Some Running Motivation…

kara goucher and shalane flanagan

For the next time you feel like skipping your workout.

Yes, you may or may not harbor Olympic aspirations, but all of us have our goals that we are striving towards…stay the course! 🙂

If you’re a fan of mine on Facebook you already got a sneak peek of this poster! So if you’re not liking me yet, you’re missing out. 😉 (Sorry for the overt plug…haha)

1) Did you have a run/workout today? A race? A rest day (which is also part of a training program if it’s what you need!)?

2) What’s one of your favorite motivational quotes, mantra’s, or things you say to yourself when things get tough?

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14 Replies to “Some Running Motivation…”

  1. Sometimes when I feel like skipping my workout, I get really frustrated and once I start I do awesome because all that frustration is channeled into my workout. I just liked your facebook page 🙂

  2. oooh man am I glad I saved reading this post till now! I ran this AM but still need to XT in an hour or so…aand its rainy and i’m tired and i have an exam tomorrow and ijustdontwannagoworkout!!! but you’re right – stay the course. I have racing shape to get back into 😀

  3. Pingback: Motivation and Self-Deception: Sometimes it’s a matter of talking yourself up or lying yourself into a run |

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