Who’s ready to run their butt of this September? Scratch that, we already know your answer. But are you ready to run your butt of AND take part in a little September Miles Madness Competition?
Ashley and Cait have made a little bet, you see. Ashley thinks she can find more awesome runners to run more miles than Cait ever could. Cait strongly disagrees and is pretty sure Ashley must just be on an endorphin high. Get two runners with more than a smidge competitiveness together and you can’t really expect anything but Miles Madness, could you?
What’s the Deal?
- Pick a Team: It’s a miles war, people, are you Team Ashley or Team Cait? Pick a side by visiting your Team Captain’s website and emailing them that you’re running for them. Then get ready to log as many miles as you can to help make sure your team comes out the winner.
- Run: Need we say more?
- Report It: After you get nice and sweaty, email your total miles for the week to your Team Captains; then, be sure to check back to their September Miles Madness home pages for the update on how your team is doing!
- Tell Your Friends: Think mob mentality people, the more runners you get competing on your side, the better your chances of coming out the winners. Tweet it, Facebook it, bloggity-blog it, scream it at the person running on the opposite side of the street.
What’s in it for you?
- Running: Obviously the best thing ever, so really this is just the perfect excuse to get out and move it!
- Motivation: Buuuut, sometimes we know there are times when you’re feeling ‘blah’ and need a little push into those running shoes. Consider this your push.
- Your Best Running Self: The secret to running your best and improving is…well, it’s just hard work and consistency.
- SWAG: Okay, okay, yes, even runners get excited about swag and prizes. At the end of the month the winning team will be decided and then some lucky runners from the winning team will be scoring some awesome prizes!! But don’t worry, everyone on the winning team will have the satisfaction of knowing they kicked butt this September. And with all that awesome training, maybe a shiny new PR??
Prizes: The loot pot will continue be added to through the month…so keep checking back and if you like what you see, well, go run! Huge shout outs to our awesome sponsors so far:
The Roster: As soon as you join one of the teams you’ll be added to the main page’s Team Roster so if you’ve got a website or blog you’d like to have linked up to your name be sure to include it in your first email to either Ashley or Cait!
While Ashley and Cait continue to smack talk, dang, they certainly have a lot of confidence in all of YOU awesome runners out there. They are sure that you’ll be able to ante up the most miles this month and finally settle the great debate.
Who will come out the winner?
Which team will prove to be the September Miles Madness Champions?
Which blogger will be left eating their words?
Who will score the SWAG??
Run your butt off and find out!
Team Captains
(aka The Arty Runnerchick)
Favorite distance: Anything long…I have not a single fast twitch muscle fiber.
Favorite workout: Tempo run
Favorite refuel: Do Pop-Tarts count? S’mores
Favorite pump-up song: The Distance by Cake
Next best thing to do when not running: Art!
Person who inspires you: My younger sister, I’m constantly in awe of her.
Started running because…I stunk so bad at every other sport. So looking back, in that regard I’m thankful for my suckiness. For as long as I could remember my mom had run every day but it wasn’t until I was going into high school that I stopped thinking she was crazy for wanting to run…then I joined her.
I stay motivated to run even on those days when I’m feeling ‘blah’ by… remembering how much better I’ll feel after I’m done.
You should be on my team because… we’re going to win! And maybe if I say Pop-Tarts enough times they’ll sponsor us and give us freebies.
To Joint Team Cait: Visit www.CaitChock.com and send emails to captaincait@hotmail.com
Team Cait Roster:
Ali @ Running With Spatulas
Kate @ Run With Kate
Amy @ Proud Patriot
Vanessa @ Gourmet Runner
Mark @ Running, Writing and Chasing the Dragon
Missy @ Southern Girl Running
Christina @ The Athletarian
Katherine @ Neon Blonde Runner
Amy @ Raz-ma-taz
Brani @ Faith, Fitness and Laughter
Chelsea @ Chelsea Wanders
Morgan @ Running [Dharma] Bums
Amy @ Thoroughly Nourished Life
Julia @ Pain, Pride and Perseverance
Sabrina @ Sweet Southern Sweat
Janelle @ Mummy Loves to Run
Runner For Life
Lauren @ Food Running Cats
Favorite distance: 5K, 10K, half marathon, or marathon. I’m not picky. I just want to run, and each distance comes with its own challenge.
Favorite workout: Intervals. I love me some speed.
Favorite refuel: Anything with calories. I typically run before the sun is up, so recovery food is either a smoothie or an egg dish.
Favorite pump-up song: ‘Till I Collapse by Eminem
Next best thing to do when not running: Playing with my kids. Unless they are driving me crazy – then I like to escape for a massage or pedicure.
Person who inspires you: Kara Goucher is my running idol.
Started running because… I originally started running to simply burn calories, but I didn’t enjoy it. Then after I injured myself and needed surgery on my IT band, my surgeon didn’t think I would be able to run again. Three months later I started training for my first marathon for the purpose of proving him wrong (seriously – don’t ever tell me I cannot do something!) and fell in love with it. So I owe my surgeon a big “thank you” for not believing in me. Now I cannot imagine ever NOT running.
I stay motivated to run even on those days when I’m feeling ‘blah’ by… Knowing how good I’ll feel after I’m done.
