Running Cards Against Humanity

My roommates and I were playing a game, Cards Against Humanity, so naturally my brain wandered to how this could work for runners. Here’s the gist, everyone gets 10 cards with words of phrases on them, these are the answer cards. One person then draws from another stack of cards with a question or phrase as it, this is the prompter card. Everyone then looks through their deck of answers and puts down one of their words they think best fits.

If you’re a little confused, we’ll just get going and you’ll understand. I’ll give you some prompts….
running shoes
1) That smell emanating from the back of the room is ____________.

A) The Mt. Everest of dirty running clothes I’m putting off washing.
B) New scented BodyGlide.
C) Explosive diarrhea fumes wafting from my trail run.
D) Swassy
E) Add your card!
vibram shoes
2) TSA’s latest airline restrictions now ban __________.

A) Spikes.
B) More than 2oz of energy gel.
C) Anyone not wearing compression socks.
D) The dork who created Vibrams.
E) Add your card!

3) The last time I felt the overwhelming desire to ____________ I just had to indulge and _________________.

A) Be a glutton for punishment/skipped putting on BodyGlide before my marathon.
B) Prove my awesome directional skills/turned a 4 mile run into a 9 mile run.
C) feel on top of the clouds/ran. #endorphinhigh
D) punch someone in the face/ran the ‘surprise’ interval coach told me to…THEN punched him in the face. 😉 jk. [disclaimer: I don’t condone punching your coach in the face…haha.]
E) Add your card!
run for pancakes
4) I awoke with a start, sweat pouring down my face, I had just had my worst nightmare.

A) My Garmin stopped working during my tempo run. [side-note, I actually HAD that happen…my OCD is still trying to recover.]
B) I showed up to the track, looked down, and realized I’d forgotten to wear any running shorts.
C) I’d finished my long run, had dreamed of a mountain of pancakes for 16 miles…only to get to the diner and have them tell me it was TOO LATE…they stopped serving breakfast!!
D) Trying to do repeats on the track when all of a sudden a parade of walkers took over, walking side-by-side the full width of the track.
E) Add your card!

Did that last one give you vicarious chills?? Go…run, embrace all our quirky running humor!

What are some of the cards you would put in as answers to any of the above prompter cards??

Running Rocks Your Life and Runners Going Global

Running, life, games, and puzzles. We all know where things should fit in. 😉

game of life with running

world running puzzle

More running motivation HERE!!

Laughs? Cartoons and Comics HERE!


1) What was your favorite game as a child?
Hungry Hungry Hippos anyone?
2) What is one way you’ve seen runners or running impact the world and do good?
Quite a few. The Hall’s Steps Foundation, the Love Mercy Foundation, and California Runners!! Love all this!!

Gettin Your Fight Club On – We Play by My Rules Though

Happy Friday!! I hope you all are ready to kick off a fun weekend. Things around here have felt a little too ‘seriousy’ for me, so we obviously need to inject some kind of immaturity.

I’m also sitting on the verge of a minor/not-so-minor Hulk style flip out. Why? My computer and this slow butt internet has been working my last nerve!!!!! That whole Office Space scene of them just kicking the shiznit out of that piece of equipment, I wish I could do just that.

I know logically pounding on it won’t do a lick of good but the amount of instant satisfaction is almost just too tempting to pass up. I’ve never actually been in a real smack-down style fight with anyone…

rocky dog fighter

Pic I made for my family...they've got a Boston Terrier named Rocco

…I think the closest I’ve ever really come to honestly physically trying to overpower someone was in a struggle over a chair with my brother. Sibling moments at their finest, but this was one time we did cross that line between ‘haha, I want that chair’ and ‘I don’t care who the heck you are, or the fact that it’s over something idiotic, I’m going to try to kick your butt’ territory. I was 18, my brother 16; he outweighed me by probably a good 60-70 pounds and had a foot on me. You probably know how it ended, he got the chair, but I tell you he got it a lot harder than he thought he would. Oh, and in my mind I totally creamed him. 😉

On the subject, I’ve always harbored secret fantasies of being all street tough and like I really could win in any kind of fight…heck, I can barely come out on top of most verbal ones. That, and being that I love me my Fight Club, (okay, back when Brad Pitt wasn’t tainted by Jolie, he was hot!) I’ll start my own little knock-off. I’ll share a few rules:

  • We can talk about this fight club, but only if I win. That’s right, just like any other sore sport I can’t have you bringing up my failures. If I’m not in the fight, then you can brag all you want.
  • Races seem to feel okay about charging an arm and a leg to enter, then I’ll follow suit. You want to fight? I wear a size 8.5 Nike Structure Triax, I also want me some Franz Blueberry English Muffins.
  • We don’t have weight divisions, but we instead rely on the PO scale: levels of pissed-offness. It’s all about the size of the fight in the dog, in this case it’s about the amount of pure rage adrenaline this sucker’s running off of.
  • We don’t use weapons. If there is an object in your hand then it better be the item that your rage is directed towards…example: computer.
worthog farting

Farting would be an accpetable way around the 'no weapon' rule though...

**Disclaimer: To state the obvious, the above is all a fictitious rambling and in no way represents anything I stand for or believe in. In reality I’d probably get the snot knocked out of me by mini-me, I’d drop to the floor faster than a hot potato…I vividly remember that Holyfield vs. Tyson, I’m not willing to lose part of my ear or any other bodily extensions. Finally, failures do make us better and hungrier for the next round, so I’m not saying losing sometimes isn’t a bad thing (heck, there are some egos out there who deserve a swift loss).

1) What was the last inanimate object that was the bane of your current existence and focal point of your utter rage?

2) Have you ever been in a ‘real’ fight?

3) Do you have a rule you’d like to add to our fictitious knock-off Fight Club?

4) Any fun weekend plans?

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