About Cait

Freelance writer, artist, & graphic designer. Founder of Ezzere Running Shirts http://ezzere.com/ #runner #writer #blogger #artist #designer Run. Laugh. Be.

One Hungry Boston Terrier and Caving to Peer Pressure

Whoa baby…I’ve gotten a little headachy thanks to working with that blasted Sharpie. No, I wasn’t trying to be the ‘cool’ kid in 4th grade who thinks that the awesome thing to do in arts and crafts is to attempt to get a contact high from the markers. Just been inking out some sketches and I always hate that smell of the pens, but all in the name of art, right?!? Hehe…just kidding.

Anyways, back on track here. (PS-The picture with the dog is from the calendar I made my family; last name Chock, one of their pups in named Coco…Count Chocula cereal rocks…you do the math.) Today went well, got up and did another progressive tempo run and it’s always nice to see some progress. Getting relatively faster, and I do stress the word relatively. 😉 Finished up with another tossing around of my baby weights, working on buffing out my arms…I’ll be a real meathead in no time!

Then spent some time working on some sketching and also finished what will be the third installment to the Supa’ Runna’s! (how does that name sound, I’m still not sold but again, the group name is still getting worked on.) Anyways, if it passes inspection by the applicant I’ll show you all tomorrow. So do check on back here.

That said, it’s happened…I broke down and watched The Bachelorette last night On Demand. There was SO much talk about it on FB, blogs, and the like that I cracked and figured I’d at least watch the first round. That way I can feel included when everyone else makes their predictions, makes fun of the guys who deserve it, and hate on the inevitable scumbags. This will be the first season I’ve watched any of the shows, including The Bachelor, so I didn’t know the whole backstory of Ashley going in. But they catch you up quite nicely so I feel pretty much up to speed.

So what are your guys’ thoughts? Did anyone else watch? Am I the only one who couldn’t help but laugh when some of the guys express just how romantic they are? I also want to know if you would ever go on a show like that? As either one of the 25 trying to win the final rose, or as the person doling out the roses? There’s the money perk, but even for that and a fifteen minute slot of fame, I don’t think I could handle the 24 hour surveillance. It would out all my crazy quirks, I’d no doubt end up looking like a fool, and I’m prrreeetty sure I wouldn’t find my soul mate. What say you?

1) Did you used to sniff those Mr. Scenty markers back in the day?

I have a really bad sense of smell actually and it takes a lot for me to catch a whiff of something (good or bad). But I never liked those things, they always gave me a headache after awhile.

2) Are you wrought with anticipation over the next running superhero?

Of but of course, and I know you all are too, don’t lie.

3) Are you jumping aboard this Bachelorette gossip blitz train, either by will or peer pressure? Have you watched the previous seasons?

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Flashback! Living Like a Kid

Hello there! Well, today when I got up I felt a little out of sorts. I always have really vivid dreams and I also have this crazy sleep problem where I wake up literally every 90 minutes or so in the night. Usually it’s in the middle of a dream and it takes me a couple minutes to sort of ‘wake up’ and realize I’m not in my dream.

I have woken up doing some pretty random things thinking I was still in my dream. Anyways, the last few nights I’ve been having some pretty bad dreams so I’ve woken up pretty unsettled. Well, I got up today and got in my workout. Just an easy run today and core work, yesterday was a harder one for me.

Well, as I was watching a Full House rerun, (go ahead and judge me, yes I voluntarily tuned into that Tanner family!) it was the one where DJ skips school to get an autograph of her favorite singer. Of course Joey catches her and the tale wraps up with DJ apologizing for lying to everyone, cut to Danny and his daughters hugging in a cheesy embrace. Audio in the, ‘Ahhhh’s.’ Still, watching those shows takes me right back to my little 2nd grade self when I’d ‘stay up late’ to watch the full TGIF line-up.

You remember those, don’t lie! Full House, Step-by-Step, Family Matters (this one I actually wasn’t so huge on, that Steve really just bugged the heck out of me), and I’m blanking on the last one, I think the last half hour slot switched around a bit with them trying out different shows.

So it got me thinking about some of the other things I LOVED as a kid. So here it goes folks. Other shows of course were the Nick staples: Clarissa Explains it All (Melissa Joan Hart before the Sabrina the Teenage Witch days), The Secret World of Alex Mac (who doesn’t love a girl who can spontaneously turn into a pile of goo?!?!), Kennan and Kel (had the biggest crush on Kel…btw I thought he dropped off the face of the planet, but I’ve seen him in a few cameos the latest being a Disney show…again, don’t judge me!), and of course Ren and Stimpy. Happy Happy Joy Joy!!

Movies: Ernest Scared Stupid…I saw this one a million times and always wanted to find Miak. Adventures in Babysitting, The Little Mermaid, Splash (I was obsessed with mermaids and this one being a live action…adored it!), and all the Neverending Stories. “Atreyu!!” hehe.

