About Cait

Freelance writer, artist, & graphic designer. Founder of Ezzere Running Shirts http://ezzere.com/ #runner #writer #blogger #artist #designer Run. Laugh. Be.

A Raging Anti-Smokite And Entering Freakdom

What sound did I wake up to today? Alarm clock? No. Birds harmoniously chirping? No. My cat licking himself incessantly, that sort of constant slurp slurp that while I love my cat really grosses me out? No. It was the hacking of my neighbor…think a phlegm coated throat, trying to work up a loogie but nothing is quite coming up, oh wait, there it comes!

My neighbor is a nice enough dude, later twenties, but a smoker. He goes out on his little balcony porch thing and is constantly lighting up. Hacking up soon follows. Today it seriously sounded like he was about to die. Now that it’s getting warmer here and there’s not AC in my apartment I naturally open the windows. So his smoke, and hacking drifts into my place.

I’m just going to say this, call me an anti-smokite if you will, but I can’t stand smoking. I’m not a racist, I’m pro-gay rights and love my gay friends, I don’t care if you’re purple and think you’re from the moon….but smoking gets to me. I have never had a cigarette in my life and have never had the urge, I was kinda lucky I guess and was able to dodge any real peer pressure to try all that and other stuff growing up because everyone knew I was ‘the runner girl’ and it sort of gave me that free pass. “She’s in training not a complete loser.” Little did they know that I was in fact a loser, but for plenty other reasons.

But we all have our vices. I’ll never be a smoker but there are plenty of other things that keep me from obtaining that stamp of perfection. Surprising, I know! So let’s run down Cait’s list of freakdom habits:

* I’m boring. I’ll just get this one up and out of the way off the bat. I try my very best to not be, but let’s face the facts. I’ll own it.

* Celeb trash.
When I grab the rags in the supermarket line I sort of joke the anyone nearby, “Might as well since we’re waiting.” But who am I fooling? I’m a subscriber, love E! News, and always enjoy a good celeb body showdown/comparison on other people’s blogs.

* I drink like a fish. Water that is. I don’t like alcohol, I seriously don’t like the taste. Judge me if you will. But even if I DID like it, not gonna lie, I’d rather eat my calories folks…just saying. But back to water, I seriously take a waterbottle nearly everywhere, I’m always thirsty.

* I can’t cook.
I’m not just saying that. I’m trying to get better, I’m reading recipes, drooling, and WISHING I could cook. Make a few failed attempts. But I’m a microwave queen. I think a part of this is also that I’m lazy. I want my food now. I think here we go back to needing an assistant.

* Enter psychosis. OCD. Lot’s of people say they’re OCD kind of joking; and people probably think I am whenever I say it too. Not that I make a habit to blurt it out, but in a rare moment of seriousness here, I do in fact have OCD. Now, most of my ‘things’ people probably don’t notice on a daily basis, and I’m not so bad I’m soon to be featured on Dr. Phil or that OCD House show. But really some of my quirks are actually quite funny and I don’t mind making fun of myself about them. In fact I’m sure that whole treadmill quirks thing tipped a few people off. Anyways I wasn’t even really sure if I was going to list this one, but I would be lying if I said it didn’t make life a tad more difficult at times. It has also made me more sympathetic or understanding of people who go through their own shiznit, struggles, and addictions. Their things may be different, we all have our own crap, but I sort of know the thought process behind feeling compelled to do something that logically you know is either ridiculous or not in your best interest.

* Eavesdropping, people-watching, blog reading, I think there’s a trend there.
I guess I’m nosy. I love feeling ‘in the loop’ even if it’s just dumb stuff. I’m NOT the creeper lurking in the bushes with a telephoto lens though, I’m not a perv. I know when to draw the line.

*Food on the brain. I’m a foodie. Kinda ironic since I can’t cook, but thankfully most of my fav’s can either be ordered, eaten with minimal prep, and like I said I’m actually quite the whiz with that micro. Anyways, when I’m not actually eating I also love reading what other people are cooking up and posting on their blogs, I guess we come back to being nosy here.

* Running talk nearly ranks supreme. I could talk about/read about/look at pix of people running forever (or fitness in general); that is when I’m not actually doing it. Oh, I even draw about it. I guess this can be annoying to people at times so that’s my reasoning behind listing it.

* The mother of all: exercise. Okay, okay, I admit that some people have said I’m addicted to exercise. I’m on the fence with this one, I say there’s a good chance, but if I had to pick an addiction I’d rather get my fix running than strung out on some street corner. That’s just me, and if I AM addicted I’m fine with that.

Well I may be all those things and more, but I’m not a smoker. So that makes me okay. 😉 jk.

Today, after waking up to such a wonderful sound I clocked in a total of 11 miles and change on the tread. Warm-up and cool-down with the middle 5 miles uptempo. I’m happy to report I felt better than two days ago, hopefully getting some juice back in those legs, but not quite ‘there’ yet I still am not hitting the splits of a few weeks back. Then upperbody weights, some lunges and squats. Hope your Wednesdays are off to a great start!

PS- I also talk way too fast, talk way too much when I’m nervous, and laugh when it’s not appropriate.

1) What are some of your vices or I guess habits?

2) Where do you stand on smoking?

3) Hump day baby, who are you doing…I mean WHAT are you doing? (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

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Random Seinfeld Conspiracy and Cross-training Workouts

So I kept seeing this commercial and something about it has been bugging me. This has been going on for days! You know that feeling when you recognize someone but you don’t know exactly from where? Well, this also happens to me when I recognize an actor on TV, not the big name actors though. I’m talking about the ones who have the one time appearances on a show, they sort of drift around in the background of the usual sitcoms like the leftovers passed from one table to the next.

