A Comic For Runners – Runner’s Strip: Meet Your Brain

Sunday is comic time!! All about the Runner’s Strip today… (Click image to enlarge) In case you missed our last comic, revisit Runner’s Strip: Twitter Addict. Hope you’re having a great weekend! 1) What’s the last geeky running thought to pulse through your brain? 2) How did you spend your Sunday? 3) Corny joke time…if you have one, spill it! 😉 Why did the elephant bring toilet paper to the party? …Well, he was a party pooper of course! I like this one better: Why did the runner shove some toilet paper in their sock? 😉

A Comic for Runners – Runner’s Strip: Twitter Addict

This one goes out to all you social media update-a-holics. 😉 In case you missed our first Runner’s Strip Comic and other fun cartoons, catch up HERE! 1) Do you use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, DailyMile or any other types of social media sites? Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest…do feel free to follow me. 😉 2) Which sites do you use the most and how often do you update? Facebook…such a time sucker! But I’m not one who updates every hour and goes crazy. 3) Do you find it hard to fall asleep the night before a big race or workout? Nerves and excitement have a way of doing that to everyone, and I once heard that it’s the night before the night prior to your big race that really matters how much sleep you get…if you can make sense of that. Pretty much count on being a little antsy pre-race night so be extra diligent in the snooze department two nights out. 😉

A Quick Comic for Runners- Runner’s Strip: Marathon Dad

Happy Sunday to all! What does Sunday mean? Well, if you answered chocolate chip pancakes and comics then at least I can deliver on one. I’m introducing my own quick little comic strip, Runner’s Strip, here for you guys that I hope you enjoy. (Click Image for closer view) If you’d like to check out a few other running related cartoons of posts past, feel free to revisit our Running Super Heros: The Kankled Avenger, The Cranky Hamstring, PreMONTaine, and Texas Girl, and Happy runnings peeps, and here’s to devouring all the food in the house! 🙂 1) Do you often find you’ve got a belly that’s a beast and refuses to be satisfied? After which kinds of workouts do you tend to feel the hungriest after? My stomach usually works on a bit of a lag time, right after hard workouts I’m not hungry but then later in the day it kicks in. 2) What’s your favorite pick for refuel? Depends…I make sure to get in my ‘healified’ quota and then allow the treats to follow. 🙂 3) Food braggage…let’s hear it folks…tales of tables past. Your Runner vs. Food accomplishment so to speak. I’m not entirely ashamed to admit I have eaten whole pizzas, a couple boxes of Pop-Tarts, and an Entemann’s coffee cake on various occasions…not all at once, different times. Not that I recommend it as nutritionally sound…

A Runner’s Made in the Mind

Strip away the muscles, the sinew, the bones The flesh. Alone with yourself. in your mind. A step echoing amidst chatter doubts.Refutes. I am stronger than you say. Tissues beg for slack, plead for mercy. I want to stop. But I do not. Mind runs on. Push forward against protest myself and my mind. Friend, nemesis, untrustworthy deceivers. I must stop. You may not. Only one step more. LIAR! ——- The June issue of Competitor magazine features Meb Keflezighi on the cover, the story is excellent and I urge you all to read it HERE. Not all can race outside of themselves, but it’s the quest to continually push our own limits that every runner is in a similar battle. Keep rising to the occasion. More posts on MOTIVATION ——-

The Greatest Test of a Runner’s Mental Toughness is an Injury

For an injured runner, the HARDEST part of recovery is all mental. Okay, yes, there will be the cross-training, the physical therapy, any necessary strengthening exercises, stretches, icing, massage, etc…that stuff is never easy but the TORTURE is all mental. Strip the miles from a runner and they feel naked. Half of themselves. A shell. The mentality a runner takes and holds throughout their recovery will either make them stronger or cripple them. Running is wrought with highs and lows, injuries are unavoidable, as are the lows. Retaining sanity entails keeping the right perspective during the lows and the crappy injuries…because an injury never comes at a ‘good’ time. Faking Rainbows I just wrote an article for Competitor.com: “The Mental Side of Recovery”. Do read it but what I’ve said time and time again is that a positive outlook allows an injured runner to 1) be proactive in their recovery 2) gather the strength to keep moving forward 3) makes them even tougher when they do get back to running. * Staying Productive: Hey, cross-training does suck; but it’s the medicine we suck down. It feels overwhelming imagining yourself ellipticalling away for months, so DON’T. Think of making it through this single workout and that’s it. Deal with this moment before you tackle the next. * Money in the Bank: Doing that cross-training makes a world of difference when you get back to regular training. You can bust out some dang hard workouts on a cross-trainer; remember EFFORT is what counts. * Appreciation: These injuries should give you a renewed appreciation for healthy running. When you eventually DO get back to regular training, when you catch yourself feeling ‘greedy’ take a moment to remember that your running is NEVER a given. Also remember on the days you’re thinking about wimping Continue Reading →

