5 Replies to “The Legs That Cried Wolf: Learning to decide when to listen and when to tune out your body’s messages”

  1. Stupid body!

    1) If my shin or knee hurts but stays at the same ‘hurt’ level throughout a run, I man up. If it gets a lot worse, I have to call it quits.

    2) I’ve learnt that protein is king, but the day before a long run, it’s carb-way or the highway. When hungry, eat.

    3) I don’t have a coach, but I use my physio and my father as pseudo coaches, running issues past them.

  2. I am going through this very thing right now. I have had 3 good solid weeks of training, and adjusting to minimalist shoes for some of the miles, and my legs are sending me signals that I’m intepreting as ‘close to injury’ rather than just the regular pain that I tend to enjoy and take pleasure in running through. Yep, my calf hurts to the touch, is one sign, and just the level of tendon screeching is another sign. I tend to think the best training is taping into your body and inching to the edge of injury, without going over, and then stepping back and letting some healing take place.

  3. Agh! I wish that when my body talked to me it used actual words!! It’s so easy for me to start feeling pain and then want to stop because I fear an injury, but I really just want to keep going.
    “The rest of the day we kind of poke it, test it, massage, ice it, hoping it’s just some weird fluke thing that will go away as soon as it came.” I have done this!!! and recently! πŸ™‚
    I know that if I don’t properly fuel my body and then try to attempt a run, I feel like there is someone setting on my shoulders and tied around my feet. I keep going, but it’s like I am carrying all of that and walking thru mud. Agh!
    I don’t have a coach and I am currently not following a plan. I just run every other day (just recently made the decision to run 4 days a week) and do some other form of cardio/strength on the other.
    This is a lameo question I am sure, but do I need to follow some form of training program? There are no races that I have thought about running, but would like to continue to build my miles. And pace.
    Thanks Cait!!! πŸ˜‰

    • oh i kno, that body can be so back-and-forth sometimes! hehe. But the fueling point u brought up is SOOO important…if you’re going to be asking your body to get out there and work for those miles you have to make sure it’s got energy. [side tangent: that’s why a while back when i mentioned maybe u should bump up the portions, it would be okay and to not feel guilty or afraid u were ‘cheating’ on ur diet. πŸ™‚ ] and u’re getting so great at reading/listening to those runner body signals…excellent learning curve girlie! πŸ™‚

      and that’s not a lame-o question at all! whether you decide to race (they are super fun!) or just want to improve and watch yourself get faster and go further, i always like a coach because then u don’t have to think about the ‘plan’…u just have to do the running. πŸ™‚ if u ever did want some help or coaching suggestions, i could help you out if u wanted, and just drop me an email: captaincait@hotmail.com πŸ™‚

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