I have this funny little game that I play. I’m obsessed with both Seinfeld and Disney Channel shows. Well, I swear there is an odd connection between the two because lots of Seinfeld characters have made the D-Channel circuit. Who? Well I’ll name a few of my favorite sightings. Larry David himself (my favorite LD character on Seinfeld was of course the man in the cape) made an appearance in a Hannah Montana episode where he was a father trying to get a table at an exclusive restaurant. He gets bumped by HM. Estelle Costanza’s been in a few different D-Channel shows but was an irate old lady on Sonny With a Chance. J Peterman showed up on Wizards of Waverly Place to play Captain Jim Bob Sherwood. There’s others but I’m getting way off on a tangent here.

Well the same thing of obscure recollection was bugging me about this random commercial I kept on TV. It’s with a family sitting in front of the TV wondering what to eat and then this awkward looking lady walks in from their kitchen touting the words of some new frozen food thing. I seriously spent forever looking for the dang commercial online and of course now that I’m obsessed with it it’s not on TV. I think it was for some kind of stuffed popper bun, but the woman selling the product, THIS lady was the one I swore I had seen in something else but I couldn’t quite place where. It was driving me crazy…ya, I’m the kind of person where stupid things like this will seriously bug me.

Last night it came to me! I thought I must have seen her in some other kind of commercial or cameo but no…I SWEAR I used to see this lady in my old gym!! Now, like you I thought there was no way it was the same lady, ya it’s not like it’s a huge role or anything and it was probably filmed somewhere else. But, she’s got a pretty distinct face and way about her. I’m convinced it’s the same lady; she was really nice by the way. Those popper things look gross, but power to her!!

Speaking of gyms, in perusing blogs and such, the whole cross training issue came up. Running of course is my top pick of exercise/cardio but let’s face it, it’s really hard on the body. Inevitably we ALL wind up with stupid injuries that force us to resort to some kind of cross-training. The usual round-up are the bike, elliptical, and swimming. I’ll tell you, after my whole car accident and spending what felt like an ETERNITY on the elliptical, it got to the point where looking at the d*** thing almost made me physically ill. When I finally got to move up to the treadmill I almost wanted to burn that elliptical! Juuuust kidding.

But in reality that elliptical is awesome. If I had to pick my favorite cross-training activity it would be that…it feels the most like running to me. Though, not gonna lie, it does get boring. So to help pass the time, and also get the most out of the workout, intervals are perfect. Here’s a pyramid style interval workout; the harder effort times vary which is good because it works both your endurance but also strength/power because on the shorter bouts you really want to push it and go nearly all out for that interval. Tell yourself that ya, it hurts but it’s almost over! 😉

**Start with a warm-up of 5-10 minutes

* 1 minute- Hard effort; try to get your RPM’s really up there, think sprinting

* 1 minute- Easy recovery

* 2 minutes- Hard effort

* 2 minutes- Easy recovery

* 3 minutes- Hard effort

* 3 minutes- Easy recovery

* 2 minutes- Hard effort

* 2 minutes- Easy recovery

* 1 minute- Hard effort

* 1 minute- Easy recovery

* 2 minutes- Hard effort

* 2 minutes- Easy recovery

* 3 minutes- Hard effort

* 3 minutes- Easy recovery

* 1 minute- Hard effort

**Finish with a cool-down

Okay, so the hard portion of the workout comes out to be a total of 29 minutes. Obviously you’ll be going ‘faster’ for the shorter intervals just like you would running a 300/400 meter repeats on the track versus the longer interval times. Think of those like a 600/800 meter repeat. Take the easy minutes as just that…easy and allow yourself to regroup and recover. Because tension levels and inclines vary between machines I can’t give an exact guideline there but on the one I use I tend to put the incline at around 6-7 and the tension there too. What I also do is for the harder portions I’ll set the tension higher, 7, and scale it down to 5-6 for the recovery minutes. For me I like to feel like my turnover is similar to that of running and getting that faster rather than upping the tension to a level where my turnover just feels to slow…if that makes any sense.

You don’t have to do this on the elliptical, you can do the same layout on any kind of machine or even if you’re aqua-jogging in the pool. Just go harder in there like you’re trying to run faster. The goal is just to get that heart rate up! That said, cross-training isn’t only for when you’re injured but a great supplement to your running. So now that I’m able to run again I’m happy I didn’t burn the elliptical. 😉

Side note, that cartoon up top with the man on the elliptical was another one from the Gym Offenders Caught series. He’s the guy plugged into his iPod and belting out the lyrics like nobody’s business. I’m all for listening to music to get you pumped but do you need to sing so loud we all have to listen to your music selection?

Today for me I did an easy 8 and change. Pedestal core routine and abs. I’m thinking that’s it for now, but I hope you all are having a great Tuesday!

1) Favorite Seinfeld character? If you don’t like the show then we’ll have to send the Soup Nazi out after you. Just kidding. 🙂

2) Have you ever met an actor or actress? They can be quasi-famous too, or not even all that famous. I’m adding my gym lady poppers peddler to my list! hehe.

3) What’s your favorite crosstraining activity?

Mine’s the elliptical, but it looks like some people have resorted to just switching shoes. 😉

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Confessions of a Flat-chested Runner

I’m a Flatsy-Pasty, rocking a pair of AA’s (probably AAA’s even!), I have two mosquito bites…flat as a pancake. That last one though shouldn’t even be considered something negative, hello how can pancakes be bad?!?! No, I’m flat chested. But you know what, that’s fine by me.

