That’ll Light a Fire Under Your Runner Butt

Yes we may run for our sanity, the betterment of our souls, to push ourselves…but when it comes right down to it there’s a little peace of mind knowing if a situation arises where we need to get the heck out of there FAST, we’re faster than one poor, unfortunate soul. 😉 Darwinism at its finest, Folks. 😉 #runtosurvive ———– More CARTOONS HERE!! ———– 1) Let’s hear another situation that you’ve thought of where running fast would certainly help you dodge a bullet? Or any other hazard. 2) When’s been a situation in life that being a runner has helped? Chasing a bus I was about to miss. Speeding down the terminal trying to make a flight, heart rate at about interval level. 😉 3) What’s making you laugh today?

Out With the Running Shorts…and Razors

It’s Spring now, Runners…so while we ALL love to put those running tights away, it does come with a drawback… Yay for more daylight, boooo for that missing hour of sleep. I’m still going to be bitter about losing that hour…hopefully it wasn’t too rough for you guys. Now off to scrounge up those razors. 😉 1) Have you been able to bust out the running shorts yet? I’m not going to lie, I actually never put them away. 🙂 2) What are you looking forward to this Spring and Summer?

A Runner’s Last Demands

Please, Runners, honor my spirit well. 😉 ———– In case you’ve missed my BIG NEWS, scroll down about 1/2 inch to yesterday’s post or check it out HERE. 😉 #ezzere #runlaughbe #artyrunnerchick More CARTOONS!! ———- 1) Not to be morbid, but finish the sentence in a humorous way: “When I die I want to be buried… 2) What’s your favorite kind of chocolate? Can’t really go wrong, but I love me those chocolate chips inside some pancakes. 🙂 3) What are your running plans today?

Run, Be YOU, Be Crazy

Runners are crazy. I’m crazy. But you know what… Be YOU. ———– BIG NEWS is coming tomorrow!! You excited, yet? You should be. In fact be CrAzY excited! 😉 It has to do with THIS!! I HATE to have to do this but I need to add another disclaimer. I’ve gotten lots of questions from people asking to save or download my artwork and cartoons. I ask that you PLEASE do not, I sell prints of all my artwork. Art and writing is how I put food on my table. Be kind, respect the amount of time, creativity, and work that goes into the work that I share with you. Contact me: to order a print or purchase rights to download and share. Thank you. ———– 1) What’s some exciting news you have to share? 2) What are you looking forward to this weekend?

Runner’s Strip: Petition for Runners’ Rights

There are just some things I think us runners are entitled to. Runner elitism at its finest perhaps? Regardless, I stick by our demands. Runners, take a STAND. Circulate this petition and get as many signatures we you can. Untied we CAN make a difference. —— More Runner’s Strip Cartoons! I also did a guest post at The Cookie ChRUNicles…go check it out! 🙂 —— 1) What’s another demand you’d like to add to the list? 2) Give me the det’s on YOUR priority treadmill or particular exercise equipment at the gym? The one you’re always scoping out and want to kick anyone off of if they DARE use it. 😉

When Life Gives a Runner Some Critical Decisions

You see, us runners have a REALLY scientific and sensible way of making the important decisions in life. 😉 ———– More running cartoons HERE! ———– 1) Do you decide your workouts in advance? How far in advance? Are you following a training program at the moment or have a coach? 2) Do you pick out your clothes the day before? I always lay out my running clothes the night before…I like every extra second of sleep. 😉 3) Do you tend to plan your dinner and meals in advance or just wait to see what you feel like?

4 Crazy Important Stretches for Runners: Hamstrings, hips, glutes, and psoas

For once my running cartoons will be used and I’m deathly serious. Stretching, Runners, is no joke. I used to HATE stretching, I’d do it begrudgingly, but ever since my little revelation in Boulder I’ve pulled a total 180. Now it’s good too because I don’t have a little bit of guilt writing about and telling runners just how crucial stretching is. I’m practicing what I preach, yo. Areas that rank most common across the board for running injuries and the areas that runners are notoriously tight in are: the hamstrings, glutes, hips and groin region, and the psoas. I took my cartoons and put together a quick stretching routine that you REALLY should be doing as much as possible. Like daily…I’m doing them daily, so now I can say, fully absolved of any lingering guilt, that you should do the same. 😉 [Click to enlarge so you can read text…but please respect a starving artist’s work, you can always purchase prints, contact:] ———- More posts on flexibility HERE And a post on WHY flexibility will make you faster HERE ———- 1) How often do you stretch? Be honest. 😉 2) What’s one of your tightest areas? Hamstrings and adductors. 3) What’s something you kinda feel a bit of guilt about when you tell others to do it because you don’t always follow that advice yourself?

