to fix my stride. I think that I don’t extend as far as I could.

    • YES on the treadmill causing weak hammies! i’ve told my friends who are treadmill addicts that they better do something to counteract the weak hammies! 🙂

  7. OMGosh, this is so me too! I don’t FEEL weird running, but when I see a picture of myself I am like, “Whaaaa?!” It’s crazy! And I hate it…mainly because I feel like it looks goofy on me;) I have wondered many times how I could fix it, or if I could fix it. I’ll have to try some of your suggestions! Well, later I guess…talk about starting at square one-I’m was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer 4 years ago and had surgeries, chemo, radiation, and am still on hormone therapy but just couldn’t handle the mastectomy emotionally/mentally at the time. So I’m doing it now. In two weeks I’m having a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. So I will spend my time recovering and researching how to come back stronger;);)

    • haha..i kno right?!? same thing with my face, i look at pix and think, “omg, i look like a psycho!” 😛 that said i’m sending u ALL of my best vibes for ur mastectomy! u are being SOO brave and doing wat is so important for ur health and for ur family!!! the road ahead will be filled with emotions and obstacles but u CAN get thru them, remember that u’re stronger than u think but when u’re not u have others to lean on!! XOXO

  8. My form has been a freaking disaster over the last year which is probably why I got compartment syndrome. I suppose if it feels like your left leg is going numb, your shin feels like its’ going to explode AND it feels like you are dragging your leg you probably should stop running. Lesson learned- listen to your body. For the last 5 months I have been doing form drills so that I run on my forefoot and not heel strike. It has been so freaking hard, but I am finally getting the hang of it. I even just posted some form improvement pictures on my last blog post:

    • oh man, compartment is a beast!! i’m so happy u’re finding ur way back to running pain free and strengthening the body to beat that horrible shin ache! :)PS- shoes also have a pretty big bearing on compartment, i’m sure u’re wise to that one too and in supportive shoes. 🙂

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