20 Replies to “To Run Great You Have To Trust Yourself, To Do That You Put Trust In Others”

  1. Woman, you have the best posts!!

    For me, I really have grown to trust myself more and more.(It was really lacking at first). I had to trust in my ability that I COULD go and do a 1/2 marathon etc.

    I don’t have a running coach but I love that you pointed out we have to trust in our training and our training program – something else I learned to do as well!

    My parents are definitely my supporters! My last 1/2 really really sucked, and it was texting my dad when I was feeling awful that got me through it!

    • thank u!! and i think for a LOT of us (women and girls especially) trust in ourselves and have confidence is something that has to be built up over time. and like u, running REALLY helped me in that regard. 🙂

  2. Trust in my training is a huge challenge for me! Thanks for putting this reminder up at such a timely moment while I am in the middle of this round of training 🙂
    I don’t have a running coach, although I think of you, Kate, Jenelle, and Julia as my unofficial coaches/mentors/idols 🙂
    My Mum is a huge, huge, source of support for me. Although she doesn’t understand how on earth she (a dedicated non-athlete) had a daughter who enjoys running, she is always there for me at the finish line, and she is the first person I call after I have finished a long run, and gives the best mid-training-blues hugs ever!

    • awww, b’gosh, i’m so honored to be a part of the chickpea cheering posse!!! and dang, am i in the BEST company! 🙂 and i love ur dear mum to bits, that’s how it should be…regardless if they understand wat in the world is going on or what drives their child to go for it, they’re out there cheering their hearts out!

  3. So important! Now I want to meet some of your coaches.

    I am lucky to have a chiro who has full faith in me and my ability, and never, ever says don’t run. He has got me through every race I’ve wanted to run.

    Rake and my Dad put up with a lot. Oh – and my blog friends ;-). I have a huge thanks to extend to a wonderful Cait.

    • thank u kate and i’m continually SO proud of u! and just as much thanks go for YOU supporting ME! 🙂 blogging buddies do, indeed, rock…hehe.

    • VERY true! sort of crazy how in this case we have to ‘trust’ that wat our brain/body is telling us isn’t something we should ‘trust’! wait, should i reread that again? 😉

  4. What a great post with perfect timing! I do not have a coach or a partner. I’ve tried finding someone nearby but have not had any success. I’ve seen one lone runner in the neighborhood but he’s at marathon level and I’m just wanting to get through a 5K. The other runners seemed to be paired up (with their spouse). I get support online from runners like you. Thank you!

    • thanks and i’m glad this came at the right time! i hope u are able to find some physical bodies to run with but until then u kno u ALWAYS have us cyber buddies. 🙂

  5. I def agree with this. I’ve had my RC for 2 years (well, I don’t have her when I’m taking some downtime). I trust her completely. I always know I’m well trained. I never doubt that.

    Running/training with a few good friends recently has helped me a lot – both in tempos (which I struggle at) and the mental side of racing. Both my friend and I run together a lot and we’ve both improved a lot this fall, and I think it is from running together. We’re going to train for a marathon in the spring and I’m excited to see how that will go for both of us! I also did a lot of my long runs for my fall marathon with another friend and they were so much better/faster than any other long runs I’ve ever done.

    Cool post! Power to running buddies!

    • training partners are SOO helpful for those hard workouts and GOOD LUCK to you girls in that marathon…u’ll all pull each other along and do great! 🙂

  6. this is so true! i am running with a friend to help her train for a marathon and we both feel like we are each others rock! I am thankful for her encouragement and vice versa. Lots of trust!

    • female training buddies can be tricky to find the right fit, but once u have a good one, CLING to them for dear life…makes so much difference…keep up the awesome work u two! 🙂

  7. I always struggle with my mental battles in terms of confidence. For example, right now I am attempting to get over a knee issue. I am having trouble finding the confidence to move forward because I don’t want to aggravate things. Additionally, I am having trouble trusting in my training choice to completely alter my running form my calves are constantly sore, but I continue to put faith in something I have only heard works. Furthermore, I don’t have a coach or any running friends to tell me whether in am doing it right. I just have to have faith and move forward.

    Great post btw.

    • i’m glad u liked the post, and yes, injuries can send our runner psyche for a bit of a loop! do all u can to be ‘smart’ but don’t lose touch in keeping the self-confidence that u CAN move past those injuries…keep up the great work!

  8. I’ve never thought running as a trust sport until this post. Its easy to forget that you don’t always do it by yourself, even if you are physically running alone. I’ve put a lot of trust in other bloggers and runners who are better than me. None of my friends and family really run, so I’ve had to put a lot of trust in strangers and other bloggers.
    I wish I could afford a coach….. one day! LOL
    My biggest non-runner support is my brother. He gets just as excited about my races and runs as me. I’m always excited to call him after I’ve done something spectacular running.

    • oh my gosh, it SOOO is a ‘true’ sport!! hahaha…and i may be biased but i’ll say it anyways…it’s the best sport. 😉 glad ur brother is always there cheering for u!

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