8 Replies to “There’s Magic in That Stride”

  1. Cait this is so beautiful! I am always so grateful when I can take a moment during my run to pay attention to the magic of being out there on the road and feeling the natural motion of my body.
    I can’t wait until everything has healed enough so that I can bring back my morning runs!

    • BIG HUGS!!! my gosh, i’ve been thinking about you and sending you big hugs and positive healing vibes. you take care of yourself, i’m glad you’ve been cleared to take some EASY runs…savor those endorphins but listen to your body too! xoxo

  2. Love this! For me the more intense the session the bigger the high but as for “magic” that happens in those effortless runs when running and your body are one. And exactly like you so PERFECTLY described you are in awe. I long for those moments!!!!! :=)

    • oh, i give the high after crushing hard workouts ‘endorphins 2.0’ hehe. yes, those magic moments…you will have them soon!!! trust me, Girlie!! 🙂

  3. I feel the most magic after a solid long run. A great long run is second only to a late-evening summer track workout. After those track workouts I drive home with the windows down and just feel like I’m floating.

  4. Pingback: Where the Magic REALLY Happens |

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