Runner-Speak: A runner’s unsaid language defined

Runners, we really have our own language. True there are the actual words: fartlek, tempo, IT band, nip-guards, chaffage, etc. that we toss around. But there is the running BODY language that sometimes emotes much more than anything that could possibly be vocalized. Enter Runner-Speak… I hope you enjoy my little Sunday Runner Cartoon. Get some giggles, then go make sure your Garmin is charged and able to pick up a signal. 😉 —— If you want some more cartoonage you can see some of my other Runner’s Strip cartoons HERE, HERE, and HERE!! 🙂 —— 1) Any of those Runner-Speak pictures look familiar? Which one was the last you expressed? 2) What’s another Runner-Speak body tell that’s not pictured? 3) What are you doing with your fine runner self this Sunday? Runs, races, workouts, let’s hear it! 🙂    

Pi Day the Runner’s Way: Adding a Sweaty Twist to 3.14159

Pi day. It’s nearly over and I’m late to catch on to this Twitter trending holiday but now that I have, how could I not do a post? Confession: in addition to being a running nerd I’m actually not too shabby in the mathematical geekdom. So you could in fact wake me up in the dead of night and I’d be able to rattle off 3.14159in a beat. Lots of people like to make the obvious pie parallel, so I’ll own up to being quite partial to the pumpkin or chocolate-anything variety. So for this oh-so-special Pi Holiday, I’ll share with you a few little tid-bits: * I vividly remember the first time I ran a full 3.1 miles…it was a local fun run and I honestly thought it was an epic distance. Today I’ll be a greedy mile-grubber and hardly want to stop after merely 3 miles! 😉 We all have to start somewhere and then let the running addiction take over. * Technically it is .1 and thus a one hundredTH, but if you’re having a stale run inject some life into those legs with a quick 1 – hundred meter pick-up. Sometimes switching gears will help jolt you out of a ‘meh’ run. * How can you not call to mind that it takes 4perfects laps to create the mile…just make sure that the laps are on an old-school yard track, otherwise if you make four laps around a 400 meter track you better add on those extra 9 meters! 😉 * 1 will be the number of friends I have left after my summer runs, when I’m a drippy salt-streaked mess but get hungry and opt to go get my grub on right away before a shower. Hey, gotta get in there before that crucial 30 Continue Reading →

America’s Next Top Running Shirt Model

Get ready 2014…we’ve got some BIG things coming!!! #artyrunnerchick #runningshirts #sweatsandthecity #bigplans #makeityouryear #runforyourdreams Stay tuned, Runner Friends, I’ve been busily working away on a few exciting projects…I can’t wait to share!! Enjoy the last night of 2013…kiss that old year good-bye and kick it to the curb because a New Year is on the horizon and YOU CAN make it one heck of an awesome ride run! 😉 ——- NEWEST Running shirt!! Runner’s Strip Comic Movie Shorts!! Running MOTIVATION ——- 1) What was a high point of 2013 for you? Moving closer to my sib’s and being with them for the holidays. 2) What is something you’re glad to kick to the curb with 2013? Hopefully stupid leg injuries and being REALLY inflexible. 3) What are you looking forward to in 2014? I’ll quote AM/PM…”too much good stuff” 4) What is a running goal for you this New Year?

Runners, Racing, and Kicking Butt

For runners the weekends usually mean two things: races and long runs. In honor of the first I’ve brought you a little running cartoon. Okay, okay, I’m not suggesting we all become snarky, “I just kicked your butt” runners…or, well maybe I am. How about I want you all to go out there and kick@$$ but let’s keep the majority of the snarky comments in our heads?? Oh, even better, you can bring all your runner snark here and let it out! 😉 Go, run, kick some butt! 🙂 ———- Racing ultimately comes down to an inward battle, it’s a matter of MENTALLY pushing further than what your body is ‘telling’ you it is capable of. HERE, HERE, and HERE are all posts relating to improving your mental toughness. More cartoons and my Runner’s Strip comic HERE! 🙂 ———- 1) Pick a race distance, and where does the real pain start to set in? I’ll pick a 5k…that first mile really is deceptively ‘easy’…second mile you start to feel it, then BAM if you were ‘stupid’ that first mile, you REALLY feel it that third. The last .12 then is lost in a fog of, “Where is that darn finish line?!” 😉 2) If you have a race on Saturday, do you come back with a long run on Sunday? Or how do you work a long run in, if you do? I suggest, depending on how hard the race was, you either do a longer cool-down and make Saturday the double-duty race/long run day. Or if it’s early in the season long run on Sunday after race. 3) What does your running weekend look like?

A One Dimensional Runner?

I’m not shy in saying I’m more than a little obsessed with running. Call me a running nerd, a track geek, miles addicted, endorphin fanatic, four hundred meter track minded…I really don’t care. —– More Runner’s Strip Comics and Cartoons. —– When it comes right down to it, yes, I know I’m a running nerd and I’m more than okay with it. 1) Who will join me in making this a miles inclusive weekend? 2) How has your running side made you feel better just TODAY? Won’t lie, my car is broken, I may have just had my identity stolen, and my car broke before I could get to Chipotle. BUT, I had a really good run this morning so I can’t say the day was a total wash. A saner person would probably be a little more upset than this runnerchick. [PS- Runners are more mentally tough in LIFE too. 🙂 ] 3) How have you been playing with speed and paces lately? Last hard workout, last striders before a race, etc.