A Comic for Runners – Runner’s Strip: Twitter Addict

twitter cartoon

This one goes out to all you social media update-a-holics. 😉

In case you missed our first Runner’s Strip Comic and other fun cartoons, catch up HERE!

1) Do you use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, DailyMile or any other types of social media sites?
Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest…do feel free to follow me. 😉

2) Which sites do you use the most and how often do you update?
Facebook…such a time sucker! But I’m not one who updates every hour and goes crazy.

3) Do you find it hard to fall asleep the night before a big race or workout?
Nerves and excitement have a way of doing that to everyone, and I once heard that it’s the night before the night prior to your big race that really matters how much sleep you get…if you can make sense of that. Pretty much count on being a little antsy pre-race night so be extra diligent in the snooze department two nights out. 😉

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A Quick Comic for Runners- Runner’s Strip: Marathon Dad

Happy Sunday to all! What does Sunday mean? Well, if you answered chocolate chip pancakes and comics then at least I can deliver on one. I’m introducing my own quick little comic strip, Runner’s Strip, here for you guys that I hope you enjoy.
running comic
(Click Image for closer view)

If you’d like to check out a few other running related cartoons of posts past, feel free to revisit our Running Super Heros: The Kankled Avenger, The Cranky Hamstring, PreMONTaine, and Texas Girl, and

Happy runnings peeps, and here’s to devouring all the food in the house! 🙂

1) Do you often find you’ve got a belly that’s a beast and refuses to be satisfied? After which kinds of workouts do you tend to feel the hungriest after?
My stomach usually works on a bit of a lag time, right after hard workouts I’m not hungry but then later in the day it kicks in.

2) What’s your favorite pick for refuel?
Depends…I make sure to get in my ‘healified’ quota and then allow the treats to follow. 🙂

3) Food braggage…let’s hear it folks…tales of tables past. Your Runner vs. Food accomplishment so to speak.
I’m not entirely ashamed to admit I have eaten whole pizzas, a couple boxes of Pop-Tarts, and an Entemann’s coffee cake on various occasions…not all at once, different times. Not that I recommend it as nutritionally sound…

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Eating the Heart Out of Life: Digging for Positives and WHY the Journey is Worth it to You

How do you ‘eat the heart out’ of life? How do you celebrate the positives in life? Cherish even the little, fleeting moments, soak up what the moment may bring, and savor the deliciousness of what makes you smile?
eating cotton candy
Sometimes we can all get stuck in the hustle and madness that is our day to day schedule and blitz through a day without really even having ‘lived’ it…or sat down for that matter.

It’s also easy to get stuck going through the motions; sometimes it’s because you’re not exactly loving whatever it is you HAVE to do and going on auto-pilot is much easier. Hey, not everything we do in life we look forward to…we all have to scoop the dog poop one way or the other so to speak.

This happens in training too…the vast majority of those miles and workouts are not going to be filled with rainbows and sunshine. Unicorns won’t be frolicking around and shooting stars out of their behinds in your wake. Not every race will bring a PR…not every long run will go to plan.

But we don’t just run for the good times, because if you did that you might only run once or twice a year. You run for the quest of those ‘good times’…you keep putting money in the bank for the days you can then make a withdrawal. You stick to the path for the journey because even in those crappy runs there is the nugget of accomplishment when you are at least done and you put in work. Then, you REALLY should soak up those fantastic ‘ups’ and successes when they come…you worked hard for them!

eating ice cream

A vat of ice cream could be in order after a FAT PR!! 🙂

But I think it’s important to remember that regardless of what you’re going through, where you are, there ARE positives. It may take some thinking at times, and during these times it may call for just going outside, turning your head to the sunlight and forcing a smile.

FORCED smiling, forced laughter can even feel good…liberating…and turn into a real smile…if even for a fleeting moment. And if that still doesn’t quite do the trick, try thinking back to something in childhood that made you smile…and if it’s taking a huge bite out of cotton candy…then by all means, indulge yourself.