Okay, hello Squeeze-it’s!!! All time best drink, and they really need to bring those things back. There were also some Hi-C packs that for a time featured Slimer from the Ghost Busters…I was down with that slimeball.

Fun Dippers. Much better than those pixi-stix because this one come with a licking stick that you can eat after. Plus you get the whole variety of flavors thing.

Pop Tarts. This obsession still stands today, I can’t fully explain why these things hold such a rein of power over me, but they do. I think it was because growing up they were reserved for only special occasions.

Lordy, here comes the cereal line-up: Rice Krispy Treats Cereal (the big chunks of treaty clusters, baby!), Chount Chocula, Golden Crisp…much better than the knock-off Smacks, and the mother of all Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Ahh, the good old days. But in getting back to my little Full House episode, I found a few things I’d like to point out. 1) I noticed that in the earlier episodes Uncle Jessie’s last name is Cochran, but then in the later ones he weds Rebecca as Mr. and Mrs. Katsopolis. 2) There was definitely a gay pride windsock hanging in DJ’s room…way to go DJ for taking a stand and showing your support! 3) Joey was walking a young Michelle around on one of those leashes. Maybe that’s what set those Olsens up for future craziness…no one should be forced to wear a leash.

Well, I hope you all are having a great one. Here’s to living like a kiddie!

1) What are some of your favorites from childhood?

2) Favorite breakfast food?

3) Were you ever a leash kid?

Nope. But I guess that didn’t stop me from being a crazy myself, oh well.

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Mondays are for Birthdays and Running Workouts…the Perfect Combo, Right?!

So what have I learned on this fine Monday so far? 1) All that excitement about seeing a peek of sunshine on Saturday apparently scared it back into hiding. 2) Doing a hard workout on the treadmill is made all the more excruciating when done to the annoying clucking of Kathie Lee Gifford. Thankfully there was a brief appearance by Jimmy Fallon that offset her a bit. (PS-I wasn’t the one holding the remote, sadly, that was the lady on the elliptical next to me.)

3) BUT the biggest thing is…MY LITTLE SIS TURNED 16!!! Wow, I can’t believe it, I was nine when she was born and I used to take her around to all of my school events and then meets so much that she became sort of the little mascot for a few years. I just hope that she’s far better on the road than me, (let’s all send her a collective good luck on her driver’s test today…I failed my first one, btw, which shouldn’t have been too much of a surprise.) my very first time behind the wheel with my dad I popped the tire.

Back on track here, my baby sis! Well, this is just yet another time when I REALLY hate the fact that I live up in OR and them down in CA. 🙁 Not able to make it down for her three day fest-a-palooza, what with the fam bam on Saturday, friend party on Sunday, and the actual bday today. But I’d like to think I’m there in spirit…plus, I’m sure at this point she wouldn’t want me crashing in on the friend thing. So she’s saved the embarrassment. Anyways, I made her a little piece of art that she may or may not feel like actually hanging up somewhere (don’t worry it came with a cash-stuffed card too!) and I’ll share it with you. The little pup in the pic is hers and she’s quite obsessed with her…made the pup its own Facebook page and all. 🙂

Backtracking a bit to the Jimmy Fallon thing, he was on talking about his new ‘Thank You’ type book. I usually don’t watch his show (for shame, I know, but I caught him on his good old SNL days) but he does some segments that send random thank you’s to people. One was the thank you to families that hold hands in a long chain, walk at a turtle speed, and are completely oblivious to the fact that they are blocking your entire path in the parking lot or on the road. You then are forced to move your car up inch by excruciatingly slow inch behind them until you get to a parking spot.

In honor of his little book I’d like to send a few thank you’s out myself, if they aren’t already in there. Thank you to the people who play every game and take EVERY quiz out there on Facebook in rapid-fire sessions so that they clog up the entire feed reporting their results.

Thank you to the parents who have never heard of the word discipline. I’ll also send a shout out in thanks to the fact that their kids must be brimming with self-esteem.

Thank you to the geriatric actors who play in the Life Alert commercials. This one is actually genuine because an old person laying face down on the ground crying, ‘I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!’ never fails to make me laugh. Is that really mean of me?

At any rate, one last thing that crossed my mind on the good old treaddy today. Has anyone had those cross country races where it gets to the point where it’s hurting and you start to question whether hurling yourself into a big prickly bush would be less painful that motoring on to the finish? Of course you don’t actually DO it but the funny mental pictures often helped distract me from the burning in my legs for a time and lighten the mood I guess. Anyways, had a similar thought today about just letting the treadmill belt shooting me off the back end and crashing into the bike behind me. The looks I would then get would have been priceless. I guess it may be a little disturbing sharing this and wondering what that says about my psyche…that this little mental image made me crack a smile and got me through to the end. Without becoming bike food either. But, like I’ve said, I like to make fun of myself and I do laugh at old people, so there ya go.

