I’m Clearly Making a Fool of Myself and Saturday at the Races

Wow, so today I had the incredible urge to really push the limits of my dorkdom. I may have reached an all-time high, and to be quite honest I’m still a little on the fence about just how much I will actually show. Time will tell.

What am I babbling on about? Well, I’ve made a few little videos that might loosely qualify as humorous. I’ll call them workout video spoofs. I made four in total, each one more heinously embarrassing for me than the last. I decided to post this one, probably the one I’m the least shy about, and figured that if nothing else it might offer a couple haha’s for some folks on this fine Saturday morning. So I hope you enjoy. 😛

I’ll finish up by saying that I’m really thankful the gym was totally vacant at the time, but being that it was about 6am I thought I’d probably be safe. As for my own workout, today I put the treadmill to good use and got my run on. Still feeling sluggy in the legs but hoping they’ll get some life in there soon enough. And today was an upperbody weight day too so I tossed around a few 100lb dumbbells and called it a day!

I know the summer race circuit is well underway and there are plenty of folks out there getting it done! I’ve got some friends racing and I’m sending all my positive vibes. A few shout outs to Jenn and Julia up there in Utah taking part in their very first half and full marathons respectively!! They might be done by now, in which case I hope they are refueling in full gluttonous glory after all those miles…hehe. My suggestion would be a mile high stack of pancakes. Actually, if they are lucky they may in fact run into both The Cranky Hamstring and Texas RunnerGirl because they are running up in Utah as well! Cranky’s in the marathon and our Texan beauty is in the 5k. And wouldn’t you know it that place seems to be crazy popular because The Hungry Runner Girl is there too! Back in her first road showing, now with femurs of iron strength (thanks to massive quantities of fro-yo), she’s helping pace a portion of the marathon. Gotta admit I wish I were there and not doing dorky sketches in a basement gym, but such is the way of life…haha!

And on with the rest of the day! Who knows what kind of mischief I’ll be getting into but to all those racing: best of luck and feel free to brag on yourself! To those running and working out in general I hope you’re having fun sweating it out and to those who consider a change of shoes to be your workout, well, godspeed. 🙂

1) In your opinion which fitness persona is most in need of a little ridicule?

I’ve spent a morning with three others…and it was scary.

2) Did you take part in any races?

3) Did you get your workout on in another form?

4) Best thing you refueled with?

I’m boring today it was oatmeal and eggs but in my dreams it was my dad’s chocolate chip pancakes only a day earlier in the week. 🙂

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9 Replies to “I’m Clearly Making a Fool of Myself and Saturday at the Races”

  1. ALI!! okay, so u have to imagine that was yelled in my fully high-pitched chipmunk on crack voice! 🙂 haha, thanks for the vote of confidence…if u look real close u can see that i still have black puffy paint in my eye. 😉 jk. thanks for stopping by girl and u best make urself (w/uke) down to ptown soon! XOXO

  2. HAHA you are TOO FUNNY!! Love that video- TOTALLY made me crack up!! 😀

    Plus chocolate chip pancakes are definitely refuel choice of champions 😉

  3. thanks you two! glad i could give you a few laughs and hope that your weekends are going great!

    and emma…forget wheaties, we've got a new breakfast choice that deserves the champions slogan! 😉

  4. Thanks for the shout out 🙂 I liked the video. Post more! MORE! DANCE, CLOWN! Err..sorry, I got carried away with my excitement.

    Speaking of gym personas, I think I have an idea for a new villain. We call her The Elliptical Queen. I don't condone making fun of people, but if I must for the sake of humor… She is so fake, she's like a cartoon character. She spends hours on the elliptical. She can't do the treadmill because of her gigantic fake boobs. Once I counted 6 bras on her to restrain those puppies. She also has orange, leathery skin, caked on make-up and a big, bleached out perm.

    P.S. Pancakes are awesome, especially after long runs.

  5. we've got a superhero in the house…holla!! hehe.

    guess ur side job is also puppetmaster. we'll see if i'm brave enough to post the others, not gonna lie upon review i make a serious fool of myself!

    okay, that girl on the elliptical is cracking me up!! kinda funny because i swear i made a cartoon of a similar lady not too long ago. though that one was lacking the leathery skin, so it looks like some tweaks are in order! and who in the heck still has a perm these days?

    and congrats on kicking butt in the race today! u also have the satisfaction of telling mr. cranky, "told you so." 😉

  6. SAD! I commented yesterday but somehow it just didn't appear! 🙁

    Anyway, COOL video!!! It is so funny!

    Just to share (because this has never happened before)– I've just started running!! Okay. Jogging. For 20 minutes thrice a week but am real slow and get too tired to do more than that. YOU are my motivation to do better!!! 😀

  7. oh no, i'm so sorry blogger ate your comment! honestly, this stupid blogger has been working my LAST nerve lately!!!

    so thank you SO much for coming back and commenting again. 🙂 glad you liked the video…hehe.

    that said a HUGE welcome to the running world…yay!!! just so you know it's the best sport ever. 😉 don't put yourself down okay? keep on staying dedicated and trust me you'll be so surprised by your improvement and what you can accomplish. the mind is always usually the biggest limiting factor so don't set limits!

    keep up the running and keep me posted! 🙂

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