1) How do you eat the heart out of life? If it’s tough to force a smile in the moment, what’s one way you make yourself remember how?
Usually thinking of my family or things I loved as a kid…Disney movies are always a sure fire way to time warp me back to an 8 year old me!

2) In training, what’s the ratio of the days you feel ‘great’ compared to the ‘not-so-awesome-but-it’s-done’?
Depends where I’m at…but have to say the ratio gets skewed when you’re only cross-training!! Haha.

3) Why is all the training time meaningful or ‘worth it’ to you? Is it PR’s, so you can eat like a runner, so you can be faster than your husband, because it keeps you sane???
The last one for sure! 🙂

4) Last thing that made you smile?
I was telling a story and my brother interjected this side comment that totally made my day…he didn’t even mean to, but it just made me stop and bust out laughing.

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Runners Have Legs For…

legs for miles

Today is short and to the point.

Running gives us oh so many perks in life, be it the physical benefit of a strong body or the mental boost from endorphins. And ya, the high after a PR or gut busting run is hard to beat too!

For all the miles we put in we’re getting plenty back as well. We just gotta work for dem miles!! 😉

1) What’s your favorite physical trait?
My legs.

2) Has your running and exercise impacted why that’s your favorite physical trait?
Yup, because I like them more because of what they are capable of rather than what they actually look like…I mean a kankle on the right side isn’t exactly my FAVORITE looking thing in the world…haha. 😉

3) What’s your best non-physical trait?
Work ethic.

4) Has running impacted or improved that non-phyical trait at all?
I think they are both pretty inter-related.

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Warning: Injured Runners May Bite

angry runner
Today’s post is short and to the point. To all my injured, grumpy runners…it may only be fair to warn those who must coexist among us until we’re back and able to put in the miles. 🙂

1) Best stay happy thought during an injury?
Be grateful I can at least do SOMETHING (ie: cross-train), take it day by day, and know that when I get back to running I’ll appreciate it all the more!

2) Thing you’re most looking forward to this weekend?
Some exciting designing going on in my brain that I’m looking forward to!

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Some Running Motivation…

kara goucher and shalane flanagan

For the next time you feel like skipping your workout.

Yes, you may or may not harbor Olympic aspirations, but all of us have our goals that we are striving towards…stay the course! 🙂

If you’re a fan of mine on Facebook you already got a sneak peek of this poster! So if you’re not liking me yet, you’re missing out. 😉 (Sorry for the overt plug…haha)

1) Did you have a run/workout today? A race? A rest day (which is also part of a training program if it’s what you need!)?

2) What’s one of your favorite motivational quotes, mantra’s, or things you say to yourself when things get tough?

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Quick Crawl Out of the Cave, Running Memories, and Juk

Hey there friends!! I appreciate that you guys haven’t abandoned me while I’m totally lame-o and not being able to comment as much as I want/need to, they say those who don’t leave you during your snotty/poopy pants moments are the keepers!! 🙂

And do know that this whole situation is just plain not gonna fly for this sista so I’m working on it. Back on track here, let’s see, so I really appreciate that feedback I got on the whole training log and the motivational quotes. I do think that for those who use their blog as their training log that is a nice little double-whammy punch, and I think that whatever keeps you accountable is awesome!

In doing this whole thing, (side note, this project has been taking up most of my time for the past days, but I can’t really complain about spending my time surrounded by all things running can I?!?!) I realized that one of the most fun things to do is to go back and reread my old logs. I don’t keep a diary (I have tried many times, but after about a day or two the days become sporadic and drop off into Never Never Land) but a training log I’ve been consistent with for years.

Even when I was a gimpy bum and all I could do was the arm-bike Krankcycle, I still wrote it down. Partly out of habit, but also because I still think that documenting stuff is useful, I did have a ton of rehab shiznit. But every now and again I stumble upon my old log books and I get sucked into reading the days. I laugh, because some workouts or races I remember so vividly, that even though there are no pictures I can see it in my mind.

running picture

Oldie....Photo Credit Bill Leung

I don’t keep photo albums and I don’t scrapbook. Mostly because I really suck at remembering to take my camera wherever I go! But I can write about running/working out all day. The entries aren’t really much more than a line or two, unless it was an AWESOME run/workout for whatever reason, but those two lines are usually enough to document the day, stamp that memory.