Weird as it sounds, but I never really ‘got’ the whole wanting big boobs thing. I think it’s because around the time most of my peers were coveting celeb bodies, I was looking at distance running stars. Mary Decker-Slaney, Paula Radcliffe, Kara Goucher, Shalane Flanagan…those Ethiopians and Kenyans aren’t known for their robust busts! I was ogling over times not breasts. Records, titles, medals. To me they had the ‘perfect’ bodies.

My mom’s just as flat as I am. She got a mammogram once and the nurse called her on the phone thinking the pictures she was looking at were those of a man. No joke, I only feel okay blogging this story because my mom’s got a great sense of humor and laughs at this story all the time. That’s okay, because my mom’s gorgeous and when you see her she bears NO resemblance to a dude. (See for yourself, pic with her and my bro.) Ya, I may be partial in say this, but I think she is. 🙂

Being athletic, I would HATE having huge knockers jiggling up and down while I’m running. Strapping on two, three sports bras does not sound appealing. I get annoyed when my hair flies in my face, I couldn’t handle a double set of distractions.

There are tiny girls who are embarrassed about being flat-chested. I can see how wanting a little bit more on your chest than a AA would look nice in everyday attire, going out, dressing up, looking cute and filling out an outfit. Then there is the whole insecurity thing about looking attractive for guys. Need I bring up the whole Bachelorette roast thing? But in my opinion, Ashley looks adorable.

Skinny Runner did a post on some of the hottest celeb bodies. Inevitably the topic of implants comes up, and the rumors about Audrina. Now, I do find Audrina really pretty…would I want her body? Everything maybe but the boobs…she has some awesome abs, but the boobs would get in my way. That takes us back to the whole athletic thing. (On a side-note, while boobs have never been my ‘thing’, that bodypart we all kind of focus on, my abs/stomach area is my ‘thing.’ Flatsy-Tummy would be cool!)

In the women’s sports scene I think it’s a lot easier to disregard insecurities about your chest because it’s more the norm. If I had grown up wanting to be a supermodel or actress I’m sure things would have been different. Christina, The Athletarian, did another post about how she wanted to be strong, not just skinny, but with a body that had power and could DO things. Achieve feats of strength, speed, stamina, endurance.

So I’m okay with wearing only a single sports bra. Maybe my own mammogram will resemble that of a dude, but that’s only in black and white and I like to think that if anyone actually were to see me there would be no problem in identifying me as a female! Plus, if my future hubby were to have bigger boobs that me, well, I think that would reflect more poorly on him. Scratch that, I don’t think I’d be dating a guy with manboobs in the first place. But I digress…

On another site I write for I’ve got an ongoing cartoon series: Gym Offenders Exposed. I thought this one is fitting to today’s post, the girl at the gym in full on dolled up make-up and hair. Perhaps she’s had some implants and is more interested in getting her flirt on that working out. We’ve all seen her in the gym. If she wants to use the gym as a single’s mingles venue go ahead, but me, I’d rather bust my @$$ on the treadmill.

Speaking of, today I’m feeling so-so about my workout. 10 miles and change total with warm-up/cool-down, and did the middle 5 as a breakdown style harder effort. I upped the speed 0.1 every half mile…I’ve been feeling just flat/blah the last week so I was able to run it faster than my last two hard workouts but not nearly as well as I’ve done in the weeks past. But I’m hoping it’s just that the work’s catching up to me (It had been a long while since I started pushing myself more and doing harder workouts) so I’m hoping it’s just that I’m a little more fatigued and will start feeling better soon. Training cycles and all that jazz, so we’ll see. Also did some upper body weights. And on with Monday! 🙂 Hope all of you guys are starting your week off well!

1) Are you a flatsy too? Would you like a little more up top?

2) Who are some of the people you think have killer bodies?

3) Best flat chested joke?

4) What’s on tap for your Monday?

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Negative Splits Rule or it Might Get Ug-LY

Up and at ’em early today. Got up and put in my easy 8 and change on the tread this morning. Sundays kind of stink TV wise so it was Nick at Nite (bleeding over into Nick Early Morn would be more correct) and Family Matters was on. I’ve never been a huge Urkel fan myself, and when he was on TGIF I put up with the half hour block but looked forward to the Full Houses and Step-by-Steps on later.

Finished up with abs and core work and on with the day! Yesterday I noted how there are tons of races going on now that summer’s here; for some these are their first races and for others it’s their bizzillionth. Newer runners often ask for tips before their first races, or perhaps they’ve raced shorter distances but are now signing up for the longer ones. I think one of the biggest lessons that most of us have learned the hard way is this: DO NOT GO OUT TOO FAST!!

Sorry, didn’t mean to yell that one, but trust me on this because it’s a very easy trap to fall into but paying for that fast start later in the race gets ug-LY!! I used to think that if I went out faster and under pace in the beginning of a race (or even workouts) then I’d be setting myself a nice little ‘cushion’ so that if I happened to slow down later I’d still be able to hit my target time. That sounds pretty logical, doesn’t it? Well, the body isn’t always logical as any PMS’ing woman can tell you.

When you’re running, or working out in general, the body burns glycogen as it’s prime fuel source. Physiologically the body burns glycogen more efficiently if you gradually work into a faster, more intense effort and not the other way around. And it doesn’t make just a little bit of difference, but a lot. The amount of time you go out too fast in the beginning could leave you slowing down 2-3 times that amount in the later miles. That means that should you go out even just 10 seconds too fast in the first mile, you could be paying for that with 20-30 seconds/mile by the end. And trust me, those seconds will feel WAY longer than the time on your watch indicates…lol.

