23 Replies to “We Don’t Run From Something, We Run Straight TOWARDS Something”

  1. I always tell my kids that about looking back! I’m such a stickler, I think it takes 2 seconds off their time (in reality I don’t know, but I yell at ’em and say it does!). I’ve heard a lot of people say they’d only run if something was chasing them or running from the police, haha.

    • haha…no joke i had a coach like u and to this day any time i see someone look back i can hear their voice in my head, “you NEVER look back!”

  2. I’m always running toward Sanity. Which I guess It means I’m running from the craziness and being overwhelmed!!!

    Yep heard those too… Or “You only get one body… Don’t want to wear it out running”

    Whatever…. I don’t run to live. – I LIVE TO RUN 🙂

  3. I’m totally with Jenelle – I run to sanity.

    Mr The Rake doesn’t run because there’s no beer at the finish line.

    Your moment to look back at is inspiring! I think you know mine 🙂

  4. Thankfully, I haven’t been hit with that yet. 🙂 But a very cool person told me once that it’s good to look at where you have come from and to see what you have accomplished. 🙂
    When I first started running it was due to a relationship ending, so I guess I was running from something, but now it’s so much more than that.
    Love this!

    • it’s so true that things happen for a reason and good comes from bad; while i’m soooo sorry that it took the ending of a relationship for u to find running, i hope that it and the connections u make because of it fill ur heart! 🙂

  5. I like this line of thought a lot. I def try to be the runner who is running forward. And I agree that we all need to look back once in awhile…just to put things in some perspective and appreciate where we are now.

  6. I am running towards a healthy, stronger me. and food and booze. definitely. 🙂

    I usually get the normal “I’m only running if I’m being chased”. I did read some funny running quotes on Skinny Runner the other day. Some were pretty funny.

    When I finally made it to my first marathon, and even know. I have lost so much weight and gotten so much stronger and it is only because of how far I’ve pushed myself.

  7. I run and I run and I run to catch up to the sun but it’s sinking – racing around, to come up behind me again.
    The sun is the same in a relative way but I’m older.
    Shorter of breath, and one day closer to death.
    (name that artist~ it isn’t me)

    • DANG…okay i could cheat and try to google, but i’m a runnerchick who knows when to admit defeat. and i’m also anticipating that i should know this, the thing tho is i often just listen to songs without really paying attention to the words…i have funny stories in that regard actually. 😛

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  9. I’ve never had people ask what I’m running from … there are comments definitely, but not that. Non-runners just don’t understand!

    I run toward sanity, health, fun, challenge and friends.

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