
I run. I write. I art.

Sums it up pretty well. I also love to laugh, all about the laughter. Laugh when it’s funny, laugh when it hurts, laugh when it’s hard, laugh to get through it. I like to make jokes about the fact that I’ve got a kankle. Runners don’t HAVE kankles you say? Well, I’ll get to that in a minute.

strong runner
I developed my passion for running around high school, worked my runner butt off to get to the 2004 World Junior Track Championships and set the then US High School 5k record. I then had the extreme privilege to run for a living as a Professional Nike Runner. A runner’s dream, right? Lucky Miss Cait.

The kankle comes in when I was out running in 2010 and struck by a hit and run driver. When I looked down and saw that my right leg was almost fully detached below the knee my first thought wasn’t, “Well, I’m glad I’m alive!” it was, “Oh my gosh, will I ever run again?”

The doctors told me that I would probably never walk normally again, and that running would be virtually impossible. I wouldn’t accept that answer and channeled all of that runner determination to get back to the sport of my passion. I know the only reason that I survived was BECAUSE I was a runner, if not I’m pretty sure I would have curled into the fetal position and never moved. Runner’s are tough. It took what felt like an eternity but I am officially a runner again. Well, a runner with a right kankle, a lasting reminder of the accident and also a reminder to be thankful for EACH and EVERY mile I am able to run…regardless of pace.

Training under and working with experts in all facets of sports performance from my Nike days I had been sure to soak up as much knowledge and training advice as I could. I began working as a freelance writer contributing to Running Times, Runner’s World, Competitor.com, and Trail Runner Magazine in addition to posting on my own site.

in hospital

Recovery fueled by chocolate chip waffles and determination.

I do artwork and work as a graphic designer as well. I took my humor and started my comic: Runner’s Strip. I’ve always turned to humor, sarcasm, and wit to get through things; I have to say that 99.9% of the time laughing makes things better…even if it’s not haha funny.

But I wanted to do something more. I wanted to take my experience, my kankle, and use it as a way to inspire in others the message that they CAN shoot for seemingly ‘impossible’ goals and go for it. So I founded Ezzere, my own line of running shirts personally designed my moi. The mission: to motivate and inspire runners, make you dream goals BIG enough to scare you, and GO for them! Then, keep you looking good at the same time. Look good, feel good! 😉

Whether through reading my articles, seeing my artwork, laughing at my cartoons, or running in one of my shirts I hope that you are able to propel your own running forward. Training tips and advice are one aspect, but perhaps the BIGGER one is harnessing the motivation to always keep moving forward. We are each capable of SO much more than we ‘think’ we are.

Cait Chock

Current Shows:
Little Relics Gallery – Sacramento, CA
Details Salon – Sacramento, CA

Previous Shows:
Solo Exhibition – Roseville Chamber or Commerce – 2015