Running Humor: It’s really not funny, but then, again it is

Running can be brutally hard sometimes, that’s why it’s important to make sure you’ve got a sense of humor. Runners can have a sick sense of humor; don’t blame us, it’s kind of like a coping mechanism. Really, sometimes you just have to laugh to keep on going! So in the spirit of taking the edge off the lactic acid burning and other running maladies, I’ve re-captioned a few of my pieces of art…

running to toilet
The butt-clenched shuffle, been there. [Actually serious posts to help with GI Issues: HERE and HERE.]

runner barfing
Ahh, the cover of darkness can at least save you from ruining someone else’s lunch. At least you know you definitely ran hard! [To be noted: when I originally drew this, I had meant for that to be a ponytail dangling over the runner’s shoulder and they were just hunched over. Only now am I realizing that the picture could be put to use in doing grade-school humored barf jokes! GOLD!]

running hard
Come on, you know you’re all thinking of that when you see someone’s race shots and they look like it could grace the covers of Runner’s World. I mean it’s certainly not jealousy when you see how crappy your own shots turn out, right?! 😉

yoga stretch
I know how important it is to stretch, so WHY is it harder to get myself to go to yoga than it is to do 400 repeats until fail?

confident runner
Actually, it’s IMPORTANT to step to the line a gamer. Be confident in yourself, and if you have to let your ego take over for a bit…go with it! Just keep the thoughts in your head, you don’t have to turn into a Kanye.

kiss me i'm a runner
True fact.

Runners, well, we are just better. We laugh an the unlaughable so we can live to get to the next run! 🙂

1) What’s a runner joke you laugh about with your friends? Or a quip you could put to am image?

2) Do you tend to be one of those people who have a really sensitive stomach; either barf-prone of the other end?
Never threw up after a race or workout but plenty of GI issues.

3) Have you ever had a really good racing shot of yourself?
No…I look crazy when I run. When I see pictures of myself I pretend that has to be my crazy twin.

4) You should love a runner because…[finish the sentence]
in running it’s not OCD, it’s quirky and attentive to training details. 😉

run your fortune badge

Run Your Fortune Shirts

get chicking

Get Chicking Shirts



24 Replies to “Running Humor: It’s really not funny, but then, again it is”

  1. Love em all. But the race pic one is my favourite…You mean I am not the only one with UGLY race pics?!!?! And I mean hideous.

    I’ve only really had one GI issue which was in the marathon and I wasn’t stopping for anything then… wasn’t pretty!!

    • haha..i’ve seen some that honestly make me want to embarrassed and i’ve asked people, “do i REALLY look that crazy when I run, i mean REALLY, that bad?!” 😛

  2. Although roughly 99.99% of race/running photos are horrific, there is one that I LOVE – and I have no idea who took it, I just found it online through a photo album from my running club. Weird, right?

    And AMEN to the GI distress. Don’t even get me started on that one.

    • hahaha…and i remember that shot, because u posted it and were in shock at how great it turned out! 🙂 ya, u can i could write the book on GI issues. :/

  3. These are awesome! And I love that most runners can relate to at least some so there’s no need to be ashamed!
    During the IM Canada run, a guy near me let out some really loud, nasty gas. Another guy near us exclaimed about how good that must of felt! It made me laugh!

  4. I’m not sure I’ve ever had a race photo where I don’t look awful, so that must mean I’m trying REALLY hard every time. That’s what I tell myself anyway.

    I think runners might be the only group of people who can actually make jokes and laugh at GI issues on a regular basis. At least, in my life that’s the case, non runner friends don’t seem to find it as amusing. Nor do they want to talk about it? What gives on that?

  5. I look like a dying 80yr old in ALL of my race pictures except one. The only race I look ok in was my Disneyland half, and that’s because I was literally smiling like a 10yr old the entire time. These photos are great, and SO true. I usually get upset tummy BEFORE a run and definitely leave my mark in the port o potty!

  6. 1) I tell everyone that I’m like a dog, after 6 miles or so of running I have to stop and do #2

    2) I have a very sensitive stomach! I threw up twice after P90X and also learned that any sort of protein shake after a hard workout also leads to barfing.

    3) I’ve never had a good race photo…my husband always asks me why my mouth is open in all of them.

    4) You should love a runner because we take pride in our gnarly, calloused feet 🙂

  7. These are too funny! I have always wondered how runners …..ahem…..”relieve” themselves if they have to…….toot. 🙂 They just do it!! 🙂

  8. LOL I LOVE your SENSE of humor! It is so true! We are nuts and only other runners understand sometimes!

    1) I can’t think of any quip at this moment in time!
    2)I am not barf prone but, I have barfed after a race… in my mouth… had to run away so i could dispose of properly 😛 and a final attempt so no one could see but, plenty people saw LOL
    3) I’ve never had a “good pic” of me running. I usually look like I am about to fart or just very determined. I did get a Funny pic of me after the race icing my knees and walking around like a goon! priceless!
    4)You should Love a runner because through our training, we build our character and when life throws the worse at a runner, we know how to handle it. Even if we fail, we know how to get up, dust off, and try try again! <3

    • hahaha….awww, thanks!! always love it when i find fellow snarky humored runnerchicks! 😉 okay, awesome post-race picture…lol…it’s so funny how in ‘normal life’ runners can look like they can barely walk/function! #creaksandsqueaks

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