Heat Kills

I live in California so even though June 21st is ‘officially’ the first day of summer, I’ve been running in a hot box for weeks already. Never fail, during some of my summer runs I always get that Bush song, “Speed kills…” stuck in my head but I swap out the word to “heat kills”. #truth

Running when the brutal sun is scorching you isn’t my favorite thing. But until we find that perfect seasonless runner utopia we must deal. For those runners in humid states, good lordy I’ve spent some time running in those conditions and had to come back and wrench out my running shorts and sports bra, easily a couple cups of sweat there! haha.
melting runners

So here’s my running summer warning and tip round-up:

* Beat the Heat: If you can, it seems like a no-brainer to try and get up and go run before the sun and temps are up, or wait until the later evening.
* Acclimate: Here is where you SHOULD actually force your runner butt to run in the heat. If you’re going to be racing under sweltering conditions you NEED to start getting your body used to running in the same conditions. The first runs, and especially hard workouts, are going to not feel all too pleasant. But eventually your body will start to adjust…you do NOT want the first time you go out and run in hot/humid/both conditions to be on race day when you’ve been doing all of your training at 5am to beat the heat. It’ll be like a body slam sucker-punch on race day.
* Hydrate…they hydrate some more: I’ve done some posts HERE and HERE all about hydration. But this needs to be BEATEN into your HEAD here. Hydrate religiously throughout the entire day!! You should be peeing darn near clear, by the time you feel thirsty you’re mildly dehydrated. Also make sure to get those electrolytes replenished as well.
* GI Issues: It’s no coincidence that your tummy may become more upset when the temps rise. I did a post HERE explaining just how much dehydration can be the root cause of lots of running GI disasters. So another reason to stay hydrated…ooor, just go poop your pants…your choice.
ice cream personality test
Now let’s talk about doing hard workouts and races in the summer scorchers:

* Easy Does It: We already know that going out too fast can be the kiss of death. Doing that in the heat is like putting yourself through Dante’s extra levels of h*ll. You might feel okay at the start but it’ll come slap you hard in the body/face/legs later. This is where you should be running for EFFORT and not times…the heat and humidity are two big factors that slow down times. So adjust your paces accordingly and the power of negative splitting is much friendlier than the brutal kick your butt punishment of going out too fast.
* H2O Cool: If you’re at the track, bring extra water to douse your head and body between reps. Obviously keep some to take sips on, but getting that body temp down the hose-to-head method works well too.
* Seek Shade: Ahhh-duh. If you can find shadier trails to do tempo or fartlek runs on then it’s a no-brainer (vs. an uncovered track). But I also wanted to add this one in here meaning that if you’re doing a track meet and are doubling/tripling/etc. get you butt in the shade as much as possible. No need to have extra energy zapped out of you lingering in the sun unnecessarily.

Whew…and after that, just dream of ice cream and guzzling the entire river once you’ve finished the run. 😉

1) What’s one of your summer running tips?
2) How bad are you tan lines?
I could blind you from 10 miles away. 😉

4 Replies to “Heat Kills”

  1. Ah this came at a perfect time. I waited until 3pm to run yesterday and just about died. It was so hot out and I had to keep stopping to fill my water bottle at different coffee shops. Not smart. I should have gone first thing in the morning like usual buuuuuut I didn’t.

    My tan lines are horrible. Looks like I’m wearing permanent white shorts…and socks. Yikes.

    • oh you poor thing!!! yea, i know the feeling where u kinda feel like u’re turning into a crispy worm stuck on the pavement…NOT a good feeling. i think of that when i’m tempted to push off my run to later in the day…haha.

      yo…we’re runners…we OWN the tanline look. 😉

  2. It’s always tough when the heat and humidity of summer move in! I always joke that I prefer to drink water, not inhale it 🙂 Sometimes the humidity gets so bad here (particularly in August and Sept.) that it feels like you could cut the air with a knife. When it gets that bad I try to run early in the morning or late in the evening, and I always carry water with me no matter the length of the run.

    • haha…i made the same joke when i was in TX a few weeks back, “i don’t like feeling like i’m breathing in my own sweat!!” lol

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