Run-Arta-Gram: An arty brain game for runners

These days it aren’t just our feet that are running like crazy, the whole world runs at about a mile a minute. Peoples’ attention spans are fittingly just as blitzy, it’s no wonder social media sites like Twitter and Instagram are so popular. In T-minus 2 seconds you GET THE POINT.

In keeping with short, to.the.point nature I’d like to test out a new theme for some of my posts here. I got the inspiration HERE from an artist, Maria Fabrizio, who takes current news stories then creates an image for viewers in what she calls ‘Wordless News’. I loved how she explained many of her subscribers enjoyed the ‘figure it out’ part, a little brain game to see if you’re hip to the latest news tidbit.

Clearly most of the news I’m reading is running or fitness related, and I’ve no desire to rip her ingenious idea off completely, her work is amazing. But I think it would be a neat creative and artistic stretch for myself to cut out the words and see if I can’t provoke in my readers a similar mind puzzle in grasping the concept. I’ll call it a Run-Arta-Gram Challenge; every picture will be related to running, fitness, and health either news or a tip. Below each image will be a link to the news headline or article I got the inspiration from. Without further wordage…the first Run-Arta-Gram:

the marshmallow test
Article Inspiration: NY Times

Runner’s Strip Animation: Where ‘Normal World’ and ‘Runner World’ Intersect

There’s ‘Normal People World’ and ‘Runner World’…but the best place is where they intersect.

running animation

Running is a special sport because you could be 1-foot or 7-feet, 3 lbs or 300 lbs, not have a lick of coordination, but if you put in the work and are motivated you WILL improve. That’s it. Of course that motivation part is what defines the sport and no amount of good genes can make up for a lacking there.

On the flip side that’s what makes running even more fun and exciting…it’s the MENTAL factor. That gamer-trait and tough as dirt runner spirit are what makes those stories of triumph, the inspiration the breeds motivation in others, and thus makes a nice little circle. It’s the circle of (runner) life?? 😉

And let’s be honest, the ‘Real World’ can get downright stressful, glum, and hum-drum at times…so it’s always refreshing to be able to escape, if for only a short bit, into ‘Runner World’.

Run. Smile. Live.

More Runner’s Strip Cartoon Animation Shorts HERE!!

Post on the METNAL factor of running HERE

1) What does your ‘strip’ to runner world look like? Do you have to wear a certain uniform to work/school, or do you try to get away with wearing runner clothes as often as possible?
Ummm…take a guess?
2) What’s one genetic trait that you may be lacking in but doesn’t matter in ‘Runner World’?
No coordination. Like negative 200. But I can turn left and run straight!
3) What’s something that inspired or motivated you recently?
My dad. He used to run casually but now he’s running ultra’s.

Running: You wanted honest

Running can be your most simple relationship if you let it. It will give you the truth, even on days when the truth hurts. But other days the truth is SO awesome you have to stare at the watch a few times just to make sure it’s actually THAT awesome.

running is honest

So let your relationship with running stay simple. Don’t let your head over-complicate things. Don’t fight it, relax to run fast. Don’t doubt, don’t believe your brain when it says “this hurts…I’m done.”

Running. Can you handle THAT much honest?? 😉

Tips on keeping your brain from making things too complicated:
Dealing With Pre-Race Nerves
Bad Workouts and Races
Stay Relaxed to Run Faster
Burned Out? Get the passion back.

1) How do you keep your running relationship simple and healthy.
Biggest tip is to just remember you love it and have fun with it. Don’t lose the fun part.
2) How do you manage your pre-race nerves?
3) How do you make sure not to ‘fight it’ when you want to run faster?

Full Holiday Onslaught: Cartoon Style

Just in case you haven’t reached your maximum capacity for the Holiday Spirit…you know us runners always have to err on the side of excessive. “Not quite totally maxed out yet? Welp, we know what to do!” So I’ve got a couple more holiday cartoons for you. Or COURSE, I’m wishing you, your running shoes, and all your family and friends my best!!
politically correct holiday card

gingerbread man running
…unless you’re on the receiving end of some grievances. In which case, hang in there. 😉

More Comics and Cartoons HERE!!

1) What Holidays are you celebrating?
2) What foods are you currently OD’ing on?
3) If your family had a race for the last gingerbread man…who would win? Be honest.
Probably my bro. He’s got all the fast-twitch.

Got Legs? Run…because being stuck with fins would suck

Sorry, Ariel, nothing quite compares to running.
running princesses
Nope, nothing like the special kind of endorphins only running can supply!! Motivation lulls happen to the best of us so in those times, take these thoughts as reason to put those two legs of your to work think of this:

1) I ALWAYS feel better when I’m done.
2) Is the runner guilt of skipping my run worth it?
3) I’ve got goals I’m working towards…consistency is the ‘secret’ to getting better and faster!
4) I’m lucky I’m not injured and ABLE to run!! Don’t take your running for granted.
5) If I start, I can dream about the cake and chocolate chip pancakes I’ll come back to. 😉

Now, if you’re injured and need some motivation to plug away at your rehab and cross-training:

* I WILL heal. And when I do I won’t take my running for granted. I’m going to do the work now so my transition back to running will that much better!

