Runner’s Strip Cartoon Movie Shorts: “Recess Snack Swap”
Children with runner parents put up with a lot. Mom and Dad head out early for their weekend long runs. Dinnertime table talk could err on the side of TMI compared to other families… “God, I have the WORST chaffage right HERE…” And then there are the runner foods that consume the cupboards. Enter my latest Runner’s Strip Cartoon Movie Shorts: “Recess Snack Swap” Don’t get me wrong, kids that have runner parents are INSANELY lucky. They have role models that show just how much fun exercise and fitness can be, that adopting healthy habits will make you happier and more productive in other areas of life. Kids that watch their parents set and strive for running goals witness first had how powerful hard work and dedication are. But, Mom and Dad, try to keep in mind Chocolate flavored GU’s don’t go for very much on the playground black market. Kids with runner parents are much more likely to become self-motivated and persistent individuals themselves. And hey, if they wind up runners themselves…even better!! #spreadtheaddiction 😉 ——– For more Runner’s Strip Cartoons…go HERE! Posts on runner nutrition…go HERE. ——– 1) What was your favorite snack growing up? Anyone remember Dunkaroos??? 2) what is a go-to snack for you now? 3) If you have kids, do they like any ‘runner foods’?