I have some really funny moments, a few that still give me that little rush and happy dance feeling, some really sucky ones, and a few that make me cringe still to this day. (TMI warning…ya, altitude also does a number on my gurgly guts, I have a track workout that seriously the recovery was dashes to the bushes on the side.)

So when I find those old suckers it’s my little walk down memory lane.

runner's log cover

Possible Cover Mock-up

Jolting back to the here and now, I’m working on a cover for this sucker, and what the heck I’ll ask for some feedback. This one is for obviously Granite Bay High School, but I’m doing others for different teams/groups, and so that portion will be different.

Actually, because I’ve spent so much time on these, and there really are a lot of articles, tips, quotes, trivia, art, etc. that anyone who is getting into running or starting out might enjoy and benefit from, I’m thinking of offering them up here. If you, or anyone you know, (running teams, groups, and the like), might be interested in purchasing one, drop me a line or leave a comment and we can chit chat. 🙂

joby's juk

Other than that, gosh I’m boring today, so I’ll end with a little cartoon. This one, the story is that my Dad makes this soup called Juk. Does anyone know what that is? I think it’s some kind of either Chinese or Hawaiian soup dish, but he seriously loves this stuff to no end. I don’t like it, but that’s me. But the thing is that to make it u need a turkey carcass, it’s gross but he always asks people for theirs after Thanksgiving. So that’s the story behind this one…oh, and my dad’s name is…duh, Joby. 😉

1) What are some foods that a person in your family is ‘known’ for?

2) How do you ‘walk down memory lane’ if you do it? Photo albums, home movies, diaries, etc…heck, even I see people on Facebook doing it with albums on there!

3) How do you know a friend is a keeper?

It’s totally true, it’s the people who are there with the sh** starts to fly!

4) Would love some constructive crit over the cover…tear it to shreds peeps! 😉

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To Yogurtopia We Go — Part III where all things get tied up in a nice little, sugary licorice bow

*****Here is the ending to our fine fairy tale, but in case you need to be caught up, check out Part I and Part II, there are also some pictures of our lovely ladies that even if you’ve seen already are still worth a second glance at…unless of course you’re some pervy old man. 😉

Cait was about to go on and list the rest of the array of flavors when suddenly from the top of the peanut butter flavored yogurt serving vat sprang up a person!

“What is the…?!” Vanessa couldn’t even finish her thought on that one.

“Hey there, Julie!” Cait nonchalantly greeted the woman licking peanut butter fro-yo off her…well, everywhere. Apparently this was just business as usual at Yogurtopia.

peanut butter fingers julie

“Thanks for letting me take a dip, I think I’ve just about satisfied my craving,” Peanut Butter Fingers Julie replied, a big smile on her face. Amazingly her hair had somehow managed to avoid getting fro-yo-fied and fell in loose waves around her shoulders; the runners also noticed that PB Julie certainly had some wicked fashion sense.

“I’ve gotta check out what kind of shoes that girl’s wearing,” Katy muttered under her breath, for only a split second distracted from the Biebs, but just as fast turned her attention right back to him.

katy and the biebs

“I have the peanut butter chips and chocolate chips on hand if you’d like me to toss a few in?” Cait continued addressing Julie.

“I think I’m good, for now,” Julie had emerged and worked her way to the counter and group of runners. “Hi, I’m Julie, nice to meet you all!”

“Hey,” SkinnyRunner was the first to speak, “I like your dress.”

“Thanks a bunch,” Julie replied and then from out of the chocolate fro-yo vat a dog suddenly popped up, leaped out of the vat and in a second was at Julie’s side licking the sweet treat from the tip of it’s nose. “And this is Sadie! I promised her a walk, so I’ve got to get going, but it’s been great meeting you all!” Julie smiled and with that the pair walked out of Yougurtopia.