Lastly, since I kind of feel weird just sharing random babblings from my head and not sharing something of some kind of worth, I feel I should try to give out any advice I may have. I’ll toss out a workout that I really like doing and may work for you. I do get questions from people who are just starting to run, maybe have run for awhile but want some ideas, so I’ll post one. (Also, if anyone has any questions or want to suggest a topic for me, let me know and leave a comment!)

A break-down run. This goes by tons of different names, after a warm-up (aim for at least 10 minutes) you’ll basically be doing a tempo run but you’ll start out ‘slower’ and gradually pick up the pace until you’re going much faster by the end. Think of negative splits, which is also the smart way to go about any kind of workout/race because physiologically your body will burn fuel much more efficiently and you’ll feel MUCH better than if you were to run in an opposite manner and go out way too fast. I’m sure many of you can attest to that. So pick a distance or time for your tempo run, we’ll make the example here 20 minutes. You want to start out at a pretty decent effort, not loafing but controlled, and then pick up the pace every three minutes or so. (or 1/2 mile if you’re going for miles) Then really push those last few minutes, and they should feel like you’re going faster than 5k race pace, not all out but getting there because you’ll be fatigued by this point. If it helps, picture yourself being hurled off the back of the treadmill or flung into a pile of spiky bushes if that takes your mind off things and helps you push to the end. 🙂 What also helps me is I don’t think of the whole thing, but take it in the three minute chunks one at a time. Focus on just getting through this three minutes, anyone can do anything for three minutes right?

Anyways, be sure to finish with an easy cool-down, don’t let that lactic acid just sit and pool in your muscles! Work it out, baby! Alright, rounding out this epic post I’d like to again send a shout out to the best sis in the world…(sorry folks I may be a bit partial here!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 🙂

1) What thank you would you like to send out?

2) Ever been thrown off the back end of a treadmill?

Once when I was about 7, my dad was working at a fitness equipment store and I wanted to see how fast it could go. Carpet burn.

3) Got any questions for me? 🙂

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Clumsiness is a Curse and SatuRACEs

That was what I looked like last night. Well, not necessarily the ‘roided out Hulkette look, but in my mind that was me. There are a few times that you want to shake your fists at the heavens above and shout ‘Why?!?,’ last night was one of them. Am I being overly dramatic? Yes. Do I have anyone else but myself to blame? No.

As I was carrying my plateful of scrummy dinner to the sofa, plopping down and balancing said plate in one hand, pushing play on the remote with the other, that’s where I made my idiot move. I was getting into that ‘good’ spot on the couch and there was a balance mishap that soon left me a shrimp, noodly-broccoli mess. ACK!! Needless to say I was royally cheesed at myself. Anyways, cleaned the mess up, made dinner number two and finished that movie. Which totally wasn’t worth tossing my dinner for by the way…it was an Irish comedy about two couples who booked their wedding receptions on the same venue. Then again it was a free rental so you get what you pay for.

SATURDAY! Well, I know that is race day for many folks out there, I know some peeps getting their race on, so I’m collectively sending you well wishes. Also, if there is anyone reading this out there who had a race today feel free to take the opportunity to brag on yourself in the comments section…I’d love to hear it! 🙂

Me, I did a longer run and pushed on the middle five. Rounded out with throwing my ginormous weights around (I’ve got to look like that picture, remember?) for a quick upper-body routine and now I’m going to be a lazy bum for the rest of the day. Good times.

On a random note, and maybe some of you gals can relate, as I kept having to swat fly-away hairs from my face the WHOLE run, I was beginning to wish I was just bald. So annoying, and that whole hair/running issue is one of the few times I really envy the guys. (But then I check myself because recently I saw a dude running an entire 5k in a full-body speed suit…not pretty and trust me, those watching do not appreciate it, fellas! haha) I’ve seen pictures of my mom back in the day and she was racing without anything tying her hair back, and I’ve seen pictures of elite women doing the same. That would drive me bonkers. Anyways, I think I need to pick up some of the elastic headband type things, maybe that will work. The only reason I haven’t used them in the past is because I’m paranoid they will either be too tight and give me a headache or they will be too loose and end up slipping and cause me further angst. But I’ve seen lots of people use them…anyone have experience there?

Also it appears that today is the end of the world. Well, what are you doing wasting your time reading my ramblings? I’m flattered. Seriously, I also love how later after the predicted end of the world and they ask these people to explain themselves…the excuses they come up with, but it always ends with them saying that it was just a mistake but they have since come up with the REAL next end of the world day. At any rate, here’s to hoping we don’t all meet our demise before tomorrow! 🙂

1) What are times when you envy the opposite sex?

