I admit I’m guilty of two things here: 1) a poorly punny title, sorry, and 2) chiming in here a little late. But regardless, McDonald’s is getting their own TV station? I want one! 🙂
I’m sort of torn on what to think here…at first it’s sort of a sigh and a lowered head. I mean don’t get me started on the whole obesity thing; visions of kids scarfing down fries and McNuggets until they are wedged in the booth and can’t change the station on the TV…oh wait, even if they did change the station it’s all McD’s all the time. 😉
But mostly for me it’s the exercies of the obesity problem that really gets me fired up; or the lack thereof. I’m the sort of runnerchick that believes if you workout like a champ, strap on the feedbag! 🙂 That said, I’m not a big McD’s fan myself, I am more of the Pop-Tarts and Chipotle variety, but to each their own. The other part is intensity: if you are logging a lot of miles you have the freedom to eat ‘harder’ than someone who just puts in a stroll around the block…that is a huge part. People need to be realistic with themsevles with exercise…

…and with food. So if you are of the sedetary variety, maybe a couple extra trips through the Drive-thru isn’t warranted. Secondly, common sense people…do you need to eat your weight in fries? The choices you make when you hit up McD’s comes down to you. To make smart choices you need information I know, so be informed if you are needing to lose a few, Rondald isn’t coming into your house, strapping you down and shoveling McNugget lovlies down your gullet. Though, I really like the mental picture.
As for the kids, that is what I just think it is sad, but that burden falls on the shoulders of parents. I think one of the best things my parents did was set by example a love of being active…NOT because it burned calories but because it is good for you and makes you feel good too. So it gets back to the exercise thing with me…promote that McD’s.
Maybe in front of those TV’s (apparently the McDonald channel is only available in their actual restaurants) there should be treadmills. So it you want those fries and frosties, that is totally cool with me (pass me a pint of Ben & Jerry’s instead though) but just bust your bum with some exercise. 🙂
1) What are your thoughts on the McDonald’s Station?
2) Best part of exercise?
3) Growing up, how was your family about exercise and food?