That’s why negative splits rule. Negative splitting just means that you get faster as the race/workout progresses. Not a complicated theory but it’s tough to hold yourself back and not get swept up in the excitement of race day. But you want to go into a race with a goal pace and race plan in mind and then stick to it.

Finding your goal pace is pretty easy to do based off of your workouts for most races. But it’s trickier come marathons only because you don’t typically run the full 26.2 miles in regular training like you would a 5k or 10k. For a marathon you can of course get a good idea based off of your long runs but there’s also a track workout you can do to give you a fair approximation.

Marathon goal prediction workout as Perfected by the Running Coach Legend Mr. Bart Yasso:

Do a warm-up and then head to the track for 10×800 meter repeats. Do a recovery jog lap between each repeat and make sure to take your recovery easy before starting the next one. Once you’re done with all 10, take your average time and whatever it is in minutes:seconds will translate into your marathon prediction time in hours:minutes. So if Bob ran his repeats in 3 minutes and 30 seconds, his predicted marathon time will be 3 hours and 30 minutes. From there you can figure out his mile pace should be 8:01. (PS-don’t forget your cool-down! hehe) This workout is fittingly dubbed Yasso 800’s.

Going out too fast for your capabilities in the beginning of ANY race can suck, it’s just that it’s a lot ‘easier’ to gut out the rest of a 5k than some of the longer races. In the case of a marathon you might not even be able to finish. So that’s my spiel on negative splitting. 🙂 Oh, one more thing real fast, other factors that can make you slow down more and feel even worse should you go out too fast are heat and elevation. So keep that in mind too, if you aren’t used to running at elevation you might want to go out even more conservative at the start.

All this marathon talk reminds me that if you happened to read about the drunk driving accident I happened to see and wrote about, I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s tragic that these accidents are so common. My friend, Kara Goucher, lost her father because of a drunk driver and is an avid supporter of MADD. (For anyone who doesn’t know who she is, you should because she’s a kick@$$ distance star, she’s one of the leading US distance gals. She rules the track and the marathon…so that was my line of thinking to get here…lol) Well, she created a design that is featured on both a card and shirt and if you order one 100% of the proceeds benefit MADD. So I wanted to share those links!

Okay, so I think that’s it for now! I’m off to the store to restock and then we’ll see. 🙂

1) Worst story of going out too fast in a race or workout?

Too many times to count, but I think the most embarrassing was at a really big cross-country meet that I hoped to do really well in. My whole family was there, coaches, and let’s face it plenty of other people who I hoped to ‘look good’ in front of, and I totally bombed. That was one painful and humiliating last mile!

2) Favorite track/running type workout?

I already said tempo’s and long runs, but for intervals I like mile and 800 repeats.

3) What are you up to this fine Sunday?

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I’m Clearly Making a Fool of Myself and Saturday at the Races

Wow, so today I had the incredible urge to really push the limits of my dorkdom. I may have reached an all-time high, and to be quite honest I’m still a little on the fence about just how much I will actually show. Time will tell.

What am I babbling on about? Well, I’ve made a few little videos that might loosely qualify as humorous. I’ll call them workout video spoofs. I made four in total, each one more heinously embarrassing for me than the last. I decided to post this one, probably the one I’m the least shy about, and figured that if nothing else it might offer a couple haha’s for some folks on this fine Saturday morning. So I hope you enjoy. 😛

I’ll finish up by saying that I’m really thankful the gym was totally vacant at the time, but being that it was about 6am I thought I’d probably be safe. As for my own workout, today I put the treadmill to good use and got my run on. Still feeling sluggy in the legs but hoping they’ll get some life in there soon enough. And today was an upperbody weight day too so I tossed around a few 100lb dumbbells and called it a day!

I know the summer race circuit is well underway and there are plenty of folks out there getting it done! I’ve got some friends racing and I’m sending all my positive vibes. A few shout outs to Jenn and Julia up there in Utah taking part in their very first half and full marathons respectively!! They might be done by now, in which case I hope they are refueling in full gluttonous glory after all those miles…hehe. My suggestion would be a mile high stack of pancakes. Actually, if they are lucky they may in fact run into both The Cranky Hamstring and Texas RunnerGirl because they are running up in Utah as well! Cranky’s in the marathon and our Texan beauty is in the 5k. And wouldn’t you know it that place seems to be crazy popular because The Hungry Runner Girl is there too! Back in her first road showing, now with femurs of iron strength (thanks to massive quantities of fro-yo), she’s helping pace a portion of the marathon. Gotta admit I wish I were there and not doing dorky sketches in a basement gym, but such is the way of life…haha!

And on with the rest of the day! Who knows what kind of mischief I’ll be getting into but to all those racing: best of luck and feel free to brag on yourself! To those running and working out in general I hope you’re having fun sweating it out and to those who consider a change of shoes to be your workout, well, godspeed. 🙂

1) In your opinion which fitness persona is most in need of a little ridicule?

I’ve spent a morning with three others…and it was scary.

2) Did you take part in any races?

3) Did you get your workout on in another form?

4) Best thing you refueled with?

