10 Replies to “Runners Out Breaking All the Rules? Which crimes are you guilty of in the name of the run?”

    • totally with u, someone would have to come ask me to get off…and even then i’d prolly beg and borrow a few more mins. 😉

  1. We don’t have cardio limits at my gym, but I will say sometimes I get a little peeved with the treadmills. We have some that have TVs on them, and it gets to me when someone’s on one and walking and not watching it, yet they’re all in use and I want the TV treadmill! I’m doing a long 6-7 mile run on a treadmill, need my TV! Haha.

    Another that got broken this morning was jaywalking, the guy leading our run just basically waving at the car and we all crossed, not at a corner either!

    I definitely love the ‘rules’ though!

    • okay i’ve seen these individual TV’s for cardio and i desperately wish i had one!! seriously for that, if there were a walker using one i may be tempted to just pull the cord and pretend the treadmill was out of order until the left. 😉

  2. I’ve done my share of running red lights also!!! Let’s not forget all those times I’ve sprinted across an intersection with stopped traffic just because I can…. Would that be considered jay running? 😉

  3. I wish I ran fast enough for a cop to be able to clock my speed. That would be fun! The gym where I work, the cardio Limit is enforced more at night than in the morning. I wished we had a track around here that was open to the public. I would love to to some speed work on an actual track.

    • oh man, wat’s with all this track lock-down?? this is no good…tho i will admit to hopping my fair of fences to get on the track. 🙂

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