“She’s a regular,” Cait turned back to the runners. “Don’t worry, we take care of our vats so that you can always take a hop into them if your bowls just aren’t quite big enough. Feel free to let me know if any of you would like jump in.”

“Ya I would, but I wouldn’t be so hip on all those freaking calories,” SkinnyRunner said what all of them were thinking.

“Oh, don’t even worry about any of that, all the calories in everything here have been sucked out. Actually, this stuff is all Leanne Rimes has been eating lately,” Cait answered back.

“Where do all the calories go?” Julia asked the obvious.

“Well, it varies,” Cait explained, “we have a calorie shunt that sucks them out, but they do have to go somewhere so we pick a ‘worthy’ person to donate them too. Right now we’ve managed to wrangle up Bentley…”

“THE Bentley from The Bachelorette?!” Margs shouted in most apparent glee. Actually, all of the women smiled at that and even Riley barked in approval.

“The one and only,” Cait smiled back. “We have our guests nominate people they feel are worthy calorie recipients and then everyone votes on them. Over there behind the bus we have the ballots, so be sure to cast your votes for the next candidate on your way out.”

“So can I board the mix-in bus now?” Hungry Runner Girl asked, unable to wait a moment longer…mix-in’s were of course her favorite.

“You got it! Load those bowls up and let me know if there is anything else I can do for you. The bus really has anything in the world you can imagine, so pop over to the spigots, fill up on the fro-yo and get to scooping!” Cait could barely finish before all runners were off in fro-yo fueled mayhem.
julia and riley

By the time they were done the yogurt spigots had been through a beating, the mix-in bus abused, and everything inside Yogurtopia was bathed in excitement. “I can tell you that’s the best bus I’ve even been on, and that’s saying a lot, I’ve accompanied students on plenty of field trips,” Hungry Runner Girl professed as they all collected around one of the tables.

“So you finally decided to join us?” Christina asked as Katy took a seat to her right.

“Well, he said something about Selena not being all too thrilled having to finish up her fro-yo with me sitting on her boyfriend’s lap,” Katy replied with more than a hint of disappointment in her voice. “They also had to go because he’s got a concert to get ready for…but look who scored tickets…this girl!!”

“Do you guys mind if I take a seat?” from behind the runners a sweet voice rang. “My name is Emma, I hope it’s okay, but since I take it you guys are big running fans, I’d love to meet you.”
sweet tooth runner emma

“But of course!” Vanessa warmly greeted, some of that Southern Georgia charm obviously rubbing off on her.

“Thanks,” Emma smiled and took a seat. “Is this your guys’ first time to Yogurtopia? It’s mine, I live in another kingdom but I’m seriously considering on moving! This place is like heaven!”

“Ya it is,” Margs agreed between bites.

“I’m glad it’s all you could imagine,” Christina replied with a shy grin on her face, “it’s what I dreamed up, and I’m happy you like The Athletarian Kingdom so much.”

“Wait, are you the princess?” Emma exclaimed.

“Ya she is!” Katy touted.

“I also hear you’ve got an obsession with oats, is that true?” Emma’s excited raised up another couple of notches if that was possible.

“Oh, Oatmania, I went there yesterday for breakfast!” Christina returned and then continued, “and lunch…and maybe a snack too.” She finished with a laugh.

“I’m obsessed with my oats too!” Emma shouted before raising a shovel-sized-spoon to her lips. After a lick she went on, “There’s no better way to refuel after putting Betty through a beating…”

“Betty through a beating?” SkinnyRunner asked a little alarmed.

“Oh, Betty,” Emma laughed, “that’s the name of my treadmill, sorry, I should have clarified that one!”

“Gotcha,” SkinnyRunner said before getting up to visit the mix-in bus again.

“The only day I don’t eat oats for breakfast is on Sundays when I have pancakes. But even then I usually work a serving or two, or three in during the rest of the day,” explained Emma.