I’m boring today it was oatmeal and eggs but in my dreams it was my dad’s chocolate chip pancakes only a day earlier in the week. 🙂

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A Cheeky Debate – To Bun or Not to Bun…

Do you bun? I’m talking about bunhuggers of course! Okay, so two things got me thinking about his post. First, over on Emma’s blog she had announced that for the first time ever she had worn only a sports bra while working out. The second thing was a few days ago Katy (darn girl, I’m bringing you up like crazy, I hope this isn’t coming across as creeper/obsessedo! haha) commented on one of my pages about how the kids she coached would DIE if they had to wear the uniforms my high school team was wearing.

For those still a little confused THIS is what it looks to run in bunhuggers. Sorry for forcing you to look at a really old picture of me and I hate running pictures because they always look really funky. Either my face is all torqued out or the photographer catches your leg at the worst possible time and your quad looks super scary ripped.

I admit, I’m not one of those people who embraces the whole flaunt what you’ve got attitude. I’m a lot more body confident than I used to be but I still don’t like baring it all. Though power to those who are able to rock it! The exception I guess are running clothes; weird how that works because I give no second thought to donning running shorts but a supershort skirt would make me feel odd. Probably though because I never wear skirts. (Photo credit to Margaret Gallagar)

Back to buns, I don’t wear them today or out on regular runs but when I was competing and racing I admit those suckers feel good. Not even because with them you don’t have to worry about that whole annoying shorts riding up thing but every time I put them on I knew it was time to get down to business. Sort of like putting on those racing flats…it’s go time.

Would I wear them at a local fun run or in a race today? No. I sort of feel I have to earn the right to bun, and if I’m not going to run fast I’ll take a pass. So that’s my story with the buns. I admit it took me awhile to be confident enough to wear them, at first I refused. But like with many things, it’s that slippery slope. I used to promise myself I’d never wear shorty short running shorts. I caved. I swore I’d never wear those tight running tights. I caved. I swore I’d never wear buns.

But I’m such a contradiction because I still don’t like wearing bathing suites. Haha.

1) Have you bunned? Would you bun?

2) Do you feel self conscious in certain workout wear?

Not with shorts or anything and I try not to be. I’m a lot more secure in my skin that I use to be but I think all women tend to be more critical of themselves, which I don’t think is right but it is what it is. I will wear only a sports bra if it’s just way too nasty hot not too but I just feel a little more comfy with a shirt on. But this I’ll save for another post. 🙂

3) Women with rocking bods…name ’em people! 🙂

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Tribute to an Amazing PE Teacher and Some Crazy Rope Contraptions

Lot’s to chat on today! Well, running-wise it’s been a rather rough couple of days. My last two workouts bit the big one, you know what I’m talking about, just not hitting the times you want. I know we all have them, nature of the beast, but it’s easy to get pretty hard on yourself. I’ve gotten a lot better at this, telling myself it’s not the end of the world (I mean, honestly, Cait, it’s not like you’re even actually training for anything! haha), tomorrow’s another day, there’s always plenty more things to be had. But it still grates on you, ya know? Janae wrote a REALLY great post about dealing with crappy workouts and all those things she’s mentioned are true. So time to be a’mooooving on!

At any rate, got the run done and finished, I felt at least a little better than the disaster of two days ago, and finished with some arm weights and lunges. Checked out Katy’s blog and it looks like I seriously need to go play with one of those TRX Trainers! I’ve seen other people rave about them but have yet to get my hands on one…I’m a tad scared I’ll wind up somehow bound to a pole or instead left hanging midair until someone finds me. Like I said, I’ve got no coordination or skills! hehe. 🙂

The next thing is that today my littlest bro is graduating junior high!! Aww, lookie at him, aint he so cute? I also learned that one of my FAVORITE all time teachers, Mr. Tindall, is retiring. Now, I might have been a little rough on PE earlier, but Mr. Tindall is no ordinary PE teacher and also at the time I wasn’t training on any other sports teams. (Sorry the pic down there is the only one I could find of him, it’s with his wife!) So in honor of Mr. T I wrote up a little tribute to him explaining just what makes him the rocking man that he is! So, sorry that it’s pretty long, and since I’m sad he’s no longer teaching it’ll be in boring, somber black. That also means that if I’m too boring you can just scroll on down baby…but at least give Mr. T a moment of respect and tip your wide brimmed hats to him! (Don’t get that joke? Well then you’ll just have to read my tribute! BAM…lookie there I’m gonna make you read it…jk)

I also wanted to say first that I know lots of teachers out there and want to just say how much of an impact you guys can make. I know we all have those teachers that stand out in our minds and have influenced us for the better. (ummm, I also know how horrible it is to be stuck with a really bad teacher…lol) It’s often a thankless job, and I hear the pay aint all that it should be, but I know there are tons of kick @$$ people out there gettin it done! So without further adieu…let’s bring on Mr. T!!!!

Let’s face it, junior high can really suck sometimes. Alright, alright, don’t get me wrong Olympus Junior High is a GREAT school, the teachers are awesome, the facilities are clean, and you don’t have to walk through metal detectors to get past the front gates. I was lucky to attend such a nice school. But the whole awkward age thing, the pimples things, the wondering why there are only certain lunch tables you are allowed to eat at and then wondering who exactly elected these people deciding the seating arrangements. You’re left wishing you were at that meeting and had had a vote.

Ah, and the mortification at having to dress down in the locker rooms in PE for the first time. So yes, junior high can bite the big one sometimes. When I came to Olympus, my best friend of course was going to Cavitt Junior High, I was fresh off of band camp, my grandma had been the one to take me back-to-school shopping…need I say more?