You should be on my team because… WE will win! And when we DO win, you will have the satisfaction of kicking Cait’s team’s butt. And I might have extra surprises for you, too…
To Join Team Ashley: visit www.blog.sherunsstrong.com and send emails to ashley@sherunsstrong.com
This is the coolest idea!!! Seriously.
u are adorbs! thanks!
Please sign me up on your team Cait!! My 9 to 10 miles a week will surely put you over the top..;) And your just really awesome and I am hoping that helps me run faster!
YES!! you, my dear, would have been forced onto my team whether u had actually wanted to or not.
i just think u’re really, really too awesome NOT to be on my team. 
I’m clearly team Cait – but
my actual ‘running’ miles are minimal
Shall I email you, or are you good with what you have :-P?
you HUSH!! ur miles count double because of ur coolness factor.
i’ll sign you up, link you up on the roster and the plan is to have people email in on Friday’s their totals for that week…then Ashley and I will do the math and give you guys updates each weekend. WHOOOO!!!
PS- thank u so much for all the Twitter love, girl XOXO
I want to join! Do I just e-mail you to tell you? I log all my miles on Daily Mile or I could just give a summary each week? I do between 20-25 miles a week plus cross train so I get some good workouts in
YA!! thanks Amy! i’ll put you on the roster and link your blog up…and if you could drop me an email each Friday with the total miles you’ve run for that week that way i can do the math and Ashley and i can update you all each weekend!
my team has the COOLEST peeps! 
Awesome, I will let you know each Friday :). I am trying for 100 miles this month! Not a lot compared to some but I do Body Pump and yoga too so that’s a lot for me.
YES! thank u…and i’m tempted to delete ur last sentence, don’t u dare be putting down quantity. while, obv, we’re having fun with the challenge, the real factor is balancing quality vs quantity and doing wat’s right for each runner bod. but u’re a coach, u kno that.
I’m in!!!!!! Patty T just emailed this to me
I’d LOVE to be on your team and SCREW your sponsors (just kidding I love them all) but I’d like to win because your team is obviously the best AND I’d love one of your shirts
just sayin’ I’ll be emailing after a share this EVERYWHERE!!! make a button please so I can recruit MORE peeps for team Cait!
You do need to share this on your blog (I would if I had one) because Cait’s team is going to ROCK IT!
you ROCK just as much Patty!! Thanks for joining the fight…we are gonna CRUSH them!
HAHAHA…i LUV u ali!!! seriously, u’re awesomeness knows no bounds and thanks for the brilliant idea for badges, that one i owe all to u…thanks!! hey, i should make u campaign manager.
Sorry, Ashley. I’m team Cait! Will share the link on FB. I’m so in!
bwhaha….i LUV it!!! thanks for all the FB love too girl!
Of COURSE I’m on Team Cait…I begin training for my half next week, so the miles won’t be huge, but it will all add up!!
YEA!!!! this made my night…thanks so much for joining up!!
Reminds me of a trail walk I had with my 6 year old daughter a few days ago. I started to run, and she then yelled, “Oh, it’s on!” and chased after me.
Yes, I’m in. I’ve seen a million blog ideas out there, but never this one. Count me in. I’m good for 150 in September I”m hoping. I will use my daily mile profile to help me keep track. http://www.dailymile.com/people/MarkM62
haha…okay, can i just say how much i’m loving ur daughter right now, hey, can i ask her to join?
SWEET!! thanks for joining, i was so tempted to add a PS to my last Tweet: “hmmm, another way to stay on top of the leader boards is to join Team Cait and run as many 20 milers at 12:01am as humanly possible.”
i didn’t want to weird u out tho so i held off….but since u left the comment i figure now it’s safe and if i still weird u out so be it. lol
You took the high ground, well played. And I did a 20 miler today, all one my own, not motivated by your monthly total. My runs will all be from 4 to 14 for the next few weeks though.
Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!
and I’m team Cait through and through!
I am ready to gear up for some September miles madness
It’s already September here in Aus, so I’ve got a head start with an awesome tempo run today: 5k in 26:45 (my fastest yet) and my next half coming up in 134 days (not that I’m counting or anything…).
YES!!! i want to shout all the way to OZ!!! i LUV PR’s…u best be celebrating up right…i’m so proud of u and what a great way to kick off the madness!
Sign me up girlfriend!! I’d be honored to be on your team
I’ll send you an e-mail.
And PS I totally know what you mean about Richmond…I work hard to find these little beautiful nuggets and fun experiences, they are few and far between haha
thank u!!! i’m so stoked to have u…even if u do run around those sketch Richmond parts.
jk. nawww, i’m just glad u didn’t get upset at me, i’ve had people get a wee bit offended if they’re crazy loyal to their neck of the woods….lol.
BTW, is there any other dudes running along? Hope so, cause this dude abides.
hahaha…okay, so first off there IS another runnerdude, cling to Staples and u guys will have to work the bro-mance in order to dodge estrogen over-load. just kidding…however this is a glaring example of me needing to broaden my demographics…do u think it has something to do with the runnerchick moniker??
i mean, c’mon guys, the website color scheme IS blue! i think it just makes u and Staples cooler…just saying.
way to go on that 20 miler, but i kno u’re hitting crunch time and the taper is called for. i mean, we can’t have u DNF’ing or something.
My taper doesn’t officially begin until october 14th or so. I live in a house with 3 girls, so I’ve been fully emasculated long ago.
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Pingback: Team Cait Knows How to Get Their Run On! Miles Madness Winners and Prizes |