Runners: Get Faster Because Speed Goggles DO Exist
‘Normal people’ have their beer goggles, runners have their speed googles. 😉 Long has the debate gone on over whether or not times have any sort of effect on the ‘hotness’ factor of a runner. Regardless of if a faster PR scores you more points with the runnerdudes or runnerchicks respectfully, there is no arguing over the fact that a new PR will ALWAYS up the confidence factor! Few things are more rewarding than beating the ‘old you’…all that hard work pays off. Let us have a toast to a speedier you! HERE are some workouts to hone your speed. HERE is how to overcome track phobia…yes, it does exist. HERE is why you should improve your speed…even if you’re not necessarily racing. HERE is how hills can make you faster. HERE are mental games to get through those tough interval workouts. HERE are my own little prattlings on my love/hate relationship with quarter repeats. HERE is a post on 3 important things to remember if you’re racing to win. So regardless of trying to impress the ladies or the men, regardless of whether a new PR will rank you higher in the hotness factor…the REAL reward comes with that rush right after you cross the line, look at the watch, and feel the overwhelming urge to shout, “I OWNED that race!” 😉 [editors note: you don’t have to shout that, but if you’re fast enough you can pretty much get away with doing anything you want…so give it a whirl…lol.] —– Catch more of my Runner’s Strip Comic HERE! —– 1) Do you think speed goggles exist? Do faster times make runners more hot? 2) What is your favorite speed workout? 3) What is your least favorite speed workout? Why? Is it because it’s your weakness and therefor need Continue Reading →