2) Would you rather known in advance when you were going to die or opt for not knowing?

Ignorance is bliss in my book. And there is always something to be said for living each day like it’s your last. I always try to make sure that I end any exchange with my loved ones on a good note and let them know that I love them, because ya know, you never know. 🙂

I’m off for now, hope your Saturday is shaping up well!

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Our Second Superhero and It’s Friday, Baby!

Yay it’s Friday! AND the sun is shining. I must say it’s nice to wake up and see some rays of light poking out through those blinds. I’m also really stoked that with the warmer weather I can really stick it to PG and stop paying them out the wazoo on my utilities bill! Huurah!

It’s my fault, there are some things that I just refuse to suffer through and one of those is being cold, so even though I of course don the long sleeves and pants in the house I refuse to be uncomfortably chilly. I think part of this goes back to when I was growing up and my dad was a bit of a temperature control freak. He barely let us use the AC during the summers and then was skimpy on the heater in the winters. I’ve already established how much I dislike being too hot or too cold so now that I’m ‘all growed up’ it’s one of my sticking points.

Mooooving on. Okay, so isn’t is beautiful how you can feel pretty good one day and then like total @$$-monkeys the next? I’m referring to my run today, in case you’re scratching your head. Had a nice tempo yesterday but I was paying for it today. Gotta love that.

Speaking of, we’ve gotten our second addition to the Running Super Group. Hmm, I have yet to come up with a really good name for this new breed of Superheros…so the name is going to be a bit up in the air for now. But here’s the story with the new guy: (Note: I’m going to keep it clean for our fair viewers…hehe…my dad doesn’t like me to cuss, I’m trying to be better)

It was the final 200 of the final lap on the final repeat, he could feel his hamstring complaining at him but told it to once again shut up. He’d finally gotten to a point where he was able to run pretty fast without it actually screaming in pain. He’d had a good workout thus far and he’d be da**ed if he wasn’t going to finish off with his fastest one. He look at his training partner running just off his shoulder, purring along, they both nodded in agreement, picked up the pace and started to really hammer.

Rounding the turn they were on. They kept pushing until they both saw the obstruction up ahead in the middle of lane one down the homestretch. It was two ladies getting in their brisk walk, chatting no doubt about how nice the weather had been getting, ignorant of the two harriers panting their way through a self-inflicted torture session. Our running friend looked at his partner in mutually understood annoyance as they both swung out far into lane four to finish, stopping their watches. At least it was their fastest interval. He slapped his training partner on the back and went to change out of his spikes. The two ladies had made it just to the start/finish line themselves and quipped, “Wow, you guys looked like you were going fast.”

Later that night, having showered off and devoured most of a pizza, okay and truth be told a few beers too, our running friend plopped to the other place that was probably just as much of a staple in his life as his running: in front of the computer. He had a few status updates to attend to and oh, did we mention a few message boards to frequent as well? It wasn’t too long until his mouth dropped open in gaping horror…a few cookie crumbs (he’d earned a few after all) sprayed onto the screen. “No, this is just too heinously ridiculous to be true!” he thought, though on the heels of that he couldn’t stop a fit of laughter from taking over. After composing himself he decided that there may be a way for him to prevent such a ridiculous event to occur. It was a known fact that doping in the track scene had gotten to a despicable level, and he’d be da**ed if yet another noted athlete would fall victim to just such an abominable act.

And thus, The Cranky Hamstring was born. In a freak twist of chance it was in that moment of utter outrage and hilarity that the time continuum was ripped. A chasm opened up from that computer, through the message boards he flew, and was spit out on the other side. He recognized the trophies on the wall, the medals, the lush pad. “Well, I know for da**ed sure this couldn’t be the house of a distance runner. It must be a sprinter’s salary,” he thought. And then it dawned on him. He knew where he was and he knew what had to be done. And so he burst into the room…

Below is the following comic, our second edition on the heels of The Kankled Avenger. I’d like to take a minute to back up because maybe not everyone knows what this whole thing was referring to…so if you don’t follow track and fields related news, last year there was a noted sprinter who tested positive for performance enhancing drugs. He claimed he tested positive not because he was knowing trying to ‘roid up but because of something that was in the male enhancement products he was taking. Anyways, I’m not trying to point the finger of blame, or say one way or the other what the truth may or may not be (wow, I sound like a political candidate here), I’m just poking fun at the whole situation in general.

Okay, I’m sorry if I’ve geeked out too much here for those who aren’t running nerds, but I was in a drawing mood yesterday and wanted to add this to the Superhero chain. At any rate, I hope your Friday is plugging along and you’ve got some fun stuff planned for the weekend! 🙂

1) What is something you refuse to be cheap about and will shell out for?

