8 Replies to “What Has Running Taught You?”

  1. I reeeeaaaallllly love that quote! Running has taught me that I am a different BREED! Haha. For real though, I love it. When I need to blow off some steam, I run. When I want to celebrate something, I run. It just makes me feel amazing and accomplished. Being able to eat whatever after a good run is definitely a bonus, too!

  2. I love your list Cait!
    Running has taught me not to judge my present capabilities by whatever might have happened in the past. Running has taught me that I can stand a little pain for the reward at the other end. Running has taught me that when life gets hard, or the road seems too long, you can only keep putting one foot in front of the other, and repeat, because that is the only way to get through anything.
    Running has not only taught me. Running has brought me things.
    Running has brought me to amazing blogging running friends.
    Running has given me the right to eat my body weight in muesli and yoghurt for lunch on a Saturday.
    Running has affected so many areas of my life. I know that I can achieve my goals now. When I plan for something and I really want it, there is nothing and no one standing in my way but myself.
    And she’s just a shadow with running shoes now 🙂

  3. LOVE every word of this. I’m the type of person that needs some alone time during the day, and running gives me that. I’m a much happier person to be around the rest of the day…so actually, I’m being unselfish when I run. 🙂

  4. Pingback: For the Days it’s Not all Rainbows and Gumdrops – Getting the Run in Regardless |

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