And so, our band of runners had made it to Yogurtopia and we leave them to polish off whatever they can fit into their bellies. And after SkinnyRunner’s report of 16.83 miles that certainly calls for plenty of fro-yo and mix-ins! We’ll leave them to their treats, but as we do we will catch one last glimpse of each fabulous character in our story.
the faster bunny margs

Margs laughing just a wee bit maliciously as she stands in front of the now morbidly, overly-obese Bentley tied to a pole. As she spoons more fro-yo into her mouth she watches his ever-expanding waistline get bigger and bigger.

SkinnyRunner, upon her trip to the mix-in bus, met up with Leanne where she told her that if there was ever someone who should be sporting a SkinnyRunner shirt it would be her waifish self. Leanne agreed, forked over the dough, and joined the masses of other runners donning said shirts.

Julia made her way to the chocolate spigot where Riley had been furiously licking since they’d gotten there. She pet the little guy on the head and sat down next to him to eat the rest of her fro-yo. She pulled out her phone and between bites decided this place was just too good of a place for her sister, Jenn, to miss out on. Never fear, Jenn would come running right away and be there shortly.

Katy caught up on eating the amount of fro-yo that she missed out on thanks to her Bieber distraction, doing so only while staring fixidly at the tickets in front of her. A bit of fro-yo happened to land unnoticed on her shirt but it hardly broke her gaze; still, she looked as fashionably glamorous as always. Later, when she did realize the drop she thought to herself that maybe it would then give her the perfect excuse to just ask Justin for his shirt.
gourmet runner vanessa

Vanessa’s stove woes had long ago drifted from her mind. She relished every spoonful of fro-yo and decided that her house hadn’t yet been perfect, but she knew exactly how to take care of that. She’d merely ask Cait for an extra fro-yo spigot and some mix-in bins…she had a spare room that had yet to be furnished, and who really needed another guest bedroom?

Hungry Runner Girl had been able to put away the most mix-in’s, even making up a new ideal ratio of mix-in’s to fro-yo in her head. This would be posted later on her blog as well as the new record number of Swedish Fish consumed. Her husband Billy would be proud, the doctors just as proud that she was able to someone manage to avoid a sugar induced coma. No doubt it was due to years of building up a tolerance.

Christina of course welcomed the newest member to her Kingdom. She thought back fondly of Dream…err, Dean at the palace and decided that perhaps after she got back they would go to the park. No one was ever too old to enjoy a swing on the swings! Maybe she’d challenge him to a push-up contest, she’d been getting crazy strong these days and been busting them out like a champ.

Emma was just as excited to join The Athletarain Kingdom and was already making plans to have Betty shipped out ASAP. She made Christina promise to take her to Oatsmania first thing in the morning, of course she also made her promise the two would go on a run together. Come Sunday Emma would cook everyone chocolate chip pancakes…don’t worry, they’d be vegan. 🙂

Peanut Butter Fingers Julie had taken Sadie on that nice, long walk. They actually made their way to the lake and noticed the oven halfway in and out of the water. Julie smiled as it seemed that some baby swans had decided to make a jungle gym out of the evil appliance. Julie also grinned because the sight of the oven suddenly inspired her with the perfect dinner recipe she’d fix that night. Said dinner would of course be written up, photographed, and documented so all could enjoy. Sadie barked.

Cait, well, Cait was just happy she could spend yet another day in Yogurtpia. She always loved seeing who would stop by. Today was especially nice though, and she hoped all of these fine ladies would stop by again soon.

Thank you for getting your fill at the one and only Yogurtopia.

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To Yogurtopia We Go — Part II

When we last left our band of runners, they numbered in six…well six humatoids and one furry friend! They were well on their way to making it to Yogurtopia and already were salivating over thoughts of choosing their mix-ins.

“They’ll have Swedish Fish there, won’t they?” Hungry Runner Girl asked, just a hint of concern in her voice.