I made some friends, accepted my lunchtime table seating and did my best to fly under the radar. My parents believed in keeping my siblings and I involved in sports and staying active, but I had no coordination whatsoever. That was okay with my rec soccer coach, he was more than happy to have a forward who was happy enough to run up and down the field without actually getting the ball. That was okay with me so long as I still got the aftergame snacks!

But come 7th grade all of my friends made the competitive team and if I was going to still play rec I’d have been the oldest by far and it’s a little embarrassing being the only person not in grammar school. So soccer was out. Now PE I had mixed feelings about; I absolutely HATED the whole locker room thing, I think I could set the record for the fastest dress and undress time. I enjoyed most of the things we did but couldn’t really show it too much because that just wouldn’t look too cool. So I allowed myself to do just well enough to get an A (I was neurotic about keeping my 4.0 gpa) and indulge in some fun but not overdo it and come off looking like I actually cared.

Now, every Friday Mr. Tindall and Miss Taylor would drag two classes worth of winey adolescents to line up and run two laps around the campus, this worked out to be a mile. To all of us it felt like a marathon and Fridays were dreaded for this reason. Mr. Tindall would send us off and hold a stop watch; he’d read us our halfway splits then clock our finishing time. You had to run certain times to pass and then earn a certain grade. I was anal about my grades so I was deadset on getting an A. I’m not sure what the ranges were exactly, but I think to get an A you had to run under 9 minutes. That was going to be a stretch for me.

At first I hated Fridays too but I was eeking under the 9 minute barrier. Then I started getting faster. Now, Mr. Tindall is not your ordinary PE teacher who dons the pale blue jumpsuit, toots the whistle and makes you do the ropeclimb until you’re crying and bleeding. He has an enthusiasm that is infectious and is genuinely fired up about his job and that rubs off on even the most too-cool-for-school kids. He also wears one kick-butt wide brimmed hat. I’d call it a straw hat, but it’s not exactly that, it’s a nicer one but in that sort of style. I’d like to know if it’s the same straw hat that’s been a mainstay on his head all these years or if he’s had to retire them and get new ones. If it’s the latter I hope there is a proper burial for each and every hat.

But I digress. Mr. Tindall will cheer each and every kid in from the ones who are first to the stragglers that are giving it their all but come in around 12 minutes. He also kindly heckles the ones who are obviously not trying and walking it after 15-plus minutes and not even getting a passing grade. Even those kids love Tindall and joke right back with him. So, being a mid-packer, Tindall would cheer me in.

Then something really strange started happening, I wasn’t a mid-packer after awhile, I started moving up. I broke the 8 minute barrier, then the seven. Miracle upon all miracles I started to be one of the first kids across the line, ahead of boys and sportier girls alike. Tindall started to really get me fired up, I wanted to be the first girl in. That was a tall order being that the overall first person in the class was, in fact, a girl. She was an 8th grader, a year ahead of me, and from what I’d heard ran on the track team.

But both of my parents were runners and, not gonna lie, I wanted something to brag to them about. However, the end of the school year was closing in and time was running out. I never did beat her that year, she graduated, but I’d been the second fastest kid in the class and had to settle with that.

The next year I came back, the year before I too had started running for the track team, which Tindall coached. I swear to you, I tend to zone out during races but one thing I never missed was Tindall in that wide brimmed hat cheering me down the homestretch. I like to think I was able to kick it in just a little harder thanks to him. So that year, he was good-naturedly telling me how I had to rock that PE. I joked back but there a fire in me that had started burning. Somewhere along the line something had clicked with me, I no longer dreaded the Friday mile challenge but anticipated its arrival like an animal going out for the hunt. I had experienced that rush that running gives you, those endorphins, call it what you will, but I was hooked.

That year I was the first girl across the line, the first person across the line. I don’t think even my parents enjoyed this more than Mr. T because it gave him full liberty to really give those boys a hard time. As the year progressed so did my mile times, and soon I was staring down the 6 minute mark. To me that seemed insane, an unobtainable feat, but Tindall started telling me to go for it. The school record was set by my unbeatable harrier from the year before, but it wasn’t under 6 minutes. After enough goading from T and his wide brimmed hat I started to believe that maybe, just maybe, it was possible.

6:06…6:03…6:03…6:03. Week after week Mr. T would take me aside and give me a little pep-talk, we both were sure it was going to be THAT week. He’d read me my split midway and cheer me on; he’d also yell at the kids strolling along to move aside and clear the way. But each week I’d come in at six and change. I started thinking 6:03 would be the bane of my existence.

5:58. Then it happened. Like I said, I tend to zone out during races so I don’t have much to say about that day except this: T in his wide brimmed hat telling me before the race something about how it was good that it was a warmer day because cold weather makes your lungs burn when you breathe really deep, that I promised myself if I broke six minutes I’d buy a pepperoni pizza from cafeteria (this was a big deal because my parents never let us spend money there), and Mr. T’s reaction as I headed home.

It was epic. I don’t know if I’ve heard a louder HU-RAH in my life. His wide brimmed hat probably would have fallen off his head as he leaped into the air if it hadn’t been cinched below his chin. I think he might have even stopped the watch by accident, which he wasn’t supposed to do because he was still timing the rest of the class. There are a few moments that will forever stand out in my mind, and this was one of them.

No, it wasn’t a world record, it wasn’t a national record, it wouldn’t have even won some of those age-grouper races, but Mr. T and I had achieved a goal we’d set. Though, Mr. Tindall and his wide brimmed hat gave me something much more, not just in that day, but in the journey. He’d lit a fire inside of me, one I didn’t know I’d ever had, and even more. He’d led me to a great passion of mine, a desire to set goals and chase them, and to find the best in myself even if it took a heck of a lot of digging. I managed to lower my time a bit more by the end of the year, and since then another person owns that school record, but that 5:58 was still one of the sweetest miles I’ve ever run.

