There’s Only One High I Chase

Runner’s…I fully endorse living this high life.
endorphin high
Reminder! The #coreandcake party is happening next Friday…here are the det’s!

More running MOTIVATION


1) What’s getting you high this weekend?
2) Is the sun poking out for you yet?
3) Best way to reward a hard running workout or race?
A hint…it’ll always be tagged #getinmybelly πŸ˜‰

That’ll Light a Fire Under Your Runner Butt

Yes we may run for our sanity, the betterment of our souls, to push ourselves…but when it comes right down to it there’s a little peace of mind knowing if a situation arises where we need to get the heck out of there FAST, we’re faster than one poor, unfortunate soul. πŸ˜‰
out run a lion
Darwinism at its finest, Folks. πŸ˜‰ #runtosurvive


1) Let’s hear another situation that you’ve thought of where running fast would certainly help you dodge a bullet? Or any other hazard.
2) When’s been a situation in life that being a runner has helped?
Chasing a bus I was about to miss. Speeding down the terminal trying to make a flight, heart rate at about interval level. πŸ˜‰
3) What’s making you laugh today?

Running and Chasing Moonlight

I’ve been doing some runs at night. Just me and the moon. Don’t worry, Runners, the light will find you out there. It likes to follow magic.

running in the dark
Not to spoil the motivational moment but in the spirit of keeping it real I have to add there WERE some other things out there besides me and Mr. Moon: a crap-load of gnats and I’m pretending I didn’t inhale about 900, shadows that made me wonder if they were branches that I should dodge, and then some actual branches I didn’t quite dodge but managed to stay on my feet. Take THAT klutzy Cait Gene! πŸ˜‰

Keep running towards your goals…gnats and branches be d**ned…don’t let them spoil the moments. πŸ˜‰

ezzere shirts movie

1) Last time you ran in the dark?
2) Do you like running in the dark?
3) Do you also feel like you’re going faster in the dark regardless of whether you actually are or not? The Garmin tells no lies. πŸ˜‰

Sunday Morning Running Motivation

Running presents a very simple goal…

running motivation art
Keep pushing through to that other side my Runner Friends. It makes us feel alive! πŸ™‚

Get motivated by some awesome elite runners and check out my latest article on RunBlogRun — A Community of Beasts: There’s roaring in Seattle

More Running Motivation Art Posts

More Motivation Posts

Posts with Racing Tips

1) Did you race this weekend?
2) How did you stay mentally tough in your last race or workout?
3) The last time you weren’t so mentally tough, why, and what are you going to do to be tougher next time?

True Running Fitspo…

Honestly, Pinterest and Instagram, please get the message that TRUE running motivation and inspiration comes not from how are training makes us look but rather what it enables us to ACHIEVE.
running fitspo pinterest
That’s as far as I’ll let my little mini rant go. But I DO have say how I laugh at some of the ridiculous picture/quote pairs that pop up. Saw this gem the other day:

“If my fat isn’t going to my boobs then I want nothing to do with it.”
I mean, seriously?

Me, I’m far more inspired and motivated by runners getting out there, sweating it out, busting their @$$es for PR’s.

Chasing endorphins is far more fun than wishing I had more fat for my boobs. πŸ˜‰

1) What’s one of the funnier Pinterest/Insta fitspo’s you’ve seen?
2) What’s one of the better, really motivating ones you’ve seen?
3) What did you do today that could be pinned and used as inspiration for others?

A Running Contrast: Pre and Post Workout

…pushing out doubts, finding your STRENGTH, finding your center.

Confidence. Remember you’ve DONE this before, draw on the memories of HARD workouts.
“You survived then, you’ll push through the pain today.”

Collect. Relax.
“Can we just START this thing already?!?!”

pre post workout runners


Funny the difference a mere workout makes.

Nervous energy before workouts and races are NORMAL…they actually help boost your performance if you use them right. Posts on NERVES HERE

Posts on finding your CONFIDENCE


1) Give one adjective of how you felt before your last workout.
2) Give one adjective on how you felt after that same workout.
3) What is one of the last things you do or say to yourself before a hard workout or race?

A Runner’s Last Demands

Please, Runners, honor my spirit well. πŸ˜‰

bury me in chocolate and running shoes
In case you’ve missed my BIG NEWS, scroll down about 1/2 inch to yesterday’s post or check it out HERE. πŸ˜‰ #ezzere #runlaughbe #artyrunnerchick


1) Not to be morbid, but finish the sentence in a humorous way: “When I die I want to be buried…
2) What’s your favorite kind of chocolate?
Can’t really go wrong, but I love me those chocolate chips inside some pancakes. πŸ™‚
3) What are your running plans today?

The Launch of Ezzere Running

My BIG NEWS: I started Ezzere, a brand for my running shirts!!

ezzere running shirts

My mission in starting Ezzere is to inspire runners, make you dream goals big enough to scare you, and GO for them! Then, keep you looking good at the same time. Look good, feel good. πŸ˜‰

Check out my new site and help me spread the word!
peacock shirt

A HUGE thanks to everyone who’s supported and believed in me…you know who you are and I couldn’t have done it without you!! I’m quite a lucky runnerchick to have some pretty freaking amazing people in my life…thank you, Guys!

Now get out there and get running, chicking, dreaming, DOING, and laughing!!

Run. Laugh. Be.

ezzere logo