Run-Arta-Gram: An arty brain game for runners

These days it aren’t just our feet that are running like crazy, the whole world runs at about a mile a minute. Peoples’ attention spans are fittingly just as blitzy, it’s no wonder social media sites like Twitter and Instagram are so popular. In T-minus 2 seconds you GET THE POINT.

In keeping with short, to.the.point nature I’d like to test out a new theme for some of my posts here. I got the inspiration HERE from an artist, Maria Fabrizio, who takes current news stories then creates an image for viewers in what she calls ‘Wordless News’. I loved how she explained many of her subscribers enjoyed the ‘figure it out’ part, a little brain game to see if you’re hip to the latest news tidbit.

Clearly most of the news I’m reading is running or fitness related, and I’ve no desire to rip her ingenious idea off completely, her work is amazing. But I think it would be a neat creative and artistic stretch for myself to cut out the words and see if I can’t provoke in my readers a similar mind puzzle in grasping the concept. I’ll call it a Run-Arta-Gram Challenge; every picture will be related to running, fitness, and health either news or a tip. Below each image will be a link to the news headline or article I got the inspiration from. Without further wordage…the first Run-Arta-Gram:

the marshmallow test
Article Inspiration: NY Times

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