2) What’s the worst thing you’ve ever cheated on?

I’m so lame, I never cheated off of anyone else because I know I’d just be too guilty to not confess. But I let a girl cheat off of my homework in 5th grade, we got caught and I kid you not I felt guilty for way too long.

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Random Favorites and Annoyances

I got to thinking about what some of the things that make the happy. Not of course the ‘usual’ things like family, friends, the fact I’ve made it another month without winding up living in a box…not those kind of things. The things that are seemingly little but give me a rush that is proportionately much greater than it should be. Things that other people might not give a second thought to, but to me it might make my day. (okay, scratch that in some cases it has made my week, or even a month) So here are some of the weird little things that give me a secret rush:

1) Someone giving me cutsies. If I’m in the store and I only have a few things but the person ahead of me has a boatload, and they let me cut in front of them. I think this is one of the nicest things ever and I try to return the favor to others when the roles are reversed.

2) Randomly coming across the episode of a show I love. There aren’t many shows that I follow along for the premieres of, I usually catch up OnDemand or just muddle along in reruns. I have seen every Seinfeld episode too many times to count but they never get old, and the same goes for a few other shows. But we all have our favorites, right? I get much too excited when one of my favorite episodes randomly pops up…I feel it’s like a little gift just for me from the TV gods.

3) Waking up in the middle of the night with a really good idea. It’s crazy where good ideas hit you, for me it never fails that it’s around 3am, my eyes pop open, and I’ve got this mental picture to draw, perfect little tagline, or some other kind of inspiration. The bummer of this though, is I’m super lazy and hate actually moving to write it down or make a note so I don’t just forget it.

4) Biting into something REALLY doughy. Really fat, doughy pizza crust, bagels, those country style biscuits, cornbread, muffins…you get my drift. I’ve got my love affair with chocolate chip pancakes and they make the cut, but the things that give me an extra lift are things that you can pick up and hold. It’s weird, but I like to kind of squeeze the ‘fluff’ (forget not playing with your food) and then take a big honking bite.

5) Saving a TON at the grocery store. I kind of eluded to the fact earlier that I’m a bit of a tight-wad and a sucker for a bargain, but I’m also one of those dorks who look through the circulars to see if some of my usual staple are on sale at places or if there are coupons for said items. I’ve also kept a mental PR for just how much I’ve whittled a total cost down too…now, I’m not in the ranks of those crazy coupon women you see on TV, hardly, but there are a few times that stick out in my mind. My most thrilling escapade came a few years back when I was eating a ton of Balance bars, I mean I went through I think three or four a day. Those suckers are expensive, well I found a couple books of coupons that gave you $1 off every two Balance bars you buy. Later that week Fred Meyer put their bars on sale: 2/$1. What did that mean? Well, I picked up literally HUNDREDS of these bars, but with my dollar off coupon they ended up being free. I felt kind of bad watching a couple hundred dollar totals wind up being zero for me owing them, so I’d pick up an apple or something and then pay them $1 or so in the end. Don’t worry, I’m not stingy and I also shared this plethora of bars with my friends. 🙂

6) When my new US mag comes in the mail. I am actually a bit ashamed to post this, but I’ve got a weakness for the trash mag’s and my mom got me a subscription…thank you, mamma! 🙂

7) Standing in a hot shower until my skin is red all over. This is usually after I’ve been outside and it’s really cold or something like that. I love me my hot showers.

8) Said it a million times, but what the heck, finishing a really good run/workout.

9) Coming across a picture of my little bro and sis when they were young. Sappy, yes, I’m sorry, but had to add it to the list.

Okay, sorry for an epic post here, but I have to round it out with a few of my least favorite things:

1) Touching doorhandles on public places. I admit I’m OCD, but I’m not nearly as bad as What About Bob, and I don’t carry around a papertowel. Most places I’ll just grab the handle, but in the back of my mind it gives me a niggle, and if I’m wearing a jacket or something I’ll pull my sleeve over my hand. Don’t worry, it’s not in people’s homes, I mean high-traffic areas. But when it comes to public restrooms, not gonna lie there I always snag a papertowel and use that.

2) Admitting I forgot someone’s name. I’m HORRIBLE at remembering names, I remember faces forever, but placing the name to the face is my bane. I don’t know what my deal is, but even the second the person introduces themselves to me it’s like their name is just in that Peanuts teacher voice. I feel horrible about this because there are plenty of instances where I’ve been good friends or at least good acquaintances with people and it was a few years before I ever remembered their name. I’ve gotten pretty good at getting around using a name, but every now and again I get caught and feel like a royal douchette.

3) The smell of peanut butter. This is probably going to offend some people, but I can’t stand that smell. I actually used to love PB as a kid, but somewhere I stopped and now it makes me feel kind of sick if the smell is too overpowering.