Mr. Tindall also made a generally really tough time more manageable. I’d found a little niche; no I wasn’t the popular girl, I ate at the same lunch table, I was still a dork, but I had an easier time. Not that I’m big on labels, but I was that girl who could run and even though it didn’t make me the coolest it did get me at least a hello and head nod from some of the actual cool kids. I was if not accepted, tolerated.

Thanks Mr. Tindall, and your wide brimmed hat, for making junior high suck a lot less not just for me but for countless others who are struggling to find their own niche too.

Alright guys, to all those also fully embracing summer break congrats and enjoy it…to those poor folks still left with a few more days, well, sorry but you’ll get there soon! Enough from me for now. 🙂

1) Are you training for anything in particular right now?

2) Do you have a favorite teacher that comes to mind?

3) Hats? Where do you stand?

I don’t like anything on my head…I’m weird like that.

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Wanted: Cait’s Personal Assistant


* Know the difference between an easy run, a tempo run, interval workout, and fartleck. Also know what strides, chaffage, and Body Glide are.

* Must enjoy going to the arcade and bowling alley with me. A bonus would be if you were really good at winning me lots of tickets because I’m a sucker for all the cheapo prizes and get unusually excited about them.

* Be really fashion savvy because I’m one hot mess.

* Don’t question my quirks. There will be many, you can laugh but just go along with them.

* Have a private jet because I really want to visit my CA family more.

Job duties:

* Wake up before me and head down to the gym. Reserve the good treadmill that has the best view of the TV. Make sure to grab the remote control. Also, check the TV listings and be ready to report what’s good on.

* Learn how to make all my favorite foods; master all the recipes found at Chocolate Covered Katie. Pay special attention to the cookie dough pancakes, s’mores muffins, and chocolate-fudge cake. (I may not be vegan but I don’t care because my keyboard is covered in drool.)

* You’ll also be sent out frequently for: Pop-Tarts, Chipotle, Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked pints, and blueberry english muffins. To balance it out also pick up my healthier picks: carrots, apples, broccoli, cauliflower, and cottage cheese.

* Start the shower, stand in there until it’s hot enough and it stays that way. I don’t want to suddenly get an arctic blast midway through.

* Make sure the toilet paper rolls over the top.

* Record the episodes I haven’t seen of: Glee, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Entourage, Mad Men, Rizzoli and Isles, Wizards of Waverly Place, Family Guy, South Park, and The Soup. Don’t question my taste in TV.

* Watch Seinfeld reruns and ignore me as I recite the lines. Oh, and greet me with ‘Top of the Muffin to YOU!!!’

* Don’t be stingy with exclamation points!!!!!

* Be my body buffer so I’m not the one sitting directly next to the crazy lady on the bus yelling at her invisible friend. Same goes for the creeper lurking in front of my mailbox and the lady with a ton of cacti in her powder blue VW van giving me the stink eye.

* Refill my ice cups. Not the ones used for drinks but the ones I use to ice my foot.

* Make sure my pillow is fluffy. Not the one that I put my head on, because I like that one smushed in. The fluffy pillow goes between my knees because I like to sleep on my side.

* Stay current on replacing my running shoes. Also the latest US magazine, Running Times, Track and Field News, and Shape.

Please apply in person. I want to get a good look at you. 🙂


In other news, today’s workout was an easy 8 mile and change on the treadmill. Yesterday was the workout from H-E-double hockeystick…not that it was unusually hard or something I shouldn’t have been able to handle but I just had a realllly sucky day. We all have those bad days, and that was the case. It got ugly and that’s all I’m going to say about it. Took it easy today, then did some core and abs work. And let the day begin!! 🙂

1) What are you in need of a personal assistant for?

2) Workouts for today, let’s hear ’em!

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People Who Need to Shut-up And Our Next Running Superhero!

Can’t sleep at 3am, what’s a girl to do? Blog of course! Oh, me and sleep have such a fickle relationship. At any rate, I was able to wrangle up our newest addition to the Supa’ Runnas and have our fourth comic to present.

I’ll give you a little backstory about TexasGirl and why we’ve chosen Flagpole Willy to be her first order of business. In life, there are always those people who just seem to know everything about anything. (I’ve got one in my own family, no joke last Christmas this person held a conversation with my cousin and told her that HE knew the right best brand of tampons.) The person who always has to have the last say and the person who just won’t shut up sometimes.

In today’s times lots of people are able to share knowledge, interesting tidbits, and personal opinions in countless ways. I’m doing so myself on a blog. There’s both good and bad about this. There is an opportunity to learn SO much and connect with so many people via social networking sites, blogs, websites, message boards, etc. The bad is that anyone can write anything. They can call themselves experts if they wish and they can say anything behind the ‘safety net’ of a computer screen.

It’s then up to us as readers to sift fact from fiction, experts from frauds, and mindless drivel from entertaining stuff. I’m hoping my own ramblings fall somewhere on the side of entertaining but I’m sure that’s not always the case. The thing with the internet is that it can grant you the liberty of anonymity. Sometimes there are things that just should not be said or at least not in the way they are stated. Not with the purpose being solely to hurt another person.

I’m all for laying it all out there, I’m not afraid to tell people the truth, and I’m also in full backing of everyone having their own opinions! But sometimes human nature is to tear down a person to make themselves feel better. Cut to Lindsay Lohan pre-crack days in Mean Girls. We can’t stop people from saying whatever they’re going to say, but we CAN choose to actually listen to them.

