Runners: Get Faster Because Speed Goggles DO Exist

‘Normal people’ have their beer goggles, runners have their speed googles. 😉 Long has the debate gone on over whether or not times have any sort of effect on the ‘hotness’ factor of a runner. Regardless of if a faster PR scores you more points with the runnerdudes or runnerchicks respectfully, there is no arguing over the fact that a new PR will ALWAYS up the confidence factor! Few things are more rewarding than beating the ‘old you’…all that hard work pays off. Let us have a toast to a speedier you! HERE are some workouts to hone your speed. HERE is how to overcome track phobia…yes, it does exist. HERE is why you should improve your speed…even if you’re not necessarily racing. HERE is how hills can make you faster. HERE are mental games to get through those tough interval workouts. HERE are my own little prattlings on my love/hate relationship with quarter repeats. HERE is a post on 3 important things to remember if you’re racing to win. So regardless of trying to impress the ladies or the men, regardless of whether a new PR will rank you higher in the hotness factor…the REAL reward comes with that rush right after you cross the line, look at the watch, and feel the overwhelming urge to shout, “I OWNED that race!” 😉 [editors note: you don’t have to shout that, but if you’re fast enough you can pretty much get away with doing anything you want…so give it a whirl…lol.] —– Catch more of my Runner’s Strip Comic HERE! —– 1) Do you think speed goggles exist? Do faster times make runners more hot? 2) What is your favorite speed workout? 3) What is your least favorite speed workout? Why? Is it because it’s your weakness and therefor need Continue Reading →

Quick!! Outrun the Panis

Just in case any runners are suffering some a lack of motivation… Who else will join me in the fight to bring the Panis to extinction? I dare say, every mile clocked is just THAT much closer. Get out, go get ‘er done, my runner peeps! 🙂 ——— Want more Cartoons?? My post on Input vs. Output. Tips for combatting motivation lulls…hey, they happen to everyone! Runnerdudes, some more motivation HERE for you. 😉 Some thoughts on childhood obesity. Runner nutrition tips and such. ———- 1) To rid the world of Panises (Pani?!?) more people should… 2) Runners rock and it’s hardly because we are panis-devoid. Name your favorite physical perk of being a runner. Then, name a mental perk. Legs. Without runner endorphins I would turn into something even Godzilla and King Kong wouldn’t want to mess with. 3) Give a shout out to some Tuesday motivation! (ie: quote, tip, mantra, etc.)

The Running Super Bowl and Some Lost Manhood

As a runner I will officially say, “Forget the Super Bowl, all the action went down today!” There, I said it, and I’ll stand firm too…bring on the football, body-painted masses! 😉 Track nerds will already know that there is a new USA High School Record for the girls’ 2-mile…wait for it…9:38.68 Insane? Yes. Mary Cain just busted that record…all ye men and boys hold your manhood tight, because it’s quite possible a high school (junior) girl could kick your butt. That was hardly the only action; the New Balance Indoor Grand Prix was promising a big showing in the men’s 3k and mile, and there was USA Cross-Country Championships too. Awesome coverage for you is to be found over at Paul Merca’s Blog for XC and FloTrack’s got tons of Boston related news. Though, because it’s just too hard to resist, the question remains. Which men are left standing? Do your PR’s best Miss Mary’s Cain’s? Now THAT’S some serious chicking. 😉 ——- I like cartoons…HERE are more! HERE are some tips to make sure your own races don’t suck. ——- 1) Who raced this weekend? 2) Who was a total track and XC nerd and gobbled up the coverage? 3) Do the math…how far could you run 9:38 2-mile pace for? I don’t like math. 😛 4) Share one of your own tips on racing.

Runner-Speak: A runner’s unsaid language defined

Runners, we really have our own language. True there are the actual words: fartlek, tempo, IT band, nip-guards, chaffage, etc. that we toss around. But there is the running BODY language that sometimes emotes much more than anything that could possibly be vocalized. Enter Runner-Speak… I hope you enjoy my little Sunday Runner Cartoon. Get some giggles, then go make sure your Garmin is charged and able to pick up a signal. 😉 —— If you want some more cartoonage you can see some of my other Runner’s Strip cartoons HERE, HERE, and HERE!! 🙂 —— 1) Any of those Runner-Speak pictures look familiar? Which one was the last you expressed? 2) What’s another Runner-Speak body tell that’s not pictured? 3) What are you doing with your fine runner self this Sunday? Runs, races, workouts, let’s hear it! 🙂    

Running Humor Round-up: Laugh it up and then get your miles on this weekend!

Sometimes us runners just need to laugh. 🙂 Happy Friday my runner peeps, I thought we should usher in the weekend on a light note. May you smile, giggle, and keep running to your happy place over the weekend! ———- I thought it fitting to put up a few of my more comical pictures because the awesome runners over at Run the Edge seemed to like one of my Runner’s Strip cartoons enough they posted it on their wall. In case you missed that, go see it and also check out all the other awesome things Tim Catalano and Adam Goucher have going on over there! 🙂 ———- 1) What’s something that’s made you smile or laugh recently? 2) Do you have any running related humorous happenings you’d like to share? Did you smirk at someone running in jeans today?? 😉 3) What have you got planned for the weekend? 4) When you go into full hungry-miles-induced-beast mode what is your top pick for filling that stomach black hole?

Comics for Runners- Runner’s Strip: Exciting New Running Products!

