Reasons I’m Loving Spring

Spring’s here, Runners, so let’s soak up as much of that Vitamin D as we can!!
peacock running shirt ezzere
I finished my run wearing the Peacock Runner Tee (You can BUY YOURS at and couldn’t help but linger outside. This is my favorite time of year, Spring means…

TRACK!! Holy cow, can you say the track’s been burning up lately at those meets and for us track nerds the season’s just getting started! Hurrah!

Let Spring give YOU a need for speed!!
Let Track Season Bring Out the Gamer in the Runner: Each event, different variables to master

Why All the Track Hate? Overcoming Track-Phobia

If the track is intimidating to you, it SHOULDN’T be! So if that’s you struck with track phobia I challenge you to face that fear head on! Look at it this way: a hard workout is a hard workout REGARDLESS of where it’s run. Don’t let the track’s presence add extra pressure and just realize the rules are the same: give your best effort and that’s all you can do!

Short sleeves!! Well actually the Spring means tanks and even sports bras which I prefer WAY more than the long sleeves and bundling up. I’m a wimp, I don’t like to be cold. But I also HATE being so hot I feel like I’m turning into one of those charred worms on the pavement.

Yea, I’m not looking forward to the 115 degree summer temps. So I’m going to savor these Spring weather runs while I can. Come summer I’m thinking I’m going to have to get up at like 5am and run before Mr. Sun has a chance to scorch me to DEATH!!

It’s important with the sun us runners are even more diligent in our hydrating regimes!! Guzzle, guzzle, guzzle!! And make sure you’re drinking more than just water, you’ve gotta replenish those electrolyte stores too.

Oh and another benefit of Spring…seeing Peeps literally everywhere! 😉 Hey just that fast-acting source of glycogen, right??

1) What are you looking forward to this Spring?
2) What’s your favorite season to run in?

8 Replies to “Reasons I’m Loving Spring”

  1. I love running in the spring and fall! But I think spring is trying to skip Maryland this year…it will start to get warm for a couple days and then get really cold again! Some parts of Baltimore got an inch of snow last year! And just wait…in a month I will be complaining about the heat and humidity. I think I need to move somewhere that has better running weather!

    • oh my gosh, you poor east coaster, i’ve NO idea how u deal with the ‘real’ seasons!! come move to Cali…trust me, you’ll love it! 🙂

  2. I love spring because it means summer is almost here – I do love being hot!!!
    It has been nice to see so many people outside again!!!

  3. I am looking forward to mild spring temperatures, without the humidity of summer! Although, last night it snowed about an inch at home. Hopefully we’ll get a month’s worth of glorious spring weather before the heat of the summer moves in.

    Favorite running season —-> FALL!!

  4. Look at you gorgeous lady! I hope you have a wonderful spring running season! I am loving the autumn weather here. Such a relief from our high summer temperatures. The darker mornings do make it harder to get out of bed though. But winter morning runs bring their own rewards. I love being out when the stars are still shining and watching the sun come up 🙂

    • awww, u’re too sweet, thank you. 🙂 oh yes, there is something quite magic about suuuuper early runs. being alone, under the stars…just you and the run, something you OWN and a special secret to enjoy just for yourself.

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