24 Replies to “The GI Issue Cursed Runner: Tackling those great, poopy disasters”

  1. So funny – poop is as common a theme with runners as with new moms!!!
    I’m with you – I never throw-up but often long runs mess with my system the rest of the day. I’ve always thought it was the whole pounding and shaking! Oh well, we just keep on running (and pooping!).

  2. I learned many years ago to get up about an hour before I plan to run in the morning, so I can take care of any issues that might sneak up on me. If i’m racing (especially a marathon), I get up about two hours early to be absolutely certain. haha. I always make sure my system is clean when a PR is possible! Also, i’d rather be hungry than feel heavy at the start line…my coach always told me, “a hungry dog runs faster than a fat one.”

  3. HAHAH this is so great – i think any runner can relate to the GI issues. I’m usually pretty careful but my most recent disaster involved a 10 miler after several helpings of Chinese takeout leftovers. Yeah – that didn’t go so well.

  4. I love that you are not afraid to tackle any runner issue!!! The famous images of runners running/crossing the line with poo running down their leg will never leave me. I had such an issue in my first (& only) marathon – but honestly after 4+ hours I wouldn’t have cared if I were that runner crossing the line with poo down my leg – at that stage I wasn’t stopping. Apart from that I have been very lucky and rarely had any issues. That said I stay away from overly fibery stuff pre long run to be sure! :=)

  5. I only have GI distress on the morning of races. It hits me fast and you know how the lines are at the porta-potties!! Not a good mix!! It always stresses me out! I am trying hard to work on that so I can enjoy my races more.

  6. I’m definitely a “down” girl, myself. Good thing, too, because I HATE to throw up. When I first started running, I proclaimed, “I will NEVER run so hard that I puke.” 12 years later, so far, so good.

    I’m also usually a “later in the day” girl. This is quite convenient while running and racing, not always convenient for whoever I’m hanging out with for the rest of the day [or, more often, for the restroom at work]. 😉

    Thankfully, I haven’t really had any super-embarrassing potty stories (either that or I have no shame) – but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.

    For me, oranges are suicide. And some of my worst post-run issues were after runs that I followed up with Gatorade. This might be correlation, not causation – but I’m much more of a Nuun girl these days. 🙂

  7. For some reason, your posts never appear in my reader for a few days, so I’m just now seeing like 3 posts, anyway… I really like this one! It’s neat that you got to talk with him about GI issues because I think every female runner deals with that. And you’re so right, the faster and further you go, the worse it can be.

    My worst was a 10 miler back in August. As if running 10 miles in the SC heat and humidity of August isn’t already bad, I had to go twice in nasty portajohns and make my new running friend (who I met that morning, hehe, as it was a group run) wait on me. Then I drank some chocolate milk after the run, because the rest of the group was and i figured I needed to rehydrate and replenish my nutrition from 10 miles and two “trips”. Well… just made me sicker when I got home. No more refueling with chocolate milk for me.

    I really advice getting up early the day of… extra early, drinking a cup of coffee, so you can go before ever leaving the house for a race. That’s what i try to do :).

    • Amy – I’m having the same problem! (Delayed appearance in reader.) After a few days, I’ll click over to the site, then suddenly the last three posts pop up in my reader. Weird…

    • oh no, i dunno wat’s wrong with the reader, maybe try refreshing the link?? let me know!

      i also have to agree that personally the heat will also make my GI problems worse…not fun!

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