4) Close-talkers. It gives me the skeeves if I feel someone’s breath on my face, I’m also paranoid that their spit will fly on my face too. Again, here I’m just stealing from Seinfeld but this one really makes my list.

5) Being one quarter short for the laundry machine. I never have quarters, and I hate laundry in general, so this one drives me up the wall.

6) Being overly hot or overly cold. I’m a weather wimp, thank heavens I’m a West Coast dweller because I’d never make it in some of the states with real weather swings.

7) It also bugs me when people misuse your/you’re and there/they’re/their. And misplacing apostrophes.

That is it for today…I hope I haven’t bored you to tears and scared away my one or two readers. But now I throw it back to said one or two readers, what are some of the things that give you that little rush and what are some of your least favorite things?

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Canes, Winco, and The Kankled Avenger

Happy Wednesday! Okay, I have a couple random thoughts to share for today, so here goes. The fist thing I’ve been informed of is that the new hot fashion trend is a cane. Alright, don’t fault me for not becoming aware of this news when it firs premiered on Kourtney and Kim because I really only catch the reruns of that one every now and again. I’ve kind of decided that the they are the two most boring of the bunch so pairing them up for an entire show doesn’t hold much promise in my book. BUT there is the gem that is Scott Disick and usually offers up at least some entertainment value. But I think for the most part it’s wholly unintentional because he is being dead serious with what he is saying.

Anyways, I just now saw the one where he’s decided that because he is the latest fashion icon it was high time he found a distinguishing item for himself. A cane. If I knew how hot canes were going to be, I should have tried to one-up the trend, pulled out my bedazzler, and got to work on them crutches.

Second item for today, Winco. I love Winco, actually. I know some people probably think it’s totally grungy or seedy (I mean they don’t accept credit cards and if you pay with a check they really do ask for your ID and they won’t accept any out of state checks.) but I’m a total cheapo and if I’m going to save a few bucks I really don’t care at all. In fact a Winco shopping trip is a fun experience not to be missed, take that Safeway. Here’s why I love Winco:

1) Greeting Sam the bearded homeless guy who hangs out in front of the bottle return. They actually have people on Winco staff in charge of shooing Sam and his friends away but you can’t keep a good dog down.

2) Getting evil looks from the three punk kids just hanging out in front of the shopping carts. I think they call themselves emos, the ones that are really just much cooler than any of us losers who dare crack a smile.

3) Screaming kids around every corner. Also trying not to run over one of these little brats wreaking havoc around the aisles, picking up cookies and throwing things around. Their moms never seem to care, they always travel in packs of about four or five and it kinda looks like even if you DID actually run over one of them their mom may or may not really care all that much.

4) The look of death from a person when you accidentally bump your cart into theirs. Like it’s a real moral offense, sorry, Bud, the aisles are just kind of narrow and your cart is hogging up most of it.

5) The check-out people wearing those latex type gloves. I like this because it kind of makes you wonder if they a) are afraid of picking some kind of disease up from the actual food they are scanning and you will later be eating b) are trying not to get sick from you, the people actually coming into contact with them or c) some other reason altogether which may be even scarier.

So, if you haven’t yet, hit this place up. I may sound snarky here, but I’m really not joking when I say their prices are insane…you will save a bundle. Oh, and I forgot to add that you do pack your own bags. But the BEST part of that is you get to control that little conveyor belt thing! YAY!

Last thing, in case you missed it yesterday, there is a new Runner Superhero on the block: The Kankled Avenger. I promised the first actual comic of that one so here ya go. In looking it over after I finished I realize that it kinda looks like the guy in the picture gets hit by this wayward driver. That wasn’t my intention, but rather it was a close call that caused him to dodge out of the way but in doing so he winded up in a face plant. I know all of us have had more than enough close calls so that is what I was going for. (I’m also kind of annoyed because with Blogger I can only make it so big without having the image quality look junky, but if you want a better look to read things better just click on the actual comic and it’ll pop up bigger.)

That’s it for today, hope your Wednesday is shaping up well. And if there is anyone reading this, I’ll ask you a few questions:

1) Do you watch any of the Kardashian shows?

2) Where do you do your grocery shopping?

3) Have you ever hit one of those big concrete pillars in a parking garage?

Yes, I have it was at a downtown Safeway, the pillar was bright yellow and it left a big yellow streak along the side of my car. Nice.

