Running and getting sweaty is tough business…it’s hard work to get out there and consistently kick your own tush. Don’t get me wrong it comes with plenty of rewards, (nothing can beat the feeling of shaking legs and a new PR and the perk of inhaling unholy amounts of sweets isn’t bad either!) but keeping pace with the motivation factor is an ongoing battle.
Sometimes you need to remind yourself WHY you are doing this and that in the end it’s worth it. This is where motivational quotes can really come in handy:
“An athlete who tells you the training is always easy and always fun simply hasn’t been there. Goals can be elusive which makes the difficult journey all the more rewarding.” – Alberto Salazar
“It is true that speed kills. In distance running, it kills anyone who does not have it.” – Brooks Johnson
“Just do it.” – Nike
“Ask yourself: ‘Can I give more?’. The answer is usually: ‘Yes’.” – Paul Tergat
“One thing about racing is that it hurts. You better accept that from the beginning or you’re not going anywhere.” – Bob Kennedy
“Racing teaches us to challenge ourselves. It teaches us to push beyond where we thought we could go. It helps us to find out what we are made of. This is what we do. This is what it’s all about.” – PattiSue Plumer
“We may train or peek for a certain race, but running is a lifetime sport.” – Alberto Salazar
Mantras can also work wonders if you’re in the middle of a race or brutal interval session. They help you zone out…focus on the words, not the pain:
“Stay the course.”
“Smooth and relaxed.”
“I am strong.”
“I got this.”
“I’m better than them.”
“Think of Pop-Tarts.”
Other times though it’s more a matter of self-deception and straight up lying to yourself:
“Only five more minutes” – Reality check is you’ll say this about 6 or 8 times more, maybe more depending on how long the run/workout.
“It’s okay, I don’t really feel it today, I’ll just do a mile and see how I feel from there.” – Reality check usually after that initial mile of blah you get into the run and keep on rolling.
“Last one.” – Reality check, you might be saying this as early as your second repeat…it’s okay, keep lying and repeating.
“That really didn’t hurt THAT bad.” – Reality check…the race/run/workout probably did but you have to force yourself to block out just how bad it was to a degree so that you keep going back for more. I’ll liken it to a lady who just popped out a kid; I’m sure she has to forget how not fun that was in order to feel compelled to maybe have another. 😉
The truth is, running and being consistent takes a lot of motivation and in the end it has to come from within. Self-motivation and dedication isn’t something you can necessarily teach or force someone into…you either have it or you have to learn it yourself over time. Sometimes it takes quotes, mantras, and lies…but it gets the job done!
The winner for the BIC Bands giveaway:
So Dana, glad you found my blog, email me and I’ll get you your bands! 🙂
1) What are some of the things that help you stay motivated either to get out for a run if you’re not exactly feeling it or in the middle of a tough run or race?
2) What are some of your favorite quotes or mantras?
3) What lies do you tell yourself?