They Always Say Home Is Where the Heart Is

Find your home. Find your love. #run

track heart

MY NEW NEWSLETTER! If you missed the first Arty Runnerchick Ezzere Newsletter, don’t cry…don’t worry…just sign up and you won’t miss out on one minute more of the action! 😉

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Think of them like a weekly vitamin shot: packed with training tips, news and updates, art, motivation, and more to boost and fuel your running. 😉 Plus way tastier than those wheat grass shots.


1) Where do you feel most at home?
2) Where are you finding love with your runs lately?
3) What vitamins or supplements do you take, if any?
I hope everyone takes at least some iron supplements!

2 Replies to “They Always Say Home Is Where the Heart Is”

  1. I feel most at home when I am with my family and my beloved. I know, I know, soppy answer, but it’s the truth 🙂
    I am finding love with my runs all over the place at the moment, but I am really enjoying being faster than I have been in ages. Seems that gallbladder was really slowing me down 😉
    I take a thyroid supplement because mine goes wonky sometimes, but nothing other than that. I can’t take iron supplements orally, as we all know, but my iron is sky high at the moment thanks to that infusion, so I should be good for a while!
    Love your new art work Cait, and I’m really enjoying the Ezzere newsletter too!

    • how come it doesn’t surprise me you feel at home with your loved ones andddd can i go out on a limb and say more specifically at home in the kitchen?? 🙂 hehe.
      YES!!! i’m soooo pumped that you’re body is feeling SO much better after that darn gallbladder scare…Chickpea’s got a need for speeeeeeeed! 🙂
      and u’re way too sweet, thanks, girl! xoxo

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