I was inspired by this list of 10 Little Things to be Thankful For – Running Edition by Adam Goucher and Tim Catalano. I really liked what they added, but I wanted to add a few more of mine as well. So here are a few more:
* Training partners sans the drama-rama: let’s be frank, girls especially can get a little catty, BUT you find the right kind of people and it can make for an AWESOME training group! Group dynamics can by tricky no matter the gender, so when you find a group that clicks…throw a party and don’t question. Having a partner to share the pacing workload is always a major plus: you’ll usually end up going faster but it will feel eaiser…crazy, I know. Plus, having someone to help pass mile after mile is always great too. 🙂
* Check stereotypes at the door: hack a loogie, pop a squat in a bush, let the gas pass from both ends. It happens when we’re running…we’ve all been there so it’s nice to have people that don’t pass judgement.
* Endorphins. I really don’t think I need to say much more here…hello my name is Cait, I am addicted to these suckers right here.
* Long runs: these and tempo runs where you feel on…priceless…love them. If the rest of the day goes to heck, if I’ve done one of these at least something feels right.
* Bodyglide: ummm, I don’t know about you but especially in the summer months I can get some chaffage where my tank top hits my shoulder…at least this can take the edge off.
* Bunhuggers: Adam and Tim called out that you might feel a little funny admitting that a certain ‘skimpier’ piece of attire might feel good, but any time I bust out the buns (and it’s been a LONG time, I think by now my buns have dust on them) I knew it was GO time…so it’s a mental thing too…like putting on the spikes.
* The ability to run: being healthy made their cut too, but it needs to be reiterated. Any time I start to forget how lucky I am to just be able to do the simple motion, something usually causes me to stop and check myself. Don’t be ‘greedy’ and miffed if you aren’t able to do such-and-such workout, at least you can at least DO a run.
* Pop-tarts and grubbage: what list on this runnerchick’s list would be complete without these babies?
1) What are you thankful for, runner edition?
2) What is something you aren’t thankful for?
Going to have to say that I’m not a fan or random people yelling things at me while I’m running…or throwing things at me.
3) What are you excited for this week?
Not sure yet…time will tell?