Sunday Morning Running Motivation: Withdrawals

Because let’s be honest, running withdrawals hurt a h*ll of a lot more than the injury. For all those healthy enough to run…be THANKFUL. Never forget that, on the days you really aren’t jazzed to suit up and start, put it in perspective. Would you rather be chained to the cross trainer? Our runner hearts go out to all the currently injured runners…we’ll donate some miles on your behalf. Heal up, cross train like you mean it, and you’ll be back at it again in time. Don’t go mad until then though! —— Posts all about Running and Injures More Motivation for Runners Even runners going through withdrawals can at least LOOK runnerchick chic in an Ezzere Tee!! Tips for Cross Training ——

What’s Fueling YOUR Run?

Whether it be sarcasm, pancakes or otherwise, whatever fuels your running must be celebrated. Power of the Running Snark Trust me, a runner’s brain is wont to wander on those long runs and easy days, making jokes is certainly one of the best ways to roll. The perks of being your own running comedian: * No hecklers: yea, let’s be honest, our brains may be a little deprived of of oxygen mid-run so the jokes may not exactly hold-up on a real comedy tour. * Free laughs: it’s always MORE than okay to laugh at your own jokes, and out loud. Heck, you could wail like a hyena in the middle of the woods. * Good times: spot really random moments of people when they have no idea anyone is like finding gold. Runners tend to go unnoticed by normal folk, we just blend into the background, so running is sometimes like the People Watching Olympics. Running For Pancakes Literal fuel for your running, certainly never to be overlooked. Now the bait reward of the foods to come often spend copious amounts of time on the brain during a run… * Long run salivation: staring that 22-mile long run? Shall I take a poll as to how many of those miles were spent drooling over just how much you’re going to savor devouring [insert favorite food here] upon return? No judgement if drooling starts the moment the watch starts. * Pre-food penance: on the flip side, pick the WRONG food before a run and you’ll most likely spend the entirety of that run paying the price. We need to start assigning a Points System for certain foods if ingested before a run: ice cream ands loads of dairy = 15 fart points, super spicy thai = 27 bush-dive points, burrito Continue Reading →

There’s Only One High I Chase

Runner’s…I fully endorse living this high life. ——- Reminder! The #coreandcake party is happening next Friday…here are the det’s! More running MOTIVATION More running ART AND CARTOONS ——- 1) What’s getting you high this weekend? 2) Is the sun poking out for you yet? 3) Best way to reward a hard running workout or race? A hint…it’ll always be tagged #getinmybelly 😉

That’ll Light a Fire Under Your Runner Butt

Yes we may run for our sanity, the betterment of our souls, to push ourselves…but when it comes right down to it there’s a little peace of mind knowing if a situation arises where we need to get the heck out of there FAST, we’re faster than one poor, unfortunate soul. 😉 Darwinism at its finest, Folks. 😉 #runtosurvive ———– More CARTOONS HERE!! ———– 1) Let’s hear another situation that you’ve thought of where running fast would certainly help you dodge a bullet? Or any other hazard. 2) When’s been a situation in life that being a runner has helped? Chasing a bus I was about to miss. Speeding down the terminal trying to make a flight, heart rate at about interval level. 😉 3) What’s making you laugh today?

Out With the Running Shorts…and Razors

It’s Spring now, Runners…so while we ALL love to put those running tights away, it does come with a drawback… Yay for more daylight, boooo for that missing hour of sleep. I’m still going to be bitter about losing that hour…hopefully it wasn’t too rough for you guys. Now off to scrounge up those razors. 😉 1) Have you been able to bust out the running shorts yet? I’m not going to lie, I actually never put them away. 🙂 2) What are you looking forward to this Spring and Summer?

A Runner’s Last Demands

Please, Runners, honor my spirit well. 😉 ———– In case you’ve missed my BIG NEWS, scroll down about 1/2 inch to yesterday’s post or check it out HERE. 😉 #ezzere #runlaughbe #artyrunnerchick More CARTOONS!! ———- 1) Not to be morbid, but finish the sentence in a humorous way: “When I die I want to be buried… 2) What’s your favorite kind of chocolate? Can’t really go wrong, but I love me those chocolate chips inside some pancakes. 🙂 3) What are your running plans today?

A Running First: The run/swim wade

I’ve run in some pretty crappy conditions, but today marked a first for this runnerchick. I literally had to run/swim, like stop the watch and doggie paddle kinda stuff! California goes from the golden winter to flash-flooding my bike trail today…it was craaaazy! Actually the episode was actually quite comical. I almost tripped and went full-submersion style. [side-note: I have a phobia of leeches, visions of them stuck to my legs and torso riddled my mind the whole run] So a toast to you, Winter, you pulled a fast one on me today. You done good, but I still won out. I’m pretty sure that was hail there between those bullet rain-drops and I came out looking like a wet, sewer rat but I got that run done. And hey, I’d still take a bucket of rain over some of those well-below zero temperature readings from other states. You runners over there, good gracious, seeing icicles in your beards, eyelashes, and hair!! But I did have to make a cartoon for my run today because, quite honestly, I’m not doing one BIT of over-exaggeration for comedic effect. Sometimes reality, in it’s own sickly sense, is way more hilarious. Go on, run on…run/swim on?? 😉 ——— HUGE NEWS!! If you follow me on Instagram you probably saw the Spoiler Alert! My latest running shirt design has dropped! The Peacock Runner…check out my Mommy-O model, the first runnerchick to don this one. Full details on this one to come and it will be available to buy at my store soon…but my excitement bubbled over and I had to give you the sneak peek. 😉 ——– 1) What’s the deepest water you’ve had to cut through during a run? Today was well above my waist. 2) Worst conditions you’ve ever run in? 3) Continue Reading →

Run, Be YOU, Be Crazy

Runners are crazy. I’m crazy. But you know what… Be YOU. ———– BIG NEWS is coming tomorrow!! You excited, yet? You should be. In fact be CrAzY excited! 😉 It has to do with THIS!! I HATE to have to do this but I need to add another disclaimer. I’ve gotten lots of questions from people asking to save or download my artwork and cartoons. I ask that you PLEASE do not, I sell prints of all my artwork. Art and writing is how I put food on my table. Be kind, respect the amount of time, creativity, and work that goes into the work that I share with you. Contact me: to order a print or purchase rights to download and share. Thank you. ———– 1) What’s some exciting news you have to share? 2) What are you looking forward to this weekend?