Much easier said than done, I know. I like the quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.” If you have a dream, keep chasing it. If you make a mistake, okay that sucks, learn from it and get better…own it but don’t let it destroy you.

I love asking people for their thoughts, opinions, and feedback. The only way to get better at something is to learn from those who know more or have the experience. But you’ve got to also consider the source. I really care what certain people may think, but I’m learning to not give a second thought to what Joe on the street has to say. Not saying I’m totally there yet but I’m a lot more secure than I used to be.

Back on track here…TexasGirl is tackling a person who feels they indeed know it all. Don’t have to go into too many specifics, BUT if we’ve got a villain I’ve got to give you good reason to hate on him, don’t I?! hehe. He feels women are inferior in all ways and their only duties are to pump out babies and serve their hubbies. He has a list about what makes a ‘Real Man’ and they date back to the 50’s. He’s every kind of phobic and has a really big gut. (I really don’t know about that last part but I wanted to add it in.)

Willy hides behind a particular message board and spits his vile ramblings like gerbils shott poop pellets. But he’s finally ticked off the wrong runner and she’s taking action!

Sorry for this being such an epic post, it may sound sort of random but I wanted to make sure that for anyone who has no clue who this Willy dude is and the message board reference, they could still take away something from my post. We all have people who we’d like to just shut up, so we can all collectively take a little glee from watching TexasGirl’s victory.

1) In movies do you like to root for the good guy or the bad guy?

2) Have you ever sported a pair of bunhuggers? Do you have no clue what a bun hugger is? hehe.

(Blogger is really bugging me, to get a better view and actually read the words click on the pic!)

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A Tale of Two Idiots…

Last night was crazy. Well, not in the sense that I was out like all the other normal 20-somethings on a Saturday night like I should be, but it ended up being crazy none the less. Now, it began not just tame but mundane; far too much blog trolling and photos of WAY too many good foods got my stomach yelling at me and I decided I had to make a trek to the grocery store.

Now, I don’t have a car (story for another time, sort of like when one thing goes wrong it sets off a chain of events sort of thing…kinda funny, I’ll share later) but there is an Albertsons about a 1/4 mile from my apartment so it’s an easy walk. It was getting later, but the weather here was super nice and still a wee bit light out after 9 pm.

Got my supplies and was on my way back home; I probably looked like a hobo because I was seriously packing a backpack, another drawstring bag, and then a grocery bag…super hot. I live right off the freeway so as I was approaching the stoplight and getting ready to press the little cross-walk button when I hear a load screech. The kind that a car makes when it is out of control.

I turn to my left, in my mind I’m sure some idiot it taking the freeway exit ramp WAY too fast. It’s a curvy exit, and just as I look over I see a big old car come swerving around the bend. From there there was a huge spark that lit up the sky (it was dark by this point) and the squeal of metal on pavement. The car had taken the turn so sharp it had flipped over, skid through the oncoming traffic lane and then kept on going off the side of the road and into the bushes.

I looked around, I could still see the back of the flipped over car poking out and I reached for my phone. Another car that had just been about to turn right onto that street (had they turned a few seconds earlier they would have been hit) stopped and I hurried over to them.

While I was on the phone with the emergency operator I see a burly guy start to emerge out of the side of the truck. From the second I heard that first squeal I was sure it was going to be a case of a DUI, and when I saw this dazed out dude with a mohawk bumbling out of the mess it only confirmed my suspicion. How this guy was still alive and okay way beyond me, and I was just as floored when I saw his partner come crawling out after him.

This guy was wearing some thin white cotton tee, the ones that come in those three packs on sale at Kmart, and had no shoes on. Not a scratch on him, and he’s rubbing his bald head like he’d forgotten where he put his keys. Both of these dudes are just sort of standing there looking at the mess, I hope some of the situation was starting to sink in. Probably more just scared about the cops showing up.

Well, the cops and ambulances arrive and start taking care of things. It turns out that not only were these guys too intoxicated to be driving but the very same set of cops had JUST been called out on these very same two guys at the bar not 30 minutes ago! The police had called them a cab and warned them not to drive home…the freaking cab had been there and these guys STILL decided to put the lives of others in danger. On a side note, it was still only about 10pm, who in the heck is already this bad this early in the night?!

This hits kind of close to home a few ways; first because two of my friends’ father was killed by a drunk driver, there was also a boy I went to high school with who died because he was driving while he was drunk. The second was because of my own car accident; no it wasn’t because the guy was drunk but being hit by a car is not fun all the same. This time it was lucky in that the only people who will have to pay will be the two idiots who were driving when they shouldn’t have been. The kicker is that they were too drunk to realize at the time how freaking lucky they were to just be alive! I also just kept thinking about if that car had turned one minute sooner, or heck, if I had already started walking into the cross-walk and they had skidded down a little further.

Anyways, don’t really know where I’m going with this, but I was just so disgusted I had to vent. It’s one thing to have fun, drink, let loose…that is totally fine by me and power to you! But there is no excuse to take to the roads if you aren’t in the right state of mind to do so.

Well, I hate to close on a downer, but it’s a pretty serious matter. But I don’t want to come off sounding like some cheesy PSA either! I hope all of you had GREAT weekends and weren’t so lame as me to be going to the flipping store on a Saturday night! haha…that said, the blueberry muffins tasted mighty good! 🙂

1) Have you or anyone you know been affected by a drunk driver?

2) Weekends…let’s hear about them!

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