Road Runner’s Safety: Road ID Review and Giveaway

I made the switch from “I hate running, who in their right mind would force us poor kids to run a WHOLE mile for PE?!” person to “I LOVE me my running” right before entering high school. I grew up in a suburban town and naturally all of my running was done on the roads.

My parents are both runners so I’d tag along with them whenever I wasn’t with my high school team; because I’m notoriously horrible with directions I think it wasn’t until I was nearly 18 that my parents actually felt comfortable letting me go solo lest I take off and never come back! 😉

I graduated, moved up to Oregon and my running addiction of course followed. I was completely comfortable as a road runner, probably too comfortable…let’s be honest who among us hasn’t raced through a green light because they didn’t want to stop, lest they impede their workout?! Of course I was a smart runner too and was well aware of road safety, which for the most part I DID adhere to.

runner hit by car

Art: Cait Chock Designs

11 years a road runner, never a problem outside of the scrapes I picked up for being a klutz! I stepped out for just a regular run one March afternoon in 2010 and it ended up changing my life. I was not a mile in, running in the bike lane just outside of a school, when I was hit by a driver. It ended up being a hit and run, you can read more about that accident HERE, but needless to say I was darn lucky to get away with my life. Not everyone is that lucky.

I’ve stated before that I only want to talk about products or items on this site that I believe in and feel are worth value to my readers. (I’m being generous to myself by making that plural! Hehe) When I started seeing Road ID I couldn’t have been a bigger backer. Today it’s imperative that runners and cyclists, anyone outside on the roads, continue their sport in a defensive manner. (run defensively people, because not everyone in their car should be driving and not all have their attention on the road!) Part of that includes being prepared for the worse.

I wasn’t left unconscious after getting hit by a car myself, but I could have been. Road ID is a safety measure; it’s a bracelet with an engraved plate stating who you are, your age, emergency contacts, and pertinent medical information. (ie: allergies, medical conditions, etc.) This way if something does happen to you the first people on the scene will be able to best proceed forward in giving you the right kind of care you need and can do all they can to save your life.

I was given the opportunity to test out one of the Road ID’s(I actually had already gotten one for my dad who is a regular road runner and cyclist!) and give a review. There are multiple different styles and sizes of Road ID’s to choose from; I have a really small wrist so I went with the Wrist ID slim. There are also some fun colors to choose from outside of the traditional black…pink, green, purple, blue, and red, which I went with.

Road ID

Yes I'm trying to distract you from looking at my face with a cool Road ID bracelet and tin! 🙂

Mine came in a cool metal tin and the bracelet really was small! For once I had to stretch it pretty good to get over my hand, but it’s perfect for my wrist…I usually have a horrible time finding watches that don’t slip all over. The Slim would be perfect for kids too.

The band is similar to those Livestrong bands and of the same materials if that gives you a better idea. The engraved portion is clear and easy to read, I put my name, date of birth, two contacts, that I have a low pulse rate (umm, most of us runners do!), no known allergies, and a quote I like to live by, “Stay the course.” What I also was impressed with it that 10% of everything purchased is donated to charity; for which there are a few to choose from as you check-out.

I really like it and again, the whole idea of safeguarding yourself as a runner out on the roads is something I firmly believe in. I may make light of my accident and subsequent kankle because of my leg injury (now we’ve got the Kankled Avenger) but it’s something serious. I tend to make jokes as a means to stay positive during tough situations, but it’s not to be confused with the fact that road safety is deadly serious.
girl kicking
Now, because of this, I have some good news for you guys. Road ID has generously allowed me to give to one lucky reader their very own Road ID! To be entered into the contest leave me a separate comment for any of the below:

1) Visit the Road ID website and tell me which one you would like to sport.
2) ‘Like’ the Road ID Facebook page and leave a comment saying you did.
3) ‘Like’ ME on Facebook and leave a comment saying you did.
4) Follow me on Twitter or subscribe to my blog and leave me a comment saying you did.
5) Tweet, Facebook, or blog about my giveaway and leave a comment saying you did.
6) Tell me one thing you do to run/cycle defensively on the road.

You have until Saturday to enter! Have a wonderful Monday, and go get your sweat on! 🙂

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23 Replies to “Road Runner’s Safety: Road ID Review and Giveaway”

  1. Ohh Ohh I want the same kind you have except in pink, because that’s my favorite color. And I’m sorry :/ but I deactivated my facebook. And I don’t have a twitter (I’m removing myself from the technology). But one thing I do to run defensively is to run more without my headphones because without them I’m more aware of my surroundings which I think most runners tend to forget.

  2. I always run towards traffic when on the road – and then move accordingly. If I run at night I wear reflective gear and never without my big dog 😉 or my road id!!!

  3. The one thing I do to run defensively is wear TONS of reflective gear. I run before the sun comes up and between my knuckle lights, reflective gear and my dogs lit collar I hope people see me!

  4. I like the both the elite one and slim wrist! Big fan of all the bright color options. Liked you & Road ID on Facebook. Already following you on twitter. Retweeted about this competition. And to be safe on my runs, I don’t wear black at night.

  5. Ooh road ID! I defs need one of these, especially since I’m multisport and am therefore on the roads 2x as much hehe. I like the wrist elite, but I also really like the ankle ID – I have a thing for ankle bracelets, don’t judge lol.

    And if I don’t win, my birthday is in a month….AHEM…. ;-D

  6. I can’t say I’m good at “running defensively”, if anything because I run mainly on bike paths and trails, but I do always run against traffic, far to the side of the road, and if I’m at an intersection or a light, I always make sure that I have made eye contact with the driver before crossing. And for cycling defensively….umm I’ve given a few middle fingers but so far that’s it haha. I do try to stay on the shoulders and adhere to traffic laws since cycists technically have to do that in my state as well! I wish I could ride with a big “share the road” sign on my back though…

  7. Pingback: Traffic Yielding For EVERY Runner |

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