“Of course they will! This is my dream kingdom and being as such I wouldn’t imagine Yogurtopia any other way…don’t you worry!” Christina assured her sugar-crazed friend. “They’ve got anything you can imagine: fruits, all things chocolate, nuts if you please, peppermints for your pleasure, cereal for crunch, granola…well, you get the picture,” she finished off with a laugh.

“Awesome! Can’t wait to load that puppy up, but I’ll definitely be passing on the Whoppers,” quipped Hungry Runner Girl.

“Hey, do you mind if we stop at the lake to let Riley get a drink?” asked Julia as they neared glistening blue waters. By this point they had ventured out of the urbanscape of Athletarian Kingdom and were getting far into the country.

“What in the jank is going on over there?” SkinnyRunner exclaimed. All the harriers turned towards the direction she was pointing and low and behold there was a petite woman hucking what seemed to be an oven into the lake.

The runners all dashed towards the woman and as they neared they could make out what she was saying, “You darn thing, I waited ALL this time to get this house perfect, you included, and this is how you repay me?! I’m done with you!”

“What’s going on over here?” asked Katy.

“Oh,” this mighty pretty woman replied startled, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know anyone else was here. My name’s Vanessa, and this stove has been working my last nerve! It’s suddenly given out and I’ve waited so long, wanted my new house to be perfect, and I love cooking…and…and…”

“It’s okay,” Katy moved to embrace the obviously shaken Vanessa, “stoves can suck it. But don’t waste any more time with it, we’re off in search of a much cooler treat. We’re going to Yogurtopia, you in?”

“That would be amazing!” Vanessa instantly replied, a smile working its way to her face, “Thank you so much!” And they were off, with another member in tow and the dilapidated oven disappearing in the distance. Well, after Riley was able to get his drink that is.

“At flipping LAST!” Margs shouted as finally the glorious sight of Yogurtopia appeared before them.

“Yup, another 16.84 miles in for the day. Rolling hills, no music,” SkinnyRunner succinctly summed up the run.

“Epic,” was the only word Christina needed to say and a with that, there was a collective nodding of heads from everyone else…even the pooch.

Hungry Runner Girl was the first to break the trance, the rumble in her stomach broke the silence and she lunged for the door. The second that it opened all seven of them were bathed with the cool breeze of euphoric yogurt bliss. From there it was a stampede of feet, paws, and Garmins; they dashed to the counter and were greeted with a chipper, “Hey there, welcome to Yogurtopia, my name is Cait, what can we get you guys today?” Cait’s smile was way too big for her face and she spoke so fast it sounded like a chipmunk on crack, but she was genuinely friendly and they forgave her.

“Holy smokes, look at this place,” Margs couldn’t help but say in utter awe. There were spigots lining the walls and there wasn’t just a toppings bar but a topping bus. The bus lined the entire left side of the place, with offerings in trough sized containers under each window…the expanse of Yogurtopia was indescribable. But to these runners it was akin to a teenage boy’s fantasies of the Playboy Mansion.

“Holy sh**, it’s the freakin Biebs!” Katy screamed at a decibel level that probably only Riley’s ears could pick up. She full on rocketed towards the mini-mogul with perfect hair and nearly toppled him over.

“Umm, she’ll be getting her yogurt after she collects herself a bit,” Christina laughed.

“That’s fine,” Cait continued from behind the counter, “here at Yogurtopia you’re free to do, eat, and be as you please. How it works is I’ll give you these bowls,” she slid across the counter not bowls, but rather containers that looked like buckets with bright pink spoons that could double as shovels. “Actually, we also offer bowls that come with waffle cones inside if you please, some are dipped in chocolate and have sprinkles or nuts on them. So let me know if you’d like any of those.”

The group was in stunned silence and could only nod ‘yes’ as their answer as ginormous waffle cones were slid into the bowls. “Alright well, from there it’s pretty self explanatory. The spigots on this side dish out the yogurt, we have really every flavor you could imagine: chocolate, vanilla, choc-vanilla swirl, strawberry, mint, berry bliss, peanut butter…”

DUM-DUM-DUM….come back next time for Part III!! And more pix of our new favorite fairy tale characters! 🙂

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Kiss My June-bug Good-bye and Drawing in the Morn

Dang, I can’t believe we’ve already wrapped ourselves around to another Friday! I have some crazy sleep issues, so I was up super early and cranked out a few miles on the good old tready. A bit over 8.5 to be more precise and while I was captain sluggy sweat I did my core and abs.