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The Birth of The Kankled Avenger

So I had thought that it was certainly time that us runners had a superhero all our own. I mean, okay, there is The Flash, but really he’s not really a runner runner per se. And besides, while he is out there supposedly hunting down the ‘real bad guys’ he seems to be ignoring the MANY other plagues of the runner. Wayward drivers, leashless dogs, people who don’t know that lane 1 is to run FASTER in, and all the rest of our banes. We need someone fighting on our side. Fear not fellow fleet-footed friends, our time has come…

The Story of The Kankled Avenger

She was a runner, just like many others. Had the itch for the miles, felt compelled to log more and more to nudge that weekly total up. Some were faster, some were slower, some were grueling, some were euphoric, and many more falling somewhere in-between. Plenty of society thought her mad for having such an affinity for track of all things, but that didn’t bother her. She actually kind of liked it and found her place amongst other fellow runners. A unique kinship, a quick wave to the stranger running on the opposite side of the road, others who just ‘got it.’

It was a pretty normal day, nothing out of the ordinary. She got up, laced up the shoes, set out for a run and started the watch. The first five minutes clicked off as per the usual, six minutes, then a rumble came from behind. Not just the regular rumble of an engine but more like the sound an 80 year old smoker for life makes as they hack up a really juicy wad of phlegm. The kind of sound coming from a car whose door is a different color from the body and the bumper is sagging more on the left side than the right.

The noise got louder and the runner knew it was just too close for comfort. BAM! She got it, the damage was done. No need to further detail the nastier parts, but needless to say it wasn’t pretty. She was patched up, it took some time, but she eventually got back to running. The reminders of the day though, were that of an atrocity usually only reserved for those who probably couldn’t run a mile if their lives depended on it. The ones who thought a farkleck came from a horse’s behind. This runner was left, along with her scars…a KANKLE!

She shuddered to admit it, pulling on the low cut sock that was the only kind that now fit, but it was a kankle she had. She figured that it was a just reward for making fun of kankle sufferers all her life, she never thought she’d ever have one. But, it was what it was and ‘eh, she could still run so whateves. And from there The Kankled Avenger was born.

From that day forward she felt compelled to take back the rights of the runner. There were plenty of things she could put on the list of offenders and she thought it high time to start checking them off. The hunt to make the roads, the tracks, the cross-country courses, the trails, and all other places a better place for the harrier. And so it begins…

Alright folks, as with any good annoying summer blockbuster (although don’t worry I’m fully aware this is hardly a blockbuster!) you gotta build up as much fanfare and also leave the audience with amble cliffhangers. So you get the background story today and the actual first episode tomorrow…sorry, I hate myself too.

ALSO, as with any good superhero, our Kankled Avenger needs a posse, a crew, some friends. She’s got a few in mind already but will be holding a casting call to anyone who thinks they’ve got the stuff. If you’d like to apply, please leave your resume as a comment. Let us know your name, preferred distance, distinguishing trait, why you should be chosen, and lastly the offense that tops your list as the runner’s bane.

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On Pancakes and Sundays

Sooo, it was a L’eggo Monday morning. Chocolate chip actually. I’m really super lame in cooking skills, trust me I take the whole ‘I can’t cook’ thing to a whole new level. Seeing people who just whip up stuff off the top of their heads or are complete whizzes in the kitchen have my complete and utter respect. I can’t fathom that kind of talent. I think I’ve made pancakes from those just add water mixes maybe once or twice, but I absolutely LOVE pancakes. Waffles will do, but I’m a pancake gal.

This has to go back to my childhood because growing up we had pancake Sunday. It wasn’t a question, it was expected. Trust me, there would be hell to pay if my brother and I woke up and there weren’t a huge stack of jacks already in the works. Sunday, because my dad works at the post office and got a pretty much slave shift. He worked Mon-Sat, from 1am to probably about 2pm. Sunday was the only day he had off and we’d take full advantage. I’m not really sure when or how this whole thing started but from the ages of at least seven until I think junior high it was a weekly staple. (as a side-not, my mom, who just barely ranks above me in the level of suckiness in the kitchen, would do her part in contributing to weekend suger-fest and for awhile we had donut Saturday. Master Donuts, if you’re ever in Fair Oaks, CA you HAVE to hit this place up!)

Not just pancakes for Sunday would do either. No, my dad is a creative man and he’d play around with things. Food coloring, sprinkles, he tried to sneak in some bananas but was met with backlash…sorry, nothing healthy allowed. But what reined supreme was of course chocolate chips. He’d toss in some white chocolate too every now and again. And of course the powdered sugar. Drown those suckers in syrup and it was utter bliss.

It was also a full fledged gorge-fest. No joke, the Chocks, thank God we all exercise because it can get ugly out there. My brother and I would of course try to one-up each other and see who could eat the most. We also put off finishing for as long as we could not just because of gluttony but also because while Sunday pancakes rocked, we knew what followed. Chores. I was in charge of vacuuming, he the dusting…oh, and what, you ask was our reward? A whopping $2 a week! I also like to bring this up every time I visit home because I swear my two youngest siblings are raised by two completely different people. Chores? What? But allowance they know. I didn’t get a cell phone until I think a senior in college…everyone in that house has an iEverything…but I digress.

