9 Replies to “Warning: Lurker in Car Watching Runners on the Road”

  1. On the street, in the gym, from their car to the shops – yep I’m a running assessor too. I do not lay claim to being the best runner, heck I know my foot strike is probably in need of serious reassessment and don’t even get me started on my upper body – fail.
    Sometimes I shake my head at the shoes people wear – or the girl at my gym who wears jeans, I am also a minimalist runner, I don’t wear a watch, any technology, or even carry water with me so I don’t understand why people think that they need to carry a Sherpa like load with them when the whole point is to feel free and light 🙂
    I can’t believe that they cut all the running teams! Especially when running is a gift you can give people for life! You don’t see many 75 year olds playing football, but there are plenty still out there shuffling along the pavement in their sneakers!!

    • whoa, stop the presses…u saw someone running in a tassled shirt?!?! people…are u kidding me?!?! i guess it only would have been better should it have been a tassled bra. 😉

  2. Hee I know what you mean!! I always always ‘assess’ other ‘runners'(only to get fierce glares back at me. Boy are female runners so super grumpy :-() . And not only runners! I ‘assess’ just about everyone because runners are few. Near my house, the people along where I …jog… are elderly people in loose shorts and singlets having their evening or morning stroll… oh and people who are walking their dogs! I totally observe dogs! Most are super cute 😀

    Do you kind of laugh sometimes when you see what certain people are running in or running with?
    I feel too guilty to reply 🙁

    • haha….join the guilty party! 😉 yes, i do love cute dogs but i do get really annoyed at people who don’t put their dogs on a leash and their dog either bites at me or runs after me!! 😛

  3. I’ll admit it, I assess other runners as they jog by. I feel like you can tell a lot about a runner based on the gadgets and clothes they wear…but not in a snobby way. More of just an interested/observational/ sometimes comparative way. I think it’s natural for people to do that!!

    I’ve never seen someone run in jeans…danggg that must be uncomfortable!!!

    • You stated it best, and what i hoped i was able to portary…i’m not being snobby at all just like i love to people watch in general, runner people watching is even better! 😉

      haha…ya, i don’t even want to think about the shower one would take after running in jeans!

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