I always feel better working out in the morning. I’m the girl who likes to roll out of bed, into the shoes, and get things moving. Well, that is after I dally around for about 20 mins on the computer to give my nice little intestines some time to work things through if you know what I mean. Gotta have a little time before, nothing worst than pinching those buns for dear life while on your run.

Okay, nice TMI to start your morning. So after that I was in a sort of drawing mood; I usually like to have some kind of image or inspiration in mind when I set out to sketch, but I was thinking and Google imaging around and nothing really leaped out at me. Still, I was heck-bent on doing something. I had looked at random pictures for too long hoping to come up with an idea to then not come up with something; sort of like going past the point of no return. Or sitting through a movie and even though it’s bad you make yourself sit through it because you’ve already wasted over an hour and you might as well just finish it off.

Actually, I’ve never gotten up and left a movie theater…probably more because I’m way cheap and if I’m paying that much I’m going to see the whole dang thing. But I know some people who walk out regularly, I guess their time is worth more than the ticket price. Do you do that, leave a movie if it sucks? How sucky does it have to get for you to pull out?

The same goes for workouts I guess too. Days when you’re really not feeling it or maybe don’t even want to start…we all get ’em. Usually to get my butt moving I tell myself I’ll just start and if 5 minutes rolls by and I want to stop, okay. I know it’s a lie going in but eh, it gets the ball rolling and once 5 minutes passes I either feel fine or tell myself just to do 5 minutes more, etc. until I end up doing what I had intended. All about those lies…baby!

Well, nice little tangents I’m going on today. Well, since I don’t walk out of movies and I wanted to draw something I did. Not sold on how much I like any of it, but we all have those quasi-star movies and thus quasi-star showings of ourselves.

I’m a bit of a perfectionist and sometimes that can bite me in the butt. If I don’t like how something is turning out I can spend way too much time on details, certain details that is a good thing but on other really minor things, sometimes I just have to tell myself to stop. If I don’t I’ll never finish anything.

But distinguishing which details are minor enough to foggeddabout can be tough. Also, I don’t like showing things that are sucky, but I’ll go out on a limb and try to let that go too. We all have a spectrum of stuff we do…the things we really love and are proud of, the ones we hate, and then tons of stuff that in the middle. So be it. Live and let be.

So I’ll show what I came up with, also out of laziness on my part because I’m out of things to write. Bwahaha. Be warned because I HATE doing faces and really suck at them. I’m working on that, but it’s a weakness I’m trying to get better at. The eyes always look kinda freaky-weaky.

Here’s the sketches I was doodling away on. I sometimes like the loose sketch lines better than the finished ones because sometimes the harsh lines look too neat/clean/naked to me.

Trying to go for a little ‘Game Face’ thing on the side. Oh, you like my classy binder paper?

Supposed to be a runner tired after a race/interval but it turned out that like kid in The Ring.

Here’s the end result of one of the sketches. Hate her face, but watevs.

The other finished one of the running silhouette.

And that’s all for me today!! If you haven’t read up the latest Fairy Tale that is sure to be turned into the next Disney feature film, do take a gander…it’s got running, fro-yo and dare I say a pretty kick@$$ cast! 🙂

1) We kicked June to the curb, what’s on tap for your July?

Actually something pretty big for me but I’m gonna wait and share later. Sorry, I’m lame like that.

2) Bad movies, bad meals, bad dates? Do you walk out, not finish, climb out the bathroom window or do you force it through to the end? Also, if you have a really awesome bad date (or anything I guess) anecdote do share!

2) Do you have trouble distinguishing which details are too minor to sweat from the ones that really matter?

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