In case you’ve missed the commercials, these are just a few of some awesome running products to be released soon! (Click to enlarge image) Just some running humor for today…feel free to get caught up on previous Runner’s Strip cartoons HERE and HERE! 1) Got any hot leads for new items for runners we should all be excited for? 2) Do you have your own running invention that you think we’d all enjoy? 3) What’s a running related product that you’re currently loving?

A Comic for Runners – Runner’s Strip: Twitter Addict

This one goes out to all you social media update-a-holics. 😉 In case you missed our first Runner’s Strip Comic and other fun cartoons, catch up HERE! 1) Do you use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, DailyMile or any other types of social media sites? Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest…do feel free to follow me. 😉 2) Which sites do you use the most and how often do you update? Facebook…such a time sucker! But I’m not one who updates every hour and goes crazy. 3) Do you find it hard to fall asleep the night before a big race or workout? Nerves and excitement have a way of doing that to everyone, and I once heard that it’s the night before the night prior to your big race that really matters how much sleep you get…if you can make sense of that. Pretty much count on being a little antsy pre-race night so be extra diligent in the snooze department two nights out. 😉

A Quick Comic for Runners- Runner’s Strip: Marathon Dad

Happy Sunday to all! What does Sunday mean? Well, if you answered chocolate chip pancakes and comics then at least I can deliver on one. I’m introducing my own quick little comic strip, Runner’s Strip, here for you guys that I hope you enjoy. (Click Image for closer view) If you’d like to check out a few other running related cartoons of posts past, feel free to revisit our Running Super Heros: The Kankled Avenger, The Cranky Hamstring, PreMONTaine, and Texas Girl, and Happy runnings peeps, and here’s to devouring all the food in the house! 🙂 1) Do you often find you’ve got a belly that’s a beast and refuses to be satisfied? After which kinds of workouts do you tend to feel the hungriest after? My stomach usually works on a bit of a lag time, right after hard workouts I’m not hungry but then later in the day it kicks in. 2) What’s your favorite pick for refuel? Depends…I make sure to get in my ‘healified’ quota and then allow the treats to follow. 🙂 3) Food braggage…let’s hear it folks…tales of tables past. Your Runner vs. Food accomplishment so to speak. I’m not entirely ashamed to admit I have eaten whole pizzas, a couple boxes of Pop-Tarts, and an Entemann’s coffee cake on various occasions…not all at once, different times. Not that I recommend it as nutritionally sound…

Superstitions, Stupidstitions, Rituals and Routines…

Do you have any superstitions? Any little routines that you like have to do before a race? Some little secret good luck charms or habits that for whatever reason you do; you probably know on some level they are ‘dumb’ or silly and don’t reeaaally promise a good outcome, but you do it anyways…better safe than sorry, right? 😉 To a degree getting into a routine is a good thing: * Keeps you organized * Makes sure you don’t forget something * Consistency is generally always the best bet in terms of running/workout performance (limit the variables) So it could be argued that those little pre-race, or workout, ritual/routines DO have some kind of positive effect on the outcome. It’s more just a matter of what they are and how quirky they get. Hey, we all have embarrassing little habits/secrets, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours! 😉 Good ‘Normal’ Pre-race/run rituals: * Starting your warm-up exactly the same time, every time out: this could be for both hard workouts and races…again, consistency * Doing the same sequence of warm-up drills/strides: after your easy running, do your stretches, drills, and strides in the same order…helps your body know what’s coming and ensures you don’t forget something * Putting the shoes/bib number/singlet on in the ‘right’ order: okay, here is kind of where we move towards not that important, but if it helps you not forget something…I know some people have to put such-and-such on at just the ‘right’, specific time before they go to the line * Same pre-run/race foods: okay, the night before you probably want to steer clear of the World’s Hottest Tri-Bean Chili, but the night before isn’t going to make or break you (unless you’re moving into the marathon, plus races) but rather what Continue Reading →

Crumbled to the Stomach Bug…I Will Get Revenge

Where was I yesterday/early this morning? Half-dead, or at least sort of wishing I was…ugh, this runnerchick got sick. Remember how I was JUST saying how much I HATE being sick and do all I can to avoid it? Thanks karma. Sunday night I got my nom nom on and went to bed…three hours earlier my stomach had ‘that’ feeling and I just felt gross. It took a few ‘oh, I think it’s coming’ moments but then…oh, there’s that nom nom. After that the rest of Monday passed in a haze of uncomfort and really random cartoons. The line-up has certainly changed since I was a kid. Good-bye Gumbi and PeeWee, hello Half Naked Animals…what? And has anyone seen the commercial for the game that the whole point is to get the dog to poop?! Anyways, I clearly was not moving, hence the lack of moving to grab the remote. But by late last night I was able to at least stomach some food, and this morning had a little more than sacked out. I woke up around 11 and felt a world better. I’m knocking on wood I’m over the hump and it was some gross 24 hour thing. Of course I was double grouchy yesterday just because I didn’t get my endorphin fix…you know I’m sick when that doesn’t happen! But I at least was able to slog out a workout by now and am feeling better…hurrah. Sorry for the bit of a downer opening there…so let’s turn this around. When you’re sick do you guys fall into any comfort habits? ie: *snuggling in a blanket and staying in it like you’re in the womb. *calling a parent and bugging them, not for any other reason than to inform them that you are, in fact, sick *search the Continue Reading →