Runner’s Strip: Jeans shopping

For every runner athlete who’s gone shopping for jeans and wound up wanting to punch someone in the face. I can’t take sole credit for this one. The AWESOME quip that gave me the inspiration for this cartoon came from Sally Bergesen, founder of Oiselle, a kickbutt running apparel company. Yesterday a few of us were tweeting on the frustrations of trying to find jeans that FIT when you’re an athlete, muscle-clad, kickbutt female. Usually you wind up with some problems: * The jeans WOULD fit in the waist but you can’t get them above your quads. Literally.can’t.raise.them. * Go up to a size that doesn’t cause your quads to hulk-out but the waist is super saggy. We have six packs, not kegs. * There’s also an issue with the cut of the butt. I’m not sure if it’s just me, but for whatever reason any size that fits my legs causes this funky pooch in the back; I think it’s because the waist/butt/quad ratio is off and you wind up with extra denim at the waist, so when you sit it’s like a sideways tepee. I’ve not worn jeans for years…now, to be totally fair I work from home and literally live in running clothes. Like, live in them. #SweatsandtheCity AAAAND, I will also argue that running clothes can be quite fashionable, I mean just take a gander at my awesome shirts: and we ALL love Oiselle who are keeping us clothed from our rundies out to our hoodies. But that’s not the point. Runnerchicks DESERVER to be able to go to the store and find a pair of jeans that fit without winding up a mess of frustration and wanting to punch someone in the face. Wise up, World. We are runners, we are women, we are STRONG…we Continue Reading →

Running: Brought to you by dreams of pancakes and carbs

That long run brought to you by dreams of PaNcAkeS!!! Or insert your favorite post-run food there. Actually, you can swap out the long run for a race. Scratch that you can preeeetty much just swap that out for any run. Any distance…any food. #runners #workforit #reward #bait ?? While us runners certainly can eat more than a football team, amongst those pancakes, Pop-Tarts, burgers, fries, milk shakes, etc…we DO know that in order to run our best we need to fuel our best. The beautiful thing though, is that eating to PERFORM doesn’t mean you can’t have your cake and eat your apples too. It’s all about balance. There are some KEY elements that all runners in training should be mindful of: * Protein: getting enough and timing that intake * 30 Minute Recovery: eating protein and carbs within 30 minutes of finishing a run * Healthy Picks: insert your fruits, veggies, whole grains, quality carbs here * Vitamins and other nutrients: IRON is sooo important for runners and ensuring they get enough! * Hydration: it’s crucial runners ensure they drink enough fluids and more than just water, replacing those electrolytes too But it’s ALL about balance, and even professional distance runners are allowed their cookies and burgers too. Hey, when you’re burning all dem calories you earn those treats! This post comes in step with my latest article over on Running Times: “The Power of Protein Timing” Good luck to all those racing, and to everyone else go out there and get your run on…enjoy every sweaty mile!! 🙂 ——– More posts all about how to eat to fuel your running and preform your best HERE! Highlighting living in the real world and eating post: “How runners can stuff their faces at restaurants but still perform at their Continue Reading →

Running Rocks Your Life and Runners Going Global

Running, life, games, and puzzles. We all know where things should fit in. 😉 ———- More running motivation HERE!! Laughs? Cartoons and Comics HERE! ——— 1) What was your favorite game as a child? Hungry Hungry Hippos anyone? 2) What is one way you’ve seen runners or running impact the world and do good? Quite a few. The Hall’s Steps Foundation, the Love Mercy Foundation, and California Runners!! Love all this!!