So after mass pancake consumption would be chore hell. We dragged it out to be an all day venture too, I don’t understand why we would stall so long that it would take us the entire day. You’d think we’d want to just get it all over. Maybe it was just our body trying to absorb all the sugar and fat without going into a diabetic coma that made us so slow.

Anyways, sadly pancake Sunday bit the dust somewhere along the way. It was I think around the time more and more commitments fell on the weekends, sports games, track meets, practices, sleepovers, the usual. It was a trooper and put up a good fight, there might be the token one tossed in there one week out the month or every few months. But it died.

And so I have a special place in my heart for chocolate chip pancakes…even if they aren’t colored green, purple, or whatever food dye my dad had in the cabinet. I crave them anytime I’m happy, sad, or just sometimes randomly, like today. Now, sorry Eggo, you don’t quite live up to ALL the hype, but you’ll have to do because like I said I suck. But please, let us all have a collective moment of silence for the all-mighty pancake.

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I Own up to the Fact I’m Boring…Oh, and I Had a Great Run

Okay, so as you can tell this blog is pathetically bare. I mean if you passed it on the shelves in the store it would be the Bran flakes on the dusty bottom shelf. Not even the brand name flakes either, but the kind that comes in those big old bags not even worthy of the cardboard casing. Pathetic, I know. But hopefully I’ll move it up a rung or two…ever closer to the good stuff. I know I’ll never make it to the Cinnamon Toast Crunch level, I’m far too lame for that rocking status, but at least move on from bag status.

Enough talk about cereal because I’m sure it isn’t helping my cause. I’ve been debating what kind of direction this blog should go in. What do I write about, what should it look like, what kind of ‘writing style’ it should be in? Professional, informative, funny, sharp, witty, trendy? I’ve done a few blogs of my own in the past, written for other people, done the guest blog bit, and have an ongoing one for fitness related info. But I think with this one I’ll just stick to ‘letting it all hang out’ kind of thing. I do enough writing for ‘a purpose’ or what other people ask me to do, so here I’ll just be more random.

I told myself I didn’t just want to do a blog that turned into something akin to a roided up Twitter thing: “Today I got up, went to the bathroom, oh, I’m out of TP…what to do?!?! I used a tissue.” So I wanted to have a clear kind of niche or I guess direction. I also just think I’m too boring to try something like that, nothing interesting enough to post! But we’ll see.

So, I’m laying it out on the line here, there isn’t going to be a real ‘direction’ here, or at least at first. Random most likely. I’m SURE I’ll be talking about running a lot, throw in some quirky short stories, cartoons I’m sure, and I’ll keep it visually interesting with plenty of pix and art. If no one reads this, that’s cool, but it’s always nice sometimes to just ramble along and see what comes out…like a walk with no clear direction but it’s nice to enjoy the scenery.

On an unrelated note, about the running. I haven’t really talked about specifics with anyone since my accident, outside of saying that I’m just super ECSTATIC that I’m actually able to do it. Now, to the scorn of I’m sure plenty of other road warrior runners, I will admit that I’ve become a treadmill junkie. In my defense, a big part of that I think is because I’m freaked out a bit after my accident. I mean even in the parking lot, if I hear the kind of roar of the engine a bit TOO close, I’m kind of jumpy. I need to just get over that, face the beast as they say, and I will…I promise. I know if I was running with someone else it would probably be a lot easier. But for now, I’m treadmilling it. A little mind-numbing at times, yes, but eh, if I’ve got a TV or music going and I’m set.

I haven’t even really attempted any kind of real ‘training’ for a consistent amount of time…mostly just getting in an easy run and running how I feel. But every now and again I do miss that little ‘rush’ of a harder workout effort. Or more correctly, how you feel afterwards, like you’ve accomplished something. I get curious too. My favorite workouts have ALWAYS been tempo runs, I suck at shorter stuff and in tempos I like gradually cutting down the pace. Anyways, not having run ‘fast’ in forever I knew going in that even my ‘tempo’ type effort would be pathetically slow and so I really tried to go in with some pretty low expectations. I did want to at least finish the full distance, and I wasn’t going to try to make it a kind of balls to the wall type effort anyways, it was just a kind of tester. A first one type thing. Usually I don’t like the aim low type attitude, but I just wanted to get a baseline reading.

Anyways, I did it. Yay! Nothing to brag home to Mommy about, but you know what, it felt REALLY GOOD to finish it and get that rush. I missed getting into that workout zone. So to end this now epic (and random) post, I’m feeling good after an early morning workout (though it really stunk because NOTHING good is on TV early Sunday morning!),and now I’ll try to get some work done! 🙂

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