Runners, Superheros, and Princesses Re-defined

In MY version of fairy tales, the princesses all run, with names like Kara Goucher and Shalane Flanagan. In my comic books the heros wear Dri-FIT racing gear, they don’t need pseudo-names, Dathan Ritzenhein and Meb Keflezighi will do just fine. The truth is in ‘normal people’ land that’s more than enough to fly under the radar mostly unnoticed. The pap’s are too tied up stalking Honey Boo Boo. 😉
running princess
Running princesses are sweet but an epic force on the track. Steely eyed mid-repeat, tough as nails. So don’t confuse sweet and nice with damsel in distress, heck, if a runner dude is tanking mid-run they best keep looking over their shoulder because they very will may be passed.

Perhaps the power of the running superheros isn’t so much super strength, super endurance, or super speed, it’s just guts, grit, and the ability to push themselves harder than any sane person would. MENTAL strength is something you can’t teach, or quite explain, that’s what makes it all the more alluring and admirable.

So little girls, don’t dress up in doily dresses, but opt for Tempo Shorts…trust me, there are plenty of fun colors. Little boys, you don’t need to steal your sister’s tights and find a cape, micro-fiber running tights will do just fine.

Runners are, by definition alone, super heros and the most kick@$$ kinds of princesses.

1) When you were a kid, what was your favorite kind of character?
I won’t lie, I was obsessed with wanting to be a mermaid. Ariel and that movie Splash were on constant repeat.

2) What is a way you’ve felt like a kind of super hero in your running experience or journey?

3) What do you feel is a kind of super power that is possessed by runners?
I’ll say the people with the most mental tenacity win in my book.

best running shirts

6 Replies to “Runners, Superheros, and Princesses Re-defined”

  1. Can I just say I love your posts? And of course, I love your art work. I know I have said it before, but I just love love love your artwork! That being said, I always loved princess characters, ever since I was a little girl. I would love to run the Disney Princess Half next winter! It is so true, I do feel like some form of my own super hero being able to run the distances I set out to conquer as well as being able to run races and succeed at something I set out to do. In my own personal journey, I am my own super hero. And I like to think one day my son will think I was his. Until then I am not even close to super hero status, “I am just some runner who likes ice cream.”

    • that’s one of the reasons i think running is so great, EVERYONE, if they put in the effort, can improve and be their own superhero. 🙂

  2. This was such a cute post! I really liked it 🙂 “Opt for tempo shorts… there are plenty of fun colors” Too funny!

    I wanted to be a mermaid when I was a kid, too! Ariel was my favorite. I was a swimmer, and started swimming competitively year round when I was 6, so I was always in the water.

    I definitely agree that the mental thoughness is probably the most common “super power” among runners, whether it’s the mental toughness to complete a couch to 5K program or to run a 100 mile race or a sub-3 marathon.

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