Unless you are stuck with fins, My Friends, take advantage of those runner legs! 😉

1) What is something you tell yourself to give you a kick of motivation when you need it?
2) What is your go-to cross-training when you cant run?
The elliptical
3) Do you like to swim?
Nope, hate the water. If I’m injured and in the pool it’s like the double-dipping of p*ssed-off runner ‘tude. 😉

Runner’s Strip Cartoon Movie Shorts: “Cold Weather Running”

I love running, but what I DON’T love is running in the cold. Truthfully, I don’t harbor ANY fantasies for a white Christmas (or any day for that matter) for the sheer fact that running outside in the snow, in the cold, in the windy, etc. is not cool. Winter is pretty in a snow globe when when you’re a runner actually out there in that flurry…it aint pretty.

When winter comes around, I layer up, and then do all I can to manage the nose situation…
I present my latest Runner’s Strip Cartoon Movie Short: “Cold Weather Running”

runners strip winter running
I hope you’re packing tissues or hands are as fleet as your runner feet! 😉

Winter Weather Running tips HERE!
More Runner’s Strip Cartoons HERE!

1) Would you rather run in the cold or the heat?
2) How do you stay warm and safe during winter?
3) Do you enjoy your white winters if you live in a state that typically gets them?

Runner’s Strip Cartoon Movie Shorts: “Recess Snack Swap”

Children with runner parents put up with a lot. Mom and Dad head out early for their weekend long runs. Dinnertime table talk could err on the side of TMI compared to other families…
“God, I have the WORST chaffage right HERE…”
And then there are the runner foods that consume the cupboards.

Enter my latest Runner’s Strip Cartoon Movie Shorts: “Recess Snack Swap”
runners strip cartoon recess snack swap
Don’t get me wrong, kids that have runner parents are INSANELY lucky. They have role models that show just how much fun exercise and fitness can be, that adopting healthy habits will make you happier and more productive in other areas of life. Kids that watch their parents set and strive for running goals witness first had how powerful hard work and dedication are. But, Mom and Dad, try to keep in mind Chocolate flavored GU’s don’t go for very much on the playground black market.

Kids with runner parents are much more likely to become self-motivated and persistent individuals themselves. And hey, if they wind up runners themselves…even better!! #spreadtheaddiction 😉
For more Runner’s Strip Cartoons…go HERE!

Posts on runner nutrition…go HERE.

1) What was your favorite snack growing up?
Anyone remember Dunkaroos???
2) what is a go-to snack for you now?
3) If you have kids, do they like any ‘runner foods’?

Runner’s Strip Cartoon Movie Shorts: “A Runner’s Mid-Workout Mental Twitter”

Running a hard workout or race takes a LOT of lying to yourself.
“I SWEAR it’s the last repeat!”
“Just make it ONE more mile…”
“I promise it won’t hurt THAT much.”

Hey, if it takes a little self-deception to push through to the end, then so be it, right?!
My latest Runner’s Strip Movie Short: “A Runner’s Mid-Workout Mental Twitter”
[Here is the embedded version to give you a preview but it’s tough to read…click link BELOW to view larger.]

Twitter Movie
Here’s to all those lies that get us through the runs, workouts, and races!!
Posts on RACE TIPS
More Runner’s Strip!
1) Share a bit of mental Twitter Chatter you might have mid-workout.
2) Do you share about your running on social media sites? Which ones?
3) Best trick that you use to stay mentally tough?

Runner’s Strip Movie Shorts: Episode 2: ‘Runner’s Right of Way’

Every runner has been there. They’re just running along, not taking up too much space on the sidewalk, when BAM…they meet the sidewalk hog!!! Walkers going five wide, a dog-owner with about 200 feet of leash slack, packs of people paying no attention to the fact that you, a runner, are in fact trying to pass through.

I hope you enjoy my latest Runner’s Strip Cartoon Movie Short:

runner's right of way movie

May all your running paths be unimpeded…but if not…

In case you missed my FIRST Runner’s Strip Cartoon Moving Short, you can find it HERE.

Got a race coming up? Race tips HERE.

Stuck in a ‘meh’ mood? Get a kick in the running motivation pants HERE.

1) Do you try to say something if you’re coming up on people from behind?
I try the loud cough first.
2) Ever been full on tripped by some sidewalk hogs?
3) When the tables are turned, if you’re walking your dog or something are you mindful of other runners?
Yuppers. 🙂

My First Running Cartoon Episode 1: “The Morning Run”

I’m aiming to corner the market for running Saturday morning cartoons. Well, not quite. But I DO have my first actual animation for you guys. This goes out to all those crazy, up-before-the-rest-of-the-world morning runners. Hey, gotta do what we gotta do!

morning run movie

1) What time do you usually run?
2) What’s the